
Unomalous (semi Hiatus)

In a world where superpowers where rare and called EMINIE in a age of 20 they are popping and think they can have a bright future ahead of them, but a government that always oppose the use of these rare miracle that help others. But in the darkness there will be those who use this power for their entertainment and for money or dominance that always makes the world full of danger. Follow MC even he turns into a girl, on his journey in a world which is a hard path to help or free other like him in a stricken world of superpowers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: I type this on my phone this is a mix of manga and some of the stories "I read" to make this story but not a plagiarized content. This is only a social experiment of mine there will be [slow update]. All characters are made by me the author. {A/N} The start if the whole story will be in Vol. 2, but you will have to wait for the next chapter schedule ((It's in the comments posted)) WARNING: So if you read the paragraph that you cannot understand, which mean that my construction of my grammar sucks that it's not my first language. [The picture is not mine it's only a reference to what he/she look like if you are the owners of the picture and want it to be remove email me.] EMAIL: nices1471@gmail.com

Ken_Reader · Fantasi
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37 Chs

34. Finding A Way

After they finish with the ceremony and the long speech of the faculty they all return to their respective station, but there is one certain student who stands out in all of them Some are shocked on the transformation, amazed at how good it blends with the looks and some questioning about his sexuality, and others are scrutinizing or even having a blush on both male and female students.

Caelia: "Is something bothering you James?" she said, noticing how shy his demeanor was.

James: "N- nothing, in particular, they are just staring at me in a way that it's distracting and embarrassing, so much so that they are all looking at me intently." (s)he said, looking at the students who are taking a glimpse, or just straight up looking at his body figure and looking away in embarrassment.

Caelia: "Maybe they are just appreciating your transformation in the start to the end of the procession, you know.... *looking at his appearance* And on how good you present yourself to look right now. It's like you prepared to this day to your transformation to a girl with a little bit of a tomboyish face, if your appearance is like that, as a thought, it's like you don't wear pads. " she said, amazed with James.

James: 'Well this is going to be as real as it can be.... ' (s)he said, scrunching his face before returning to normal, thinking about the compliment if he will be happy or embarrassed.

Just when James is sulking in (her)his situation, another voice stops him from his own thought facing at the person with an all too familiar face, he smiled at her.

Mia: "I told you you can do it, James, you just have to be brave and forget how they look at you. And by the way, I like how it suits your appearance even if it's temporary." she said, with a giggle, happy on how it unfolds with no setback.

James: 'It's not the same tho... with you guys knowing me to change into this that our class voted me in this predicament, even it's a short amount of time. It's not all that fun in my opinion. ' (s)he said, with on his mind, only showing a wry smile as a response. "Y- yea," he said.

Caelia: "I agree with you. She is cute, I like to take a picture for a remembrance with all of us. " she said, excited

SPEAKER: *Calling to the student, William James... William James, can you please go to the principal's office. Thank you*

Mia: "Well looks like the Principal called you, maybe they saw you in your clothes and making a praise for the hard work that you put on. " she said, happy about the clothing he's wearing.

Caelia: "Oh wait, James"

James: "Yes?" looking back at her.

Caelia: "After you finish with the principal can, I request that we talk alone on the rooftop after this session?" she said, fiddling her thumbs not looking at him.

James: 'Ummm... w-what kind of private request she'll say!?' "S-sure if you say so," he said, touching his forehead thinking deeply about Caelia conversation.

SPEAKER: *Calling to student William James... William James, please report to the Principal's office, Thank you*

James: "I will just go and change, I will be right back, if someone needs me just wait for me to finish. " (s)he said, walking away in a hurry carrying with his spare clothes.


((Sorry if forgot the name on certain characters))


Staff: "Sir, you have a visitor, Principal, and here is your requested snacks sir"

Principal: "You can call them in," he said, not looking away from his paperwork.

Staff: "If you excuse me, I will be at the front desk if you need me," she said, leaving the four of them alone.

Johnson: "Hello sir, if you excuse us we are the Police *Shows the badge* we came here with an investigation that we like to ask some questions for his free time," he said, coming in front.

Principal: "Please take a seat, and what do gentlemen's and women... and do I have a pleasure to talking to?" he said, in a more formal way of speaking.

Unknown: "It's a pleasure to take your time with us and have a conversation, my name is Johnson my buddy here is Jarred, and the one over there is Sandra," he said, introducing everyone to him.

Jarred: *Whisper* "Why did you introduce me like that," he said, leaning to Sandra.

Sandra: *Whisper* "Can you just shut it for a and let our leader talk for a moment?" she said elbowing him to the side, causing him to whimper.

[Sorry, sucks at naming things]

Principal: "You can call me Y/N, and you can drop the formalities I'm not great with that,... So what can the UC Principal do for you?" he said as he smiled.

Johnson: "Sir do you have a student's last name called William?" he said, showing some profile picture of James in a black and white frame.

Principal/ (Y/N): "Hmm..... can you wait for a second I will just call somebody, you can help yourselves at the moment." he said, standing up and leaving the three of them.

*Opening - Closing the door*

Sandra: "So, how are we going to approach this?" she said, questioning both of them.

Jarred: "Of course we plead him guilty and take him to. the headquarters, the job is done," he said, straight to the point.

Johnson: "We are not going to do that and it's going to take time for us to conclude if it's him we saw, we are simply going to ask some questions if our hunch is right we can take him in," he said, thinking about the pending investigation.

Jarred: "Well, I'm going to help myself," he said, reaching to the left food on the table.

[Minutes Later]

Y/N: "Sorry for the wait, I have just taken some private business, Staff can you come here for a moment," he said, sitting back in the chair.


Staff: "You called me sir?" she said, peaking out of the door.

Y/N: "Can you call, James William in our PA system and can you tell him to come here in my office," he said leaning back to the chair.

Staff: "Yes sir" she said, closing the door.


Well, that was a long break but it's not over yet, this is just the beginning so the title says it's hiatus. But the book just continues when I have time to write a chapter when I could soo yea sorry for the long wait. But I was thinking of rewriting this as a whole, but that can cause more delays if I do that, what do you think?

WORDS: 1135

Sorry for the long wait and if you read some changes in any character description, that is when I forgot their personal things.

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