

Opening his eyes to a familiar environment, which of course was the room lady Edna informed them about the events that would take place in the different stages. Noah felt himself cringe at the sight of that environment.

For some reason, he disliked the lighting in that room.

The room was filled with experts, and to his and the surprise of the other five, they were teleported to a different spot in the room, an odd sight for the others who sat solemnly, waiting for that phase to end.

'Finally,' Noah thought walking forward, away from his previous opponents. He felt unready for the awkwardness that was the fact that he literally tried to get rid of them merely a few seconds ago. He couldn't just begin to talk to them after that.

Feeling multiple gazes land on his figure from almost all sides in the room, Noah felt unfazed by them. The gazes mostly came from experts that had witnessed his raw power, or the ones that had left before the battle began.