
Unlocked Dark Desires

By sheer luck the protagonist gains the knowledge his prideful teacher has commited a sin. Instead of turning her in, dark sexual emotions well up in him and he blackmails her to give him her body. It's the creation of an evil protagonist, desiring women and wealth. The story is very perverted and sex-heavy and will involve demeaning scenes. It won't suit everyone's taste, but I still hope you enjoy it though. It is a work of fiction. Every character used in the story is 18+.

Jcsweek · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
75 Chs

Chapter 2

Instantly, she looked up at him with shocked eyes.

He hadn't hidden from her the fact that he wanted sex with her the most. Last night, she had given in, having had no choice, but now they were in the school, and yet he wanted to do it again?

"W-what, h-here?"

"Of course, the door is locked. Most people have gone home. No one will notice us going at it."

Rose looked in shock at her carefree student. She gritted her teeth as she began undoing the zipper of her skirt. It had been clear to her that arguing with him had no effect on what he did to her, so it was best to do it fast.

For now, she would give him what he wanted, but if he slipped up once, she'd make his life hell.

"Fine, just get it over with."

"Oh, Miss Clarke, I didn't think you'd be that easy," Asher teased her.

In return, Rose just firmly glared at him. There was no way she actually wanted to do this, but for now, she had no choice.

When she got the blackmail material Asher had, she wouldn't be done with him until he was gone for good. She'd make sure of that, but she had to endure for now.

So not trying anything, she took off the remainder of her clothes and revealed her cute clean-shaven pussy for her student to see. Before sitting down on top of the desk, right in front of Asher.

Asher smiled, looking at his teacher's pink pussy. He had had the fantastic experience of grinding deeply into it last night. And now he would enjoy it some more.

He took his dick out of his pants, revealing his big thick erect boner in front of Rose.

She softly swallowed her saliva, seeing the fantastic thing before her. Last night, it had ravished her completely.

Her sex life had been dull as she didn't necessarily enjoy doing the act a lot. And none of her previous partners had such a dick.

She could actually feel her pussy getting wet from anticipation of receiving it inside once again. Naturally, she quickly shook this thought out of her mind, definitely not wanting to enjoy this.

Asher smiled as he aimed his dick at her defenseless open pussy.

Rose looked intensely at the rod about to enter her, bracing herself. But Asher held still right as he was about to enter his teacher's pussy.

"Hmmm, it isn't fun like this. I don't want to fuck a woman who's not desiring it."

Rose looked up dumbfounded. Yesterday her pleas hadn't made a difference as he pressed his dick inside her, going in and out again and again.

Yet now he was saying this?

"Then get the hell out," she growled.

The edge of his lips curved up as he said: "That's not what I mean. Before we do it, I'll have you say these words."

He then went to her ears and whispered some words.

After finishing, Rose looked up stupefied.

"T-there's no way in hell I'm going to say that," she said after processing Asher's words.

He didn't back down, though, as he crossed his arms, standing proudly.

"I think you are; after all, you've got about 15 seconds; after that, I can't promise what will happen. You do still remember, right?"

"Tch," Rose looked even more hateful at her student. He kept shamelessly using that singular moment of weakness she had had. She already hated herself for it, and now this student made her pay by using it as well.

She knew Asher wouldn't back down, so she had to obey for now.

"Fuck," she said out loud before looking up at the smiling Asher.

A red blush appeared on her face as she spoke: "P-please put your dick in your teacher's pussy."

Asher chuckled, but he still wasn't happy.

"Now, that's not a face to make when asking your student for sex, is it? Also, I don't think those are the words I said. Now, we'll do this as often as it takes for you to get it right. It's not in your benefit for this to go on much longer, is it? After all, what if someone were to find us here like this?"

Rose wanted to get up and get set this guy straight, but she had to keep in her anger. Trying to get rid of the anger in her face, she knew it was better to get it right in one go.

Her furrowed brows relaxed, her fists unclenched, and her jaws softened.

It was fun for Asher to see her angry face turning into a loving one, even if it was incredibly forced. It made her beauty leak out even more.

