
206. BIG GUY

"They're pretty weak," Noah muttered, dodging the five rapid stringer attacks of one of the three beasts still standing.

Slamming his right feet on the ground already filled with multiple small craters, Noah threw dust and large stone bits into the air.

Although this didn't deter the nigh-mindless creatures before him, it allowed him merely test the power in his kicks.

And the results wowed him. The ground shattered beneath his feets spreading for hundreds of feets around him.

The shattered ground only stopped the beasts from moving a for a second, which Noah used to slam his knee into one of the lizards jaws, dislocating and crushing it.

"Tch" Noah sounded, he he had expected a more powerful effect, but the materials of their body couldn't be denied.

The actual strength of the beasts stood somewhere at the peak of the lower-stsge, but they didn't possess mana-cores, just brutal strength that even he had to acknowledge.