
191. SHARE

The hustle and bustle of the Guio district remained as it was the last time Noah had been there. Actually, there seemed to be more humans moving about the streets of that area than he expected.

'Probably because of the upcoming gathering,' Noah thought, walking down the different streets of that district.

He had limited himself to telport outside the district, before going through the Inspection again. That activity being as seamless as he remembered.

Deciding not to leave for the run-down looking building; which was the Divine Lightning guilds' head branch, Noah carried out the task he had planned out earlier.

Unfortunately for him, commodities had taken a sharp hike in price, and he could only buy what wouldn't hurt his purse.

"15 small silvers!" Noah grimaced, standing in front of a wooden stall. His audience, the seller of the multiple fruits before him raised his head up in pride, he seemed to enjoy watching that beautiful man utter curses.