

As gates to other worlds opened, some humans gained powers that were out of this world. People gained superstrenght. People began to fly. People became faster. There was many powers that helped humanity to evolve to a next step. Our protagonist Luke is a 16 year old student with the ability to be unobservable by any method. Many have given him the nickname "Ghost" as he can appear out of nowhere if he so wished. But unfortunately Luke has a serious mental illness that seems to worsen every time he uses his powers. Nevertheless, Luke has friends that he can rely on and maybe, just maybe, he will one day be able to live like a normal person.

SanderTomson · perkotaan
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Beware of schemer

Early in the morning, Sera received a call that the director needed her presence asap. So Sera made sure she didn't look like she just got out of bed and said "To the director's office" and then she appeared in the director's office.

The room was huge and it had a large monitor where the director was currently talking. The man behind the screen was of asian descent and the director was standing focused on the monitor.

The director spoke "As I said earlier Mr. Wong, giving the CCP a hundred quantum computers just like that is too much. We as a company can't give your people that much favoritism. We already did a huge favor by giving CCP early access to the Neue Welt Project. Your people have yet to provide what you have promised and you have made it difficult to handle certain issues. Do you…"

Then the director's secretary comes near his ear and says "The lady has arrived." The director looks at Sera and gets a grin on his face. Then he gives Sera the hand movement to come closer while he says to Mr. Wong "Now that the person in question has come here. Why don't you ask her yourself and see how it goes?"

Mr. Wong then says "Greetings Lawmaker. My name is Xu Wong and I have contacted mr. Ruinberg about an issue we are having. You see, China is in need of more computing power so that the people won't have to suffer. For this we request a measly 100 quantum computers of the newest kind."

Sera then says "I'm able to do that, but what is it in for me?" Mr. Wong then says "In exchange, China will offer its resources to the Ruincorp organization and in turn to you."

Sera says bluntly "I don't really need those. Do you, director?" The director says "As far as I know, our organization has a hold on most of the gates in CCP's control. Denying access to them would result in us shutting down the system in China's territory specifically."

Mr. Wong looks quite angry at what he heard, so he says "If you refuse our request, there will be dire consequences." The director then signs with his hand mockingly to hear better as he says "What was that you said? Consequences? Dire even? Hey now, you are aware that you don't have that much leverage over us? If you have something that might affect us, please do inform us at your earliest convenience."

Mr. Wong is about to lose his patience as he says "The CCP has provided support to your organization for decades and this is how you pay us back? As expected of german."

The director then says with a smile "Come now, don't bring ethnicity into this. We Germans have already experienced what that'll do to a country. And while I'm grateful for your predecessors' support over the decades, you still owe Ruincorp for the control you have over Taiwan. If we didn't grant your people early access to the Neue Welt Project, you wouldn't have had the means to fully take hold of Taiwan. The simple cost in focusing the system to China's territory only far exceeds the amount of support the CCP has given us."

Mr. Wong says "How can a year's worth of early access compare to decades worth of support from CCP?" The director answers "First, the energy cost to create a field that is focused on a territory as large as China is clearly far more than a self-sustaining system the size of the planet. Second, you don't want me to go into details about how the whole process went to focus the field to China and how the creation of a self-sustaining system actually works because A: We would be here far longer than necessary, and B: You wouldn't understand what I am talking about. If you want us to send a bill for both processes I'll gladly give it to you and then we can compare how much support the CCP has given the Ruincorp compared to the cost of that bill. I can send you the receipt as soon as you like."

Mr. Wong puts his finger on his temple for a moment and then says "No, I don't think that is necessary. I'll inform…" Then the director stops Mr. Wong by saying "But no need to worry mr. Wong, as a token of our gratitude, we can give the CCP four newest quantum computers. This is to show that Ruincorp has trust in the CCP that it will hold their end of a deal without the need to blackmail them. That is, if Serah is willing to assist you."

The director closes his eyes and turns his left hand to ask Sera about her opinion. Sera then says "I can do that." Then she says "Create four newest quantum computers to CCP." and then four boxes appear near the building Mr. Wong. He is informed of this and then he says "Thank you for your cooperation Lawmaker. The CCP will remember this generosity."

Then Sera says "No problem" and looks at the director and asks "Is there anything else you need me for?" To which the director says "No, that is quite fine. You may go now." Soon after Sera says "Back to home" and disappears from the room.

Then Mr. Wong sighs and says "Was there really a need for that act?" To which the director says "It was the most optimal way to get little Serah to agree to your request. She is a bright young lady who watches all kinds of news when she has free time. This part of her may make her not view the CCP in a good light so making her think that CCP accepts heavily suppressed demands is something she considers a victory. Nice acting by the way."

Mr. Wong corrects his classes and says "Well, you did hit a nerve so to speak. But you made the CCP look bad by saying what you said. Normally the CCP wouldn't mind a non-Chinese saying that, but she holds great influence over many people, so we will not take this lightly."

The director says "Relax a little. She is a kind of girl that is quite confident on her defenses so if you let her think she has won, it will be an easy victory. We might not be able to drug her, mind control her, threaten her, torture her or even disable her power without causing severe damage to the system. What we can do is try to manipulate her via making small suggestions that her moral compass sees as reasonable. Then we push a little harder each time and one day she will get us what we want. So you see Mr. Wong, these types of things need time to bear fruit, so be patient and let me handle it."

