
UnOrdinary X MHA: UnOrthodox

After their fight, John decided to end it once and for all. Only to back out at the last second, but life has other plans for him. And now, he finds himself in another world as the concept of 'Hero' is accepted by the society. Will he be able to adapt at the sudden change of environment? Or will he bring the knowledge he learned on his world to this?

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14 Chs

John Doe (2)

[John's POV]

"Let's start the questions, shall we?" Said the man before me. He introduced himself as Naomasa Tsukauchi earlier and now he's the one interrogating me.

Earlier, he was wearing a trench coat but seeing how I was hostile towards him, he figured that something was off. It took a lot of attempts from everyone to calm me down from my breakdown but we managed to do it in the end.

For now, they don't know what's the reason for my hostility, but I'm sure one of them already had an idea about it and is sharing it now.

"Where's All Might?" I asked, I really thought he'll be the one asking the questions.

But to his perspective, it seems I'm looking for him for comfort. "Don't worry, he's on the other side listening right now." He then glanced back at me and once again ask. "So, John... Can we start our questions?"

I nodded my head as his eyes finally took a turn. His vibes has changed, I could tell that he's now here to do his job.

"Based on the information you've given to us, you've study at this school called Wellston High School, am I right?"

I sighed at the question as I look at the window behind him, more specifically, to All Might.

The reason why I can tell where he is because his quirk is currently active. No, some people in the other side has their quirk currently active, but compared to All Might, theirs is weak.


[All Might's POV]

"Is he staring at us?" Said the tall slim man with long blonde hair besides me. He is pretty energetic for someone at a serious situation. "That boy is really staring at us. Does that mean he can see us here?

"No," said the elderly man besides me as he watch carefully at the scene, "To be more specific, he's staring at you, Toshinori."

I already expected this since at the start, he was able to sense my quirk being active, to which I revealed myself to him to lower his guard, but it was fruitless.

"He can sense when a quirk is active, Master." I answered, everyone was shocked by the sudden new of info.

Crap, I forgot to tell them about that.

My master, the elderly beside me, scrutinize me at my mistake as he whack his crutch to my bottom.

It was painful, despite being old, he can still pack a punch. That's my master for you.

Our attention then shifted back to John as he finally give his answer after a long moment of silence between the two of them.

"Yes, I am studying at Wellston High School. Is there a problem?" Tsukauchi nodded as he wrote down at his notepad.

After that, he replied back, "We'll get to that later. For now, you answer our questions first."

John couldn't help but nod his head, the weird thing about it is how meek he is. Back then, his hostility is directed to everyone, wary of any potential dangers. But now, he was quiet, his hostility or wariness can't be found in him.

Just what happened to him?

"Okay, then..." He stopped for a moment as he look at John, searching any reaction from him or signs about earlier, but no avail. "You gave us your father's contact number but when we called, it was not your father that answered but a lady."

John clicked his tongue as he scowled at the statement. "Not only that, we also asked the lady about it but there was no William Doe at all. Even your address is non-existent." Tsukauchi added.

John's expression turned more and more grim as he hears all of this. His grip tighten as he tries to hold himself.

"Lastly, you, John Doe." Tsukauchi this time emphasize his name. "Everything about you is non-existent. Your name, background, academic records or achievements, anything that could lead to you is non-existent."

He took a deep breathe as he deliver his line to bury the hatchet. "You're not alive nor you are dead, John Doe. You don't exist at all."

The kid was looking down, couldn't handle to look at his face anymore. We could see drops of tears falls down in his face, couldn't handle the information anymore.

Tsukauchi felt guilty at the sight of the boy and look at us as he asks what to do. Well, we couldn't tell or show him what to do since the window blocks the sound from our side and blocks the view from his side so he's all alone in there.

And so, he decided to calm him down by placing his hand to John's shoulder. Problem is, John took it negatively.

As soon as John saw his hand getting closer, he suddenly stood up as his hand entangles to Tsukauchi arm and the other to his head as he slams him down to the table.

He then yelled, "Don't touch me!" This quickly alerted us to move but Tsukauchi quickly gestured for us to stop as he tries to calm the boy down.

I look at John who's looking at Tsukauchi right now with full contempt and fear beyond comprehension, he's in a terrible state as if he's seeing things he don't want to see, in his eyes, maybe Tsukauchi resembles someone he doesn't want to see.

John was on the verge of breaking his arm, but Tsukauchi still decided to stop us as he calm himself down so he could fix the situation.

"Hey, hey, hey..." He said, calling out to him, "Calm down, kid. No one's here to hurt you. Just you and me, having a conversation."

The kid's eyes slowly cleared up as his grip to his arm loosen. It took for a moment for him to regain clarity as he stares back at Tsukauchi pinned down to the table.

He then releases his grip towards him as his breathing labored once again, as he takes a step back, slides down to the wall as he sits on the floor once again, couldn't believe at what he just did. He silently wept as he blame himself again and again for what he did.

Tsukauchi looks at the boy, not knowing what to do, as he looks back at us asking for help.

"Just what is his history? How could a boy turned into that state?" Says the stout creature, taking refuge on the man in his scarf.

"I don't know..." I answered back, "I only found him in the beach bleeding out, any information about him and what happened for him to bleed out in the beach is still unknown."

"I see..." The creature says as he rubbed his chin, thinking about what to do. "May I have the chance to talk to him? It seems he's now well-acquainfed when it comes to police force."

I agreed at his suggestion as I called back Tsukauchi. The creature left the room as Tsukauchi entered at the same time. He expressed his shame for not being able to gather information which we told him that it's okay.

The creature entered the room where John is as he approached the vulnerable kid. He stood in front of the young man as he smiles at him.

"Hello, John. My name is Nezu, and I heard a lot about you from All Might." He says, trying to get through the kid.

John peeks out of his cover as he sees a weird creature, this left him confused as he rubs his eyes full of tears, wandering if he's seeing things right.

Nezu, of course, answered back to his confusion, "I know, I know... I'm not something you always see everyday but I am like this... Because of circumstances." He said with a grim tone.

Nezu offered his hand to the boy, showing trust and kindness towards him. "Want to talk about it?"

John accepted his gesture as Nezu help him sit down to the chair as he sat down to the other. Now, they were both facing each other.

He still kept silent, not uttering a word. Nezu, of course, find this awkward and so he decided to strike up a conversation.

"Tell me, John... What has happened to you?" He said, asking a question that goes straight to the point. "What has reduced you into this state?"

But of course, John kept his silence, after all, it may be something personal that he doesn't want to share.

Nezu sighed, he already knew he won't answer but he still tried. He is worried for John seeing how weak and vulnerable he is.

And so, he changed his question.

"Can you at least explain why there's no information about you? We may be able to help you settle a life if you let us." He said, offering a help too.

This time, Nezu finally got a reaction from him. John raised his head as he face Nezu. They were looking at each other, eye-to-eye as both individuals did not dare to break the contact between them. After moments has passed, John finally spoke properly for the first time.

"Please..." He cried, "Help me."