

The serpents in the room dashed towards Noah's figure, but in a more thought-out pattern. Two beasts would be sacrificed to test out the waters, while the others would gauge the entity's strength, mostly based on how their survival instincts reacted to him.

Noah realized that two large beasts, resembling over-sized lizards were barreling towards his figure rapidly, but speed essence flowed to his mind to empower it, and a burst of sheer might exploded from his figure since his essence didn't stop at only his mind, going on wash over his entire body with its power.

Taking but a few steps forward still wary of the wriggling tentacles around him, Noah allowed spears made out of densely packed air to manifest around his figure and shoot toward his incoming opponents.

His twenty spears shot forward but divided themselves into equal halves of ten to curve towards one of the serpents each.