"P-please put your amazing young dick inside your teacher's slutty pussy and mess her up. I-I can't wait to feel you thrusting inside me."

Asher smiled at his now incredibly sexy teacher. He was satisfied and walked up to her before putting his dick at his entrance.

"Good girl here's your reward," he said as he pressed his hips forward, his dick going into his teacher's depths.

"Guhhn," Rose groaned, feeling Asher's large penis enter her hole. It spread her to the max as she was pierced by the big rod.

Asher thrusted in and out, wallowing in the fantastic sensation coming from the tight pussy.

Rose steadily lost power in her body as she was mercilessly pounded. Sitting on the teacher's desk, legs spread wide while being fucked by a student.

She felt humiliated, and yet her body didn't care. Spreading from her vagina, pleasure slid into her entire body.

Asher's dick going in and out of her felt good.

"Hah, haah haaahn."

Rose wasn't able to control her soft moans.

It didn't take long for Asher to start cumming. His teacher's pussy felt incredibly good. Coupled with the fact he looked at her angry yet moaning face up close, the lust got too much.

"I'm going to cum soon, teach," he said, increasing the pace.

"W-wait, not inside," Rose tried to argue. After all, he wasn't even wearing a condom at the moment.

In response, Asher looked at her, indicating her words were for naught.

He gave her a few last hard thrusts and unloaded his thick, warm semen deep into her womb.

Rose couldn't do anything about it, as she felt the semen enter her deepest parts. In return, her toes curled up, and she gritted her teeth as she, too, climaxed.

Having sex with a student was already shameful, but cumming from it made her feel even worse.

And yet she had no control of her body as she came hard.

Asher made sure to let out everything inside his teacher, after which he slowly pulled his dick out.

He was astonished at the fact how much semen leaked out of Rose while buckling his pants.

"You were amazing teach, let's enjoy this carnal lust even more from now on."

Rose's breath was ragged, but she stared intently at Asher.

"I'll remember everything you do to me, and in time, you'll pay for it all."

Asher didn't mind Rose's hateful tone. In time, he knew she'd give in to pleasure. And if she didn't, he already had contingencies in place. Rose would never be able to get away from him.

"Good, I like this rebellious nature. Now I'll take my leave, and you clean up here."

Asher got the bag that sat on the desk and left the naked woman behind in the classroom.

Not long after he closed the door behind him, all the nervousness he had exploded.

He realized he had just forced his teacher into doing all those things. It was clear if this ever came out, he'd be done for.

Still, he relaxed not long after. The day before, lust had completely taken over his mind as he blackmailed her into having sex with him.

Now, the deed was done. There was no point in regretting his actions.

There was only one surefire way to ensure Rose would never expose him.

His lips curved upwards as he thought of having his beautiful teacher as his personal sex slave.

Training her to become perfectly obedient, he had found the ideal solution to ensure he wasn't found out.

And he'd have the sexy teacher everyone lusted after as his toy to boot.

Thinking of all the fun he could have, he walked off, happy with his decision to blackmail the teacher.

He quickly left the school, not wanting to attract too much suspicion.

The entire walk home, Asher reveled in the fleeting feeling of Rose's pussy enveloped around his dick.

He only had to walk around 10 minutes to arrive home. He lived in a small studio. He lived alone, having been an orphan since birth. Having spent time in orphanages and families, he was finally allowed to live independently after turning eighteen.

Just as he was about to insert the key into the hole, he stopped.

"Ah, Asher, are you just coming home?"

From behind, the mature voice of a woman was heard. He could feel the sweet aroma in the air as he turned around.

In front of him stood a highly enticing figure of a woman. His teacher, Rose, had a well-endowed body, but in comparison with this woman, she was nothing.

His landlord's huge breasts were seen no matter the outfit she wore. Her relatively small waist only made her wide hips and big meaty ass stand out even more, but her amazing curves weren't all she had.

Her kind mature, beautiful face, with long, curly brown hair, nicely made into one braid, finished her off.