
UnOrdinary X MHA: UnOrthodox

After their fight, John decided to end it once and for all. Only to back out at the last second, but life has other plans for him. And now, he finds himself in another world as the concept of 'Hero' is accepted by the society. Will he be able to adapt at the sudden change of environment? Or will he bring the knowledge he learned on his world to this?

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14 Chs

New Environment (3)

[John's POV]

I don't know what to say but... Things that started bad now became even worser than it supposed to be.


[Few hours ago...]

I found out that I was in the hospital for 3 days, and so the most obvious thing I did was to be shocked by the news. After learning about it, I asked if there's any telephone I could use so I could dial someone and they directed me to it.

I am fortunate enough to encounter someone who speaks English because I actually did end up not just in another world — for now I'll assume so — but I also end up in another country. So yeah. Fortune bless the bold.

I quickly press down the numbers to my Dad's telephone, hoping that he quickly answers back. The phone rings as it dialed the number whilst I wait.

Yes, I know calling my dad is useless since I did just came to another world but if he answers, then that will disprove my theory and prove that I only actually ended up to another country, which I don't know how, but I did.

Several seconds passed as I wait for my dad to answer on the other end, the anticipation was itching me as I couldn't hold myself back. I had so much to say, how he was right all along and how stupid I was for doing it at the first place.

Words couldn't fathom my excitement as I finally heard the phone clicked meaning he took the call.

But before I could speak, an unknown voice spoke from the other end.

My heart drops, it wasn't my dad that answered the call, it was some random person.

The person on the other end greets and introduce herself. She asks who I was and what was I calling for.

I could only express my apologies as I said to her, "I'm sorry. I got the wrong number."

To which she then chuckled as she says it's fine and it happens to all of us. She hanged up the phone while I kept mine in my hand.

I was strucked... By helplessness and unfamiliarity. I truly am now living from an another world.

I was sure that I put the numbers down correctly because I press the numbers slowly.

I wasn't rushing it, in fact, I made sure the numbers I pressed are the right ones so I could call my dad, only to end up calling a random.

Placing the telephone back to where it supposed to be, I silently return to my room. I found myself lying on the bed while I stare at the ceiling and try to comprehend the new information I have got.

This time, I'm actually right. I really did end up to another world. I have mentioned this many times, but yes, I really did. And now basically, I am someone with no records at all. I am now currently an unknown in this world.

No pictures of myself, history, achievements, or anything that can prove my existence. Nothing at all.

And I'm sure that All Might has already started his investigation about me.

Guess I'll be reprimand by the officials for now.


Few days later of staying, All Might once again returned – while in his Hero form – but this time, he brought along a new fresh set of clothes for me. Judging by the look of his face, I could tell he's still wary of me but I don't know what are the other things I can feel from him.

Was it pity? Understanding? Or something else entirely?

Whatever it is, the tension between us compared to before is breathable. I guess there's progress but I can't drop my guard down just yet.

He then walked up to me as he gently placed down his shoulder, "You look better now."

Raising my eyebrow, I scrutinize him at his sudden change of attitude, but I could tell it's genuine. Maybe what I just said back then is what made him wary of me.

But who knows? Maybe this is all just an act.

He then added, "Although you're now finally getting out of here, I apologize for this sudden news, but I need you to be somewhere right now." His tone was gentle and caring, somewhat, but also authoritative.

I replied by nodding my head, already expecting it.

After finishing dressing up, we left the room and I let him guide me throughout the hospital as we walk down.

Awe, admiration, glee, or anything positive that describes the scene I'm seeing. Kids and adults were happy to see All Might, taking pictures of him along with their family, autographs on their paper or action figures, and him giving an inspiration speech for the patients there.

It's the first time I have witnessed this kind of scene. Stuff like this is what I've read from the book, UnOrdinary.

If dad was seeing this, what will be his reaction? Seeing a superhero protecting the weak, just like what he envision for his book, and to me. I bet he'll be crying out of joy.

It didn't take long until we finally left the hospital. It's the first time that I have finally set foot to this new world that I now lived in. I took a long breathe as I enjoyed the soft caress of the wind as it gently sway my hair.

"How are you feeling?" Asked All Might besides me. It took me for a moment to answer his question as I savor the feeling.

"Just glad... I guess." Is what I could come up with. He smiles at the answer as we both walk towards to our destination.

He didn't used a car to pick me up, he said that it's nice to use our feet to explore every now and then. "Besides, you've been in the hospital for a few days. You need a bit of exercise." He added.

I find myself agreeing to the man – a very skinny man – as we walk along the side walk. I don't know when did he turn off his ability but I guess he doesn't used it when he's in public. After all, it always took a toll on him, maybe he only used it in the hospital to incite inspiration towards them.

Truly what you call a 'Hero'.

While we walk, I saw many things about this world. First is the people. Countless of them with unique abilities even those with the common ones. What made me shocked the most are the ones with absurdity on their bodies.

It's like their ability fused with their body, changing the anatomy of it so it could fit to theirs.

"Why are you surprised? It's pretty common you know. You act as if you ended up in another world." All Might chuckled besides me, I was left silent seeing how weird I was acting.

"I'm not surprised," I said, denying him, "I'm just looking, that's all."

I mean, it is true. People with scales as their skins, or wings on their backs. I think I just saw a spray bottle as a head. How the hell is that guy still alive?

Everyone out here is different with unique characteristics that differentiate them from the rest.

As I walked, I bumped into All Might's back as I reeled back from the sudden halt of his steps.

"Why did you stop?" I asked.

He look back at me as he gestured his head to take a look what's in front of me.

I inserted myself from the crowd as I apologize for the intrusion. Standing beside All Might, I was witnessing a 'Hero' taking on a 'Villain', or 'Villains', since there are five guys fighting one.

They were armed with weapons like bats, knuckles, knifes, or anything they could get a hands on. What makes the situation more dangerous is their abilities.

Five man with abilities and weapons versus a superhero whose costume is questionable for my standards.

No, scrap that, someone should report him for public indecency. Why the hell is he permitted to wear that in the public?

I was ready to intrude only to stop myself seeing that it's not my job to join the fight. The knowledge I gained about this world is still lacking so I'll have to watch for now.

I am also curious on why All Might is not joining in the fight as he is a Hero too. But seeing him looking at the situation with a serious look, I guess he's deciding whether to join in or not.

The Villains, or thugs since that's more accurate to describe them, were just a ragtag groups disturbing the city. They were saying how this city is now their territory and it's now their right to terrorize it. The crowds curse at them, one of them even threw a chair to one of the thugs, which hits the big guy of the group.

It didn't take long before the fight has start.