

Jien's group of first years, led by Ms. Holen had to wait for an hour, standing at attention before the last of the first years were led into the square. The space from front to back was packed tightly with orderly rows of navy uniforms. The new students occasionally took glances around to see if they could find others they might know. It was only when the man on the stage took a step toward the simple wooden podium at the front of the stage that everyone's attention finally settled in that direction.Once he stood behind the podium the man seemed to have cast a spell, though nobody was able to hear what it was, because the light reflected off the bell seemed to warp, forming a screen that reflected his appearance. Now everyone was able to see the general, the supposed leader of the academy. He was an average looking man with a black hair that was pulled back neatly and striking blue eyes. On his left eye was a simple looking monocle made of a silver metal. His eyes seemed to hold a deep wisdom despite that he looked like he was hardly older than a recent graduate, maybe a few years at most.When the man opened his mouth to speak the sound of his voice, a calm baritone radiated from the screen of light showing his face. "Welcome first years, to Orsythe Academy, the true force behind the Elitrix Empire's military might and birthplace of strategic assets that will keep our great country from being overrun by invading forces."He took a short pause before continuing on, sweeping his gaze across all of those before him. "I know that you likely haven't heard much about the inner workings of this great institution. This is for our countries safety but also for the sake of you, our students. The oath is a deterrent to the capture of our soldiers, as all military action stems from these halls and thus is bound to your secrecy.""While you are not familiar with what this academy has to offer, let me assure you that it offers you the chance for greatness, the opportunity to push yourself to great heights on the back of your own effort and the chance to raise your family up to higher status through your efforts.""Though not all of you will continue forward into military service what you learn here will assist you to be the best you can be in any chosen path. The fields you study and the hard work that you put in here will lead this country further into the future. Work hard for your sake, for your family's sake and for your country's sake!"The man's words echoed across the silent square for a few long moments before the silence was broken by a single round of applause from one of the faculty members. This was promptly followed by the applause of several others and lastly by the students who had been staring up at the screen. They had not known what to expect but they had expected some rambling explanations as to the workings of the academy, not a rousing speech about their futures.As the applause died down a much older man stepped forward, his golden hair mixed with hints of silvery gray, a simple mustache and short, well trimmed beard showing a similar blend of colors. The man's gray eyes seemed to pierce into the crowd as if trying to look into their very soul. He stepped up to the podium and spoke sternly and without delay."Thank you General Algerd for the wonderful speech. I am Lieutenant General Alspek, the head of the administrative division and am in charge of informing you as to the workings of the academy. First and foremost your lesson schedule will be determined by your unit. Your unit will be your closest confidantes not only during this year but until the time of your graduation and likely beyond. Some may be those you already know, but most will not." Lieutenant General Alspek's tone was confident, stern and held a slight hint of something like nastalgia, as if he was remembering his own unit from his days in the academy."You will spend your days with these students. You will eat with them, you will study with them, you will train with them. They will become your best friends and your rivals as you push each other higher. These groups will be determined by midday tomorrow and you will be informed at that time. For today you will spend the remainder of the day with your temporary quarters as your place to rest. Come tomorrow your permanent placement will be decided along with your unit."This led to a bout of confusion by the first years. Weren't they supposed to be assigned today and move to their permanent residences? What had caused the change in plans. Though there was a bout of whispers regarding it the trend was squashed by the stern looks of the faculty. In the end everyone faced the stage once more and Lieutenant General Alspek spoke once again."Unfortunately the arrival of some of the new students was delayed. To determine the optimal units all students must be present. You needn't return to Central Square as the determination will be delivered to you along with your course schedule at noon sharp tomorrow. Dismissed."With those final words the older gentleman backed away and left the podium, the screen of light fading and leaving the many lines of students with their assigned faculty. Murmurs started once more but were short lived as the faculty took the new orders in stride, directing the students back where they had come from once more without a word of complaint.

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