
unOrdinary Hero: Crossworld [Hiatus]

Disclaimer: unOrdinary is Manhua originally created by Uru-chan. (Webtoon). while My Hero Academia is Manga/Anime originally created by Kōhei Horikoshi. This fanfic, I didn't own any of the characters than O.C's... If you are interested, please Support unOrdinary and My Hero Academia or Boku No Hero Academia and search them through: GoOgle-know-it-all-chan. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Two Exchange Student came from Japan to Korea, at Wellston High School to be exact. Ember, the organization that threats to Hero society if bychance they spread worldwide. Japanese Heroes dispatched at Korea, --A country who reject Hero System-- to extinguished the root of this growing organization. Unknowingly, some distinguished person of Wellston become associates of this Heroes. The Fact is.. In Korea, wanna-be Superheroes or related to them are to be rehabilitated before they spread and affect others. In Japan, you can be a Hero with your Quirk, strong or weak. In Korea, your Ability is your responsibility. In a School where Power describes you, and your Ability speaks for you and is your only Ally. Will you fight and dethrone the current King for the sake of others? or you fight for your own good? If you've been giving a chance to be a Hero, will you choose to be one? or still playing 'Cripple' until the end? And this is where the 'TWO LADLE', Heroes of Japan entered, who violently stir the current of Korean elite's Heirarchy.

Aoi_Omoshiroi · Anime & Komik
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12 Chs

Episode 6: Melissa and Izuku

elissa Shield, is one of the person whose not gifted to receive a Quirk, or so they called Quirkless.

But with the help of science and her natural innate talents and passion of creating suport items, she didn't lose hopes but instead it gives her more motivation go do the thing she really love the most. And because she's the daughter of genius and reknowned scientist David Shield, its not hard to find Jobs as she's also a prodigy or much more genius than her father, so they say.

And because of this talent, not only she easily find her place of work but in reality, there are countless of businessmen hiring her to work with them, like she's a living painting thats been auctioned, receiving countless offers for millions to billions of dollar just to be with their company


Melissa disregard those greedy bastards and instead took the offer from Hero Associations' Japan to be theirs. Not that she cares for money thought.

And since the time she graduated. Those are the best offer for her, so she transfered from U.S to Japan the same year she graduated and now permanently living there.

And because Japanese Heroes that dispatched in the Korea needs to maintain their costumes and items. And adding the fact that Melissa is also acquainted of the two currently nominated Best Heroes, the Association agreed that the one they were to dispatched is Melissa Shield.

Rather than the still trouble maker but also genius support item creator. Mei Hatsume, or their veteran Power Loader. They still choose Melissa

Its also her chance to expand and enhance her knowledge and independencies.

Thanks to those events from the pasts, Melissa and Izuku are now closer than in an I-island.

Also, Melissa's father, David Shield is still in prison, and with the help of All Might and Izuku's moral support. Her courage and dedication, doubled.

"I...Izuku!" Melissa called Izuku who was about to jump towards the roof.

"Melissa?! W...why are you here? And w..where are your escorts?" Izuku asks, stuttering. Melissa isn't in the gatherings but she, along with her body guards are on standby, just in case there is a Hero who need their maintenance.

"I sneak out.. fufu.. nee nee, that costume is really like All-Might Ojii-san" She jest, as the sight of Izuku's full body costume made her chuckle.. And at the same time Izuku realize again that his helmet is All-Might-like in 2D logo, a twin long ear and a big ear to ear smile.

He smile in return. Sadly, All Might retired since then and was bedridden since last year.

There are some rumor, of him being All Might's biological son because of their same destructive power, and almost at the same time All Might lose his power. Adding the fact that his official Hero costume is All Might-like. He's in top one breaking news for a couple of months.

"By the way Melissa, how are you? I..I'm sorry for troubling you coming here" Izuku apologized and asks out of nowhere as if it was his fault Melissa is here with them. To the territory unknown to her.

"Uhm, its alright, Mirio-kun is sneakily come to my workshop today and I'm sure those aren't his lasts, so I didn't feel lonely at all. Still, as for you, please take care. Front lines are always dangerous afterall" Melissa worryingly said.

"Uhm! Don't worry, I have Kacchan, if worst comes to worst, I'm more afraid for our enemies safety. Hehe" Izuku lightly chuckle.

"Fufufu, you really are gifted with a lot of good friends are you?" Melissa give him her bright smile. He felt refresh in return

"You're one of my friends too. So I guess I really am gifted afterall" He smiled, Melissa turned red. He too turned red after realizing what he just said. Scratching his head in embarrassment.

"B..by the way, how much power can you release now? Don't tell me you already destroyed them again?" Melissa asks, but still as red as tomato.

"Uh.. no? I'm not the type of punching anyone just to try your product you know? And this is the first time wearing these thing again" Izuku retort. Afterall, there are countless of occassions where he literally destroyed Melissa's 'Gift' just to test and to maximize the power control of One for All.

Izuku holds his fists. "But I'm sure, this time, I won't break it" he said so with determined eye.

"The what? Your arm or my product?" Melissa jested.


"Hehehehe" she chukled after Izuku blanked out. She too felt refreshed

"Then, lets call it a day?" Melissa smiled and followed

"Uhm" Izuku nod "Seriously, I won't break it this time, your product I mean"

"Nah don't worry, thats why I am here, right? I'll always fix it all, just for you!.." she winked and says her goodbye. facing her back to Izuku, she silently touched her racing boo- I mean, chest and slowly vanished into the shadow

Izuku bowed towards her, then jumped from wall to wall until his feet landed above the roof. "I won't let anyone suffer anymore" He murmured and looking afar while touching his fists.

Then, an endless flashbacks of memories run through his head.

All Might's retirement after the battle against All for One. Katsuki's abduction and liberation at the same time.

Overhaul's drug about Quirk erasure, and saving Eri at the same time.

His heated battle against his rival, Todoroki and Katsuki in separate places in many occasions.

His Battle against many villains like an everyday lifestyle.

His struggles while protecting many civilians from many villain attacks.

The growing league of villains.

Casualties of running Havoc of Gigantomacia, another threat of human society second only to All for One.

And now another threat added that can destroy the balance of the world emerged, a drug that can erase Quirks.

Permanently or not are scary to all quirk dependent Heroes.

When the time of Overhaul, they needed Eri's blood to perform the perfection of Quirk erasing in which Lemillion is the last casualty. And because Eri is now under their protection since then, the Quirk erasing drug didn't spread worldwide

But here, in Korea, Superheroes are like chickens that being slaughtered because of those said drugs. Adding the fact that there are also Quirk amplificafion is really terrifying if left alone.

If this things spread througout the world, theres a massive war that breakouts. And EMBER will come out on top. The unknown organization that until now, no one know how big is.

Izuku clenched his teeth. The fact that One for All is going to erase in his arsenal scared him the most.

Thankfully, Eri can now control her quirk, but theres still no reassurance that she can return them all back. Because her first and last patient was Lemillion.

And because, so far, only Superheroes of Korea is the EMBER's only casualty. Whats more, they are all dead.

So the question is, how will they track this Organization? For now they don't know.

This Organization secretly emerged half a year ago. But this time, they started the killing...

After entering his room and exhausted, and his friend whose snoring inside his room. Izuku remember the events today, as if all of those, are months of experience. He smile after lying on his bed. Then called it a day.

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Too many episode just for a span of 1 day plot.. Alrightoooo..

Oh well. I'm still no match on freeza, or Megane Kogore's longest shot.

Welp... Feel free to Leave a Comment and/or Star/rate my work if you love it...