
Red Azure Restaurant and Auction

Ye Kai and his group come out from the Ice Sculpture museum, and it was an experience they didn't expect.

Ye Kai and Ye Ming only came to see the most beautiful queen in the kingdom and didn't expect that there were even more beautiful things in there than a queen.

"Mother, you know many things there, did you came here before?" Ye Kai asked.

"Yes, I and your second mother came here before, your second mother have very strong interest in history, and she was one who told me everything," Ye Nuan said and wished she could come here again with her sister Niu.

"Then why didn't tell us before we came here?" Ye Ming asked.

"Because I wanted you see this first not hear," Ye Nuan smiled and said.

Ye Kai nodded in understanding and looked up, the sky was beginning to become red.