
Unlimited Power 02 - The Ranger's Domain

After losing his parents in a car accident, Ryan immediately caught his fiancee cheating on him with his best friend. In just a few days, he lost everything he loved, so Ryan decided to buy a house in the mountains to process all those events. However, something happened before he could even enter his new home: the end of the world. Monsters began to appear out of nowhere, and dragons began to dominate the skies. After losing everything, Ryan, who had lost his sense of reality, found new goals with the world in that state: survive and get stronger. Dungeons, classes, monsters, skills, the chance to obtain the DNA of other monsters... Ryan was decided to use them all because he no longer would become a spectator in his own life. Maybe with power, he won't lose anything anymore. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

ExSoldierLv99 · Fantasi
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1006 Chs

Iron Scorpion

            Ryan used Purification several times, but just like he didn't notice a single difference, nothing changed as well. The reason was simple…

"I am not a negative effect, so that this spell won't work on me. Anyway, I must apologize for before, I thought you were an enemy when you suddenly invaded my territory, but it looks like I was wrong."

              Ryan ignored the voice and then rubbed his chin thoughtfully… how could he damage the spirit of a dragon. Although Purification was useless, Ryan knew that certain items and spells could work even against powerful dragons. Orgar was a fine example of that. However, Ryan didn't have any skills that could affect something inside him without affecting himself as well.

"Are you listening to me? I am apologizing for what I did. I am not your enemy, and as a sign of apology, I want to make a deal with you."