




A scene was playing out in the quiet forest directly outside Vonol.

A young man and a beast throwing punches at each other, could be seen, and when their fists connected, explosions due to the impact resounded.

Of course this young man was James, and the beast he was currently in a brawl with, was a tier 2 ape in the lower stage.

Noah stood atop a tree, as he watched this scene with a weird and complicated expression.

From the fight playing out, in front of him, Noah understood that tier 2 magical beast were actually really strong, and so were tier 2 humans.

The reason he had a weird expression was, because he felt out of place. When he first reached tier 2, he could kill magical beast at that level with relative ease, but this show in front of him, made him understand that he was a bit stronger than normal.

Switching to a different tree, when the one he was standing on was about to crash, Noah studied James fighting prowess. He was definitely strong, but he hadn't found something that would let him finish the beast fast, as they had been at it for a while now.


Their fist collided, as a gust of air spread in the environment, using his control over air, Noah made sure that he didn't miss a second from the fight scene.

Jumping backwards, to create a bit of space between he and the Ape, balls of water appeared on his right fist, as they continued to condense, until he found its density suitable for what he wanted to do.

Dashing forward, James threw a punch with his right fist, and the result was another short explosion, with water droplets spreading everywhere. It seemed that he had not achieved anything with that move, but then those droplets of water stopped mid air. Noah couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at this.

Then they immediately solidified, and shot towards the Ape, who couldn't dream of dodging them.

Tiny holes filled the apes body after the attack ended, then the ape slammed it's large fist on its chest then raised it's head towards the sky,

James dashing forward trying to not let it complete it's attack, but alas he was too late.

The ape released a sonic roar, smashing some trees in the process, and managing to Injure James a bit.

Noah didn't move from the sonic roar, the sound waves only managed to ruffle his clothes a little, he was beyond the beast in every way, and the ape knew it, since once in a while it would glance at Noah's calm figure on the trees.

Noah had let his aura run wild, though not in a threatening way, but still that was enough to put the beast on edge, since there was someone way stronger nearby.

Truth be told, Noah didn't unfold his aura because he wanted to scare the beast, no, the reason was because it felt relaxing.

Recovering from the attack, James was beginning to get fed up, Noah had challenged him to kill the beast without any spells, and only light water control, but this was taking him nowhere.

Noticing James frustration, Noah's voice rang out, "Dude, I'm getting bored. Is that all you have?, if that's the case, we should forget about Bozolom then. I'll give you one minute to finish it or I'll do that for you". Noah announced, while wearing a bored expression.

James gritted his teeth at those words, he didn't like Noah's taunt, but he was right.

'Bozolom' would force them to fight hordes of beast at this level and if he couldn't beat one, how would he survive.

Dashing forward, James decided it was time to stop throwing random punches, and start fighting with real technique. He was going to utilize his martial arts.

Arriving in front of the ape, James side stepped while dodging it's large fist.

Grabbing a hold of its hairy elbow, James jumped slightly, wrapping his legs and arms around the apes arm, he twisted his body in one swift movement.

The result were immediate, he managed to twist the apes arm, thereby rendering it useless.

Immediately his legs touched the ground, he jumped backwards, then took a deep breath.

Spreading his legs apart, almost doing a split, James then crossed his arms together, in a weird stance.

At this point, Noah's already full attention, reached new levels.

Ignoring the roars of both anger and pain the ape released, James moved.

Almost like a snake, he crossed the distance between them in a swift zig zag motion.

Arriving in front of the pained ape, he jumped, then executed a downward kick on the apes head.

But that wasn't all, immediately James was done with that gesture, he wrapped his legs around the apes neck, then did a backflip with all the strength he had in in his waist.

Both crashing heavily on the ground, James immediately got up.

Seeing that the ape found it hard to get it's body up, he went towards one of its legs, raised his right leg up, and brought it down with full force.

A crunching sound spread out, as with it came a cry of pain from the ape, but it seemed like James wasn't done, as with a blank expression, he walked towards the face of the ape that had begun to understand what terror meant, then started punching.

Horrifying crunching sounds, spread out inside the relatively quiet forest, as James continued punching until the ape wasn't making any sound or moving.

Removing his fist from the bloody hole he had created in the apes face, James turned to glance at Noah, who couldn't help but swallow a lump of saliva, while his face also expanded in a wide smile.

If not for the fact that Noah himself had seen some bloody stuff, he would probably be disgusted by the scene in front of him.

There he was, James standing over a big ape, that wasn't moving. His face and clothes stained with fresh blood, while there was a significant hole in the head of the dead ape.

Apart from the momentary sound of the wind, and the rustling of trees, the place was dead silent, which also aided the bloody scene.

Jumping down the tree, Noah began to clap.

He had watched the entire fight in slow motion, so he understood how difficult what James pulled off was, at least for someone his level.

"You did good.", Noah commented while sharing glances between the ape and James.

"You should clean yourself up", Noah said after he got tired of the scene.

Nodding in response, James took a deep breath, then balls of water began to appear around him, as he took a bath right on the spot.

When Noah saw this, a tinge of jealousy couldn't help but spread in his mind, 'So convenient', he said in his mind.

Waiting around five minutes for James to be done, Noah searched for tier 2 aura's around the place.

"So what next?", James asked after he was done, he had extracted the water in his clothes making them dry.

"That is what I am supposed to ask you", Noah said without facing him.

Showing a confused expression, though Noah didn't see it, James opened his mouth to talk, "What do you mean?", he said confused.

Sighing, Noah turned to face James, then he talked, "I mean, do you want to fight two beast or three at the same time?", Noah said, with his poker face.

Taken aback, James couldn't help but open his mouth to talk, "I don't understand", he said as some ideas of what was about to happen filled his mind, but he shook them away, due to their craziness.

"Do you think, because you've killed one beast at your level you are strong?. If you do, then throw that idea out of your mind, you are going to have to kill multiple beast at that level before I agree to join you for Bozolom", Noah said, this time his tone switching from serious to mocking in-between his words.

James couldn't help but blink multiple times, "I thought you had agreed, and I am not going on a suicide training mission", He said with a resolute face expression.

Bursting into laughter, Noah opened his mouth to talk, "Without this training, Bozolom might as well be an attempt to commit suicide, and no, until I see that you are worth it, I won't follow you, and besides if you get into a sticky situation, I'll intervene after you've probably broken a leg or something". Noah explained shrugging his shoulders.

At those words, James resolute expression couldn't help but crumble. Noah was right again!.

Heaving a deep and defeated sigh, James opened his mouth to talk, "At least give me a few minutes to rest", he said.

"Yeah no, we won't have time for rest during the games. Follow me, I've found suitable matches for you". Noah said turning and walking towards a seemingly random direction, though it wasn't.

Heaving an even deeper sigh, James looked at the sky, seeing that the sun was still very high, he began following Noah, as that day would be hellish for him!!.