
Unlocking the System

Hajime Kazuma, a high school student with a normal boring life suddenly reawakened inside his room after saving a young girl from getting run over by a speeding truck, but something was off. [System Booting: Host found- Hajime Kazuma: Welcome…] After reawaken in his room Hajime can now see a holographic screen in his view with multiple sets of displays and mission objectives popping in all directions. He now can do things he could never thought possible and see things that he seen before. His life will be forever changed as the system takes over his life. How would he use the system? And what mayhem can it cause?

TanjiTea · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

A New Day

A week has passed since Hajime received the system, and it was a lot to take in. Each morning, Hajime woke up feeling lighter, like he was at peace. Maybe it was the fact that he finally had some control over his life.

His high school life had always felt bleak and hopeless, but now he had a chance to make a difference. It was exciting and terrifying at the same time. Hajime had always dreamed of a better life, but he never expected it to come true.

However, despite everything, Hajime felt a slight sense of anxiety, like a voice in his head constantly telling him, 'This is too good to be true, right?'

Hajime tried his best to ignore these negative thoughts, but he couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive.

The past few days have been very peaceful. Hajime's school life was going smoothly, and the Photography Club was a lot more fun than he initially thought. They have already taken a couple of pictures together, and everyone is having a good time.

The President is quite a fun guy, and he has a lot of interesting stories to tell.

Asano is always cheerful and energetic, and she is a big help when it comes to learning the basics of photography.

Hajime can't believe how fast his skills are improving. He's already starting to master some of the more advanced techniques.

Yuki and Ejiro have become good friends and the atmosphere around them at lunch got a little less awkward since she first hung out with them. They talked about many things, ranging from the school and its activities to the current pop culture and music trends.

As a bonus, Hajime didn't feel like an outsider anymore, which was a great relief.

Hajime smiled softly at the thought.

He had to admit that Yuki was growing on him, she was a pretty nice girl and he had a good time hanging out with her; he could tell she was a real social butterfly unlike what the rumour had been surrounding her and he appreciated that she was trying her best to get him to open up.

'I should make a habit of spending time with her after school, it would be fun.'

As for the system, Hajime had gotten quite the hang of it, his skills were slowly increasing and he could even take on more challenging tasks. From helping people out to getting a higher grade in a class, his missions were always varied.

But the main challenge that was still bothering him was the mystery of the unknown.

Hajime didn't know if the strange sensation coming from the window in the club was because he was being watched or because there was someone else with him. Either way, he couldn't shake off the feeling, it was like his gut was warning him that something was off, but he didn't have any evidence to support his suspicions.

'Maybe I'm just being paranoid, or maybe I'm reading too much into this.' Hajime sighed, shaking his head and trying to ignore his worries.

"Hajime!" A familiar voice called out to him, interrupting his train of thought.

"Hmm?" Hajime looked up, seeing Ejiro and Yuki standing outside his apartment.

"Oh, hey guys." He smiled warmly, greeting them both.

"Ready for school?" Ejiro asked.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go."

As they headed to school together, Hajime couldn't help but wonder if the city held even more secrets and mysteries than what met the eye.

Hajime, Yuki, and Ejiro walked through the crowded streets, taking their time as they enjoyed the cool morning air.

"So, Ejiro. How are things going with you and your girlfriend?" Hajime asked playfully.

"Things are going great. We've been on a few dates and everything is going smoothly," Ejiro replied, blushing a little.

"I'm happy for you. Just remember, you have to treat her right. If you mess up, she might break up with you." Hajime said.

"Oh, don't worry. I won't let that happen."

Yuki then raised an eyebrow, "Heeeh? How come it's Kazama-san who's giving out advice?"

Hajime smirked, replying, "It's a man's duty to know these kinds of things.

"Huh, really? How come you've never had a girlfriend then?" Yuki asked.

"I...I-uhh..." Hajime was at a loss for words, "I...Well...You know..."

"He's probably too focused on his studies," Ejiro interjected, saving Hajime from further embarrassment.

"I guess..." Hajime mumbled under his breath.

"That's the most used excuse I've ever heard," Yuki remarked, laughing lightly.

Hajime then gave a sheepish smile, shrugging his shoulders. "I'm just socially awkward, and not the kind who would want to have a relationship with anyone. Besides, it's not like I'll ever have a chance at that, and it's not like I need it right now, not until I'm ready."

"Oh, I see," Yuki said, "well, it's never too late to start, you know. Plenty of girls would like to go out with you."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Hajime replied, waving his hand dismissively. "What about you, Makato-san? I don't see you have a boyfriend either."

