
Unomalous (semi Hiatus)

In a world where superpowers where rare and called EMINIE in a age of 20 they are popping and think they can have a bright future ahead of them, but a government that always oppose the use of these rare miracle that help others. But in the darkness there will be those who use this power for their entertainment and for money or dominance that always makes the world full of danger. Follow MC even he turns into a girl, on his journey in a world which is a hard path to help or free other like him in a stricken world of superpowers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: I type this on my phone this is a mix of manga and some of the stories "I read" to make this story but not a plagiarized content. This is only a social experiment of mine there will be [slow update]. All characters are made by me the author. {A/N} The start if the whole story will be in Vol. 2, but you will have to wait for the next chapter schedule ((It's in the comments posted)) WARNING: So if you read the paragraph that you cannot understand, which mean that my construction of my grammar sucks that it's not my first language. [The picture is not mine it's only a reference to what he/she look like if you are the owners of the picture and want it to be remove email me.] EMAIL: nices1471@gmail.com

Ken_Reader · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

Chp. 26

The three girls was inside of the apartment of James, the two siblings are both in the same couch and right across is Elysia or more likely James childhood friend in what (s)he called it. The sound of the clock clicking was the only thing they heard an uncomfortable atmosphere their feeling. Elysia was staring at James like a hawk, waiting for her to say anything that happened in her situation, the tense atmosphere was broken when Jane is the first to talk.

(Note: 'Jess' is short for Jessica.)

Jane: "So... Ms. Elysia what brings you here and what can we do with you?" she said smiling at her, but in her mind is different. 'Sorry Jess, but you will have to deal this in your personal thing, ' she was looking at Jess gesturing that she will

Elysia: ".... So where's James and why is that I haven't seen him for the past two to three days was it?" she cross her arms thinking the days she have not seen him, waiting for their answer and the person she wants to meet.

Elbowing Jess lightly to answer her question Jess was conflicted if she want to say the truth or not. Even thinking about it Jess came to a conclusion that they will find it eventually even she can put a different story to diviate, but when they see her body she cannot deny that it's female, only two ways it will lead if she continues to lie. (1) It's the obvious they will think she turned into a EMINIE and they will turn her in the government. (2) Is they will think (s)he have a sex change in other country, but it will have a lower chance to succeed, because they will always ask the age if one is an awaken.

(A/N: I haven't said which country/ nation (s)he live in. 🤔)

James: "I know you will not believe me if I could prove it, but I'm James your neighbor...." she said closing her eyes albeit cringe, she was speaking and waiting for her response.

Elysia: "Hmm... (looking at her, with her brow knitting).... If you really James, then what is my secret?" she said that to be sure if she is totally (her)him.

James: '.... Wait, did she really said anything about any secret in my years of staying here?' still unknowing that she said "Nothing?".

Elysia: "Well if you said it's nothing you are correct so I believe you" she said standing and giving her a hug but in her mind 'I have a crush on you but I will not say it, but (looking at James face and body) you change in physical aspect but mentality not much, '. "But how did you change in a span of days? Did you go in other country? or an awaken? All I know their is a high chance of you being one, " she said concluding her certain degree of change.

James: "Can you keep a secret? Because you know my circumstance if I being one" he (she) said weather if can say it.

Elysia: "I can assure you can count on me and If you need help you can go in my apartment or call me, hehehe" she said clasping her hand cheerfully with a faint blush on her cheek.

James: "I know it's not surprising if I will be one what will you do?" he (she) said to make sure if its ok, even though it's obvious right away.

Elysia: "Like I said. I can help you, even your an EMINIE or not we are all the same. That's what my father used to say to me" she said spacing out and thinking about it.

James: "Thank you" he (she) said admitting to her.

They began to converse about James change on the day when she (he) awaken their outing in the mall. That change into what to do if something if, another if that she can deal with it, if she will be alone James then talk to her sister.

James: "Oh right, sis do you have any spare clothes in the muse and escort that if you have any" he (she) said forgetting that they should bring or the school will provide it but James (Jessica) will most likely to bring than pay the school in one-time activity he (she) will do.

Jane: "I thought the school will provide your clothing for it?" she said with a raised eyebrow.

James: "Well yea they can provide it, but with my condition for my unusual circumstance will be hard to cover-up and not be suspicious. You know the school when you were studied there" he (she) said the obvious that it will not be easy.

Jane: "Can you first message to your partner that could you bring your own or not? Before you accidentally bring it, that you supposed to pay the school for the incoming sport festival? And as for your attire I don't have it it's in our house" she said.

Elysia: "If you needing any help I will be at my apartment " she said looking at James with red-ish cheeks excusing herself out.

James: "Thank you" he said shaking her hand and accompanying her to the door.

Elysia: "See you again, James" she said returning the handshake while walking.

Jane: "Come again if you want company and have a chat" she said waving following both of them.

Elysia: "Um" she said nodding.

*Open Door*

*Close Door*

Jane: "I didn't know that she likes you? the way she was moving sometimes

Getting his (her) phone she was going to chat Caelia when he (she) see another message of the Unknown phone number, a.k.a Jack Terrence the blackmailer.

Jessica: "Well sh*t, I don't like this will going" she said after reading the text message.


I know my story is not stared yet because in IRL & Author's block that can slowdown the publishing. That's why you will only read one chapter every week so, it will be like this for a long time. Well anyway in other news, long-story-short it's not close to the second Volume yet, so wait for the next update in the comments below.


(Well technically I have been behind in saying this so yea, see you in the next chapter.)

(Date: 12/31/20)

Words: 1058

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