
unloved from day one

BelleRose · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


It was Tuesday Stacy had woken up knowing her step sister told on her, and that she was still in trouble for breaking the cup. She sighed, stretching and climbing down the bunk bed her step sister of course had already been awake. It wasn't like she had anywhere else to go, she wasn't social in kindergarten, she was afraid they would pick on her like her family did. She stuck to herself. She got dressed in old baggy hand-me-down clothes, an old pink shirt that had a couple holes in it, and pants that were a

little too big. She tied her curly long brown hair up into a ponytail, and made her way to the kitchen. She had to do everything herself, she knew they wouldn't leave any breakfast for her so she got her backpack. As soon as she

got into the living room Kelly spotted her, outraged already.

"Well, well you finally woke up.. now get going to school before the bus leaves. I will deal with your punishment when you get home, this is the

best punishment yet." Kelly said her voice full of rage and anger she had grown tired of Stacy.

Stacy nodded not saying anything, she knew if she did Kelly would give her the punishment she had in mind plus some.. She headed out, her bag

in hand, she knew she couldn't take lunch and Kelly wouldn't pack it either.

It was part of the punishment along with ghost peppers, she would go without food until she could be good. She sighed getting on the bus.

Once she got to school she stayed at the back of the class and tried to focus on her school work, even though it was only kindergarten Kelly

expected her to get all A's. Which wasn't hard but it was a lot of pressure for a five year old. When it came lunch time she would go to the counselors office, her teacher had thought she needed it being Stacy wouldn't talk or

interact with any of the kids. Her teacher was concerned.. She didn't know what was going on at home, but she knew something wasn't right. Stacy went everyday, the counselor, Mrs. Fitz would bring her snacks since she noticed

Stacy didn't often bring lunch, she wondered why, but could never get Stacy to talk. Stacy knew if she did talk, her stepmother would make it worse, plus she didn't have anyone else to go to. She didn't even get to see her brothers Gregg and Kenny- when they visited. She was supposed to stay in the room unless her father was home then sometimes they would leave the house. Her

grandma Dorthy and grandpa Kenneth Sr. would come get her if Kelly didn't want to deal with her or when her father and Kelly got into fights. Either way she loved seeing her grandparents the only ones she knew.

"Stacy we have got news that your mother will be on the visitors list. How do you feel about that?" Mrs. Fitz asked she didn't know that Stacy

didn't know.

"My mother hasn't wanted anything to do with me since I was a baby.That's probably someone else's mother," Stacy had said. She had sadness in her tone and her voice crackled in pain as she looked away. Her brown eyes had swirled with sadness at the thought of her being unloved since she was born.

"No, I'm sorry it says your mother Stacy. Her name is Dixie Hall. She can't take you but she is able to visit for lunch. They updated your file

today." Mrs. Fitz told her she wondered what happened to Stacy why she thought her mother abandoned her, she didn't know the whole story. "Your mother has been looking for you. It says she called the school asking how you were."

Stacy just shrugged she didn't know what to think or say she didn't know her mother. Should she ask her father she thought to herself throughout the day, would he tell her, would her mother be the one to save her? She didn't have hope anymore everyone gave up on her, she wasn't worth the

time she thought.

The words Mrs. Fitz said rang in her head "She has been looking foryou."

….What did that mean? Had her father keep her safe from this person or did he lie to her? She had so many questions, so much hurt, so much anger, and she didn't know what would happen or how her mother would be like. When the bell rang to let school out she walked out to her bus seeing Brandon and Shelby she sighed as they always pushed her off the bus when it was their stop, they got on the bus and went home, as usual they pushed her in front of them and out the door making her fall to her face off the bus steps.

This time she hit her cheek on the asphalt, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Stop! Just leave me alone!" she screamed at them and pushed passed Shelby and opened the house door.

"Mom Stacy yelled at us!" Brandon told on her. He already knew she was in trouble; he didn't care as long as it wasn't him getting in trouble.

Stacy rolled her eyes until she heard Kelly yell.