"Hmm? Oh, that's because I'm not looking for a relationship right now. I want to focus on my studies," Yuki said nonchalantly. "And… yeah, it's one of the reasons I'm called the ice queen. All it took is one guy to spread one nasty rumour about me."

"Yeah, I can understand that. Still, I'm sure there are plenty of guys who would love to date you. You're pretty, smart, and funny."

"Wow, you sure know how to flatter a girl, don't you?" Yuki said jokingly.

"Well, I'm just being honest," Hajime said.

"Haha, Maybe you'll find a girl that'll sweep you off your feet someday," Yuki said, nudging Hajime on the side.

"Maybe..." Hajime mumbled, not entirely convinced.

"Hey, Kazama-san? Are you interested in anyone at the moment?" Ejiro suddenly asked.

"Hmm?" Hajime glanced over at him.

"I mean, you said you weren't looking for a relationship right now, but do you have anyone in mind? Is there someone special in your life?" Ejiro continued.

"Nope, not really," Hajime replied, smiling slightly. "As I said, I'm not really interested in romance, and I don't think I'm ready for a relationship. Not after last time…" Hajime frowned.

"Oh, yeah… sorry bud." Ejiro apologized, scratching the back of his head, a little embarrassed.

"What what happened?" Yuki asked, raising an eyebrow, curiosity filling her voice.

"Eh, nothing important," Hajime said, waving his hand dismissively. "Just some dumb stuff, you don't need to know about."

"He was cheated on the spot and got dumped on after one date in Junior High. He was hurt, pretty badly too. So now he's focusing on his future and not his personal life." Ejiro explained.

"Wow, that sucks..." Yuki said sympathetically.

"Man, do you ever shut up?" Hajime said, rolling his eyes, frustrated.

"Hey, Makato-san is our friend now, she deserves to know," Ejiro argued.

"Ugh, I guess..." Hajime huffed.

"Anyway, it's getting late. We should hurry or we'll be late for class," Yuki said, checking her phone.

"Miss Suzuki will kill us if we're late again," Hajime said, shuddering slightly.

"She's not that scary, Kazama-kun."

"Yeah, she's just a little strict," Ejiro added.

"Says the one who was terrified of her," Hajime retorted.

"H-Hey! That's not true!" Ejiro protested.

"Whatever, let's just go," Hajime said, picking up the pace.

"Jeez, Kazama-kun, you're always in such a rush," Yuki complained, as she and Ejiro hurried to catch up with him.

As they made their way to school, Hajime couldn't help but think back on the past few weeks and the changes that had occurred in his life. Things have been pretty good so far, and he couldn't ask for anything better.

He's finally got friends and a place where he feels he belongs, a place where he can actually make a difference, and help people out.

But despite all of this, he still can't shake the feeling that something is lurking beneath the surface, a mystery that he can't quite put his finger on, such as the weird sense of being constantly watched by something, or someone.

'Whatever, it's probably just my imagination.' Hajime thought to himself.

'Nothing to worry about, right?'

Hajime's morning was going quite well. The three of them had gotten to class in time and both Hajime and Ejiro didn't get yelled at by Miss Suzuki.

Hajime's morning was going quite well. The three of them had gotten to class in time and both Hajime and Ejiro didn't get yelled at by Miss Suzuki. As for Yuki, when on to attend one of her student council president's meetings during the lunch break.

Hajime had decided to use the opportunity to go to the library to read a book he was assigned to read in class.

'Hmm...I've already finished the assignment, might as well finish the book.' Hajime thought to himself.

'Plus, I can probably gain some skills while I'm at it.'

As Hajime was sitting down at one of the desks, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh, Kazama-kun. Are you alone?" the familiar voice of a girl caught his attention.

"Hmm? Oh, Asano-san. What's up?" Hajime turned his head to see the smiling face of Asano.

"Not much. I was just wondering if you're here alone, and wanted to keep you company." Asano said, her voice as bright and cheerful as ever.

"Nah, I'm just reading a book. It's for Chemistry class," Hajime said, gesturing towards the open book on the desk.

"Oh, I see. You're always so diligent, Kazama-kun," Asano remarked.

"Yeah, I guess," Hajime replied, not entirely convinced.

"Anyway, are you free this afternoon? I just wonder if we can hang out. You know, just to get to know each other better? As club members, I mean." Asano said, blushing a little in embarrassment.

Hajime chuckles, "Sure, why not? I'm free."

"Great! I know a nice café near here, and they have great sweets and snacks. Would that be alright with you?" Asano asked.

"Sure, that sounds fine."

"Alright, it's a date, then!" Asano exclaimed cheerfully, her eyes sparkling.

Hajime couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. 'She's always so cheerful. It's nice to have a friend like that,' he thought.