Mr. Wong then says "If that is what you say. *Sigh* If only we could have found her before she put her defenses up." The director then says with an indifferent attitude "True. If only that orphanage director wouldn't have hidden those children from us we would be done with the project by now. No matter, I have all the time in the world to wait for my labor to bear fruit." The director then takes a sip of wine and starts stirring the glass as he is reminiscing about something.

Mr. Wong then says "You may have time, but us mortals are different. Don't waste too much time on your whims." The director then says after sipping more wine "I'll think about it. May, cut the connection." Mr. Wong manages to say the words "But my lord, I…" and then the connection is cut.

The director then takes another sip of wine and then says "Rats, all of them. Running around the labyrinth of my design. For what is a scientist without a lab full of test rats? Each thinking that they are masters of their destiny after being given the slightest bit of power and authority. And then that one rat gained the authority to modify the labyrinth. If only I could have found her sooner so that I could get to another round of tests. But now she has slipped away and the only thing I can do now is to give her little baits that guide her towards the exit."

The director sighs and takes another sip of wine. Then he says "May, send a message to February and tell her to go to China after two weeks and destroy two of their newly acquired quantum computers." May says "As you wish" then the director says "Also make sure to tell her to make it look like an amateur did it." Then May responds "Yes father."

The director once again sips more wine. Then he says "At least I made sure to get a nice side project going while I wait for this test to end. Isn't that right… my dear December."

Luke then wakes up from another nightmare where a strange man calls his name. Like usual, he thinks nothing of it and moves on with his day. Today isn't school and Melissa hasn't given any calls, so that means it is a free day. And when it's a free day, what does a teen boy do to kill time? Well jack off and play some video games of course. Since Ji is around the house all day and masturbation is a weird experience for Luke, he chooses to do the latter activity.

And nothing else happened that day.

File #1

Name: Olivier Ruinberg

Birth date: 9.2.1882

Death date: 18.8.1949

Country of origin: Prussia

About: Founder of Ruincorp. Father of the second director of Ruincorp Hans Ruinberg. He was a genius inventor who made amazing discoveries with ractchien energy. Unfortunately he hid most of his research that were later found by his son Hans decades later. He joined the Nazi regime at its early stages and became a high ranking official. He was given the death penalty when he was found after fleeing to Argentina. His last words were "I leave the rest to you Hans" in german. Further information requires level 9 clearance or higher.

File #2

Name: Ludwig Orgenom

Birth date: 4.8.1886

Death date: 1943 (Estimate)

Country of origin: Denmark

About: Ludwig was with the organization from the day it was founded. He and Olivier met each other during one of Ludwig's trips to Prussia and became friends.

According to records, Ludwig had a bright mind that rivaled Olivier. The two together made discoveries with ractchien energy that would have revolutionized the world if the research wouldn't have been kept hidden for decades.

The two geniuses had a falling out during WW2 as Ludwig was jewish. According to available records, Olivier tried to protect his longtime friend and partner, but was forced to comply with the demands of Nazi regime. Ludwig was thus sent to a concentration camp in 1939 and it is estimated that he died in captivity in 1943. However his body was never found.

Further details require clearance level 9 or higher.

File #3

Name: Hans Ruinberg

Birth date: 21.2.1917

Country of origin: Prussia

Current residence: Germany

Height: 176 cm

Appearance: Blond, Blue eyes

Superpower: (Redacted)

(Redacted): (Redacted)

(Redacted): (Redacted)

(Redacted): (Redacted)

(Redacted): (Redacted)

(Redacted): (Redacted)

(Redacted): (Redacted)

(Redacted): (Redacted)

(Redacted): (Redacted)

(Redacted): (Redacted)

(Redacted): (Redacted)

About: (Redacted)

File #4

Subject name: Milla Orgenom

Birth date: 7.6.1927

Death date: 6.6.1944

Country of origin: Germany

Height: 159 cm

Appearance: Blond, Grayish blue eyes

Superpower: (Redacted)

(Redacted): (Redacted)

(Redacted): (Redacted)

About: Daughter of Ludwig Orgenom. She was the first successful superhuman created by Ruincorp. Her powers helped the Nazi regime with their war efforts. Her power didn't have a rarity, as the system wasn't in place, but the director acknowledges the power as (Redacted).

Due to her being jewish, she faced great scrutiny from other German forces. But due to her usefulness to the Nazi regime, she was allowed to roam free on the battlefield.

Milla met her end during D-day as she bravely fought for her fatherland.

Further details require clearance level 9 or higher. Remainder that in certain circumstances, the director may allow further access to this file irregardless of reader's current clearance.

I think that I need to add a reminder that this is a work of fiction. Any names used don't mean to target any person or organisation in the real world.

And no, I don't know any real German or Danish names.

I did, however, look into some details of the world war II to get some historic accuracy. Note that I had completely forgotten when it actualy started or ended. I did know the range, but not exact years. Didn't know Argentina has been a country for so long, never mind Denmark. Though Denmark isn't that big of a stretch for what I imagined. Also Prussia has always been just a name in my head and never actually knew where it was. Today I learned.

I hope that I gave someone a chuckle before the files started.

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