"Stacy!!!! Stacy get in here right now!" she yelled. As Stacy entered the dining room Kelly saw the mark on her face and simply didn't care what happened. "Sit down on the chair here is the start of your punishment." she said, handing her four ghost peppers. "Eat them all! You know the rules, no water until I say so." Stacy obayed by the rules and she couldn't fight Kelly; her dad wouldn't stop it. Her mouth burned, her stomach burned, her eyes were crying, she wanted water.

"Ppplease Kelly." Stacy begged she needed water.

"No!" Kelly yelled and sat down on the dining room chair and motioned for Stacy to bend over her knee… This was only the start of the punishment to come finally Kelly knew that Stacy's mom would get to see her and so she couldnt spank hard, but it would be the worst punishment yet.

Stacy went over and bent over Kelly's legs, getting spanked once, twice, three, four and finally five spankings Stacy cried out in pain, it hurt each time more force behind it not as hard as it usually was but it still stung. Stacy stood up slowly.

"Now here's the rest of the punishment, you will be locked in the closet for the rest of the week. You will only get the leftovers for dinner, and no other food for the rest of the week, just dinner. You will be in the closet after homework, after dinner you will sleep in there, and as soon as you get home it will be the same each day. If you keep being bad you will get it worse each time longer, understood?" Kelly said her voice echoing in Stacy's ears "the closet all week with barely any food to eat."

Stacy nodded, her chest heavy, there was no escape, this was never gonna end. She would never be enough; she would never be good in Kelly's book. She walked to the empty closet in the basement that had a blanket on the floor and a small pillow and Kelly closed the door. Stacy heard it lock, it was dark and gloomy, wet and smelled horrible. Normally, Kelly stored dirty laundry in it since the basement was small and had the washer and dryer in it.

The house itself wasn't big, just a three bedroom small white and tan home in a smallish town an hour away from her grandparents. The light in the closet barely worked and there wasn't much room to stretch out, Stacy thought about her mother picturing her was impossible as she had her dads brown hair and brown eyes and she knew nothing about her mother.

She wondered if she would be good enough for her? Did she have more siblings, maybe a brother or sister? Why hadn't her mother come for her sooner?

The days got longer and longer and she got little food each day it was basically scraps. Her teacher at school had asked if she was ok, but Stacy knew she had to tell her she was ok. The teacher for all Stacy knew was not onto anything, or so she thought. Finally it was Friday her dad was home she was finally out of the closet for a little longer Friday. She overheard Kelly

and Ken talking.

"She has to sleep in her bed tonight Kelly! She has to see her mother tomorrow morning all day, and she has to look presentable. You need to make sure she doesn't say anything to her mother about anything." Ken said

almost raising his voice.

"Ok well you go get her and make sure she doesn't talk! I won't do it on weekends she sees her mother anymore, but she will still get punishment."

Kelly said, as Ken went down to get his daughter.

"Stacy? Come here." Ken said and Stacy came out she was scared that he was going to hurt her so she stayed away from him. "You will see your mother in the morning, but if you tell her anything I will make sure you never ever hear or see from her again ok?" Ken told her almost as a question but more as a statement.

"yes sir." Stacy nooded telling him yes.

"Good, now go upstairs and get ready for dinner, I have a new outfit for you." He said handing her a bag it had a new purple long sleeve shirt with I

love unicorns on it and black pants with tennis shoes.

"Thank you." She said looking down she dared not looking him in the eyes she was too afraid, she didn't want to lose her mother, she had so much to ask her. Stacy raced up the stairs, washed her hands and sat down at the dinner table tonight for the second time they were having greasy pizza. It was still better than barely eating, tonight she could eat four slices if she wanted they wouldn't stop her. That is just what she did too. She ate until her heart was content, then she showered, put her pajamas on..they were pink with dogs on them and went to bed, well tried to. She was excited, scared, angry all in one. It was keeping her awake at night, she had so many unanswered questions she was ready to have them answered. She finally dozed off because she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer.