
Unlikely Lovers-( MOVED TO A NEW LINK)

Savannah Marley is often bullied for being a social recluse but when she starts developing unexpected sexual feelings for her bully, secrets begin to unfold and a whole new world opens up before her. A world were men turn to wolfs and a select few possess the power to will, but with this discovery comes danger and she must make some hard decisions to protect the people she cares about.

bee_333 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Nothing is as it seems here

"You look really relaxed for someone about to get their ass handed to them"

"Wait" I motion with my hands picking my phone up "one minute" I stand to my feet.

"What is so important on that phone, are you going to call for help or make a video of you being bullied and post online?" .

He says this with some sort of emotion in his voice, some sort of hope maybe.

"I'm not on social media" I say offhandly

"I'm trying to choose the song I'll die to, but it's a really tedious task, I can't seem to make up my mind" .

"What the fuck" I hear someone exclaim and start laughing.

"What makes you think you're going to die" Zacharys voice booms now with that old spite I am getting used to.

"Well you have threatened to kill me twice already and we're here alone so why not"

"And that doesn't scare you" Andre asks. This must be the first time he has addressed me directly.

"You guys don't scare me" i reply not diverting my gaze from Zachary.

Zachary clenches his fist and I see the fumes leave his ears, how can one person have so much rage in them.

"You know you have anger issues right?"

"What?" My question takes him off guard.

"You should work on that, instead of trouble me with it. Maybe see a therapist "

He pushes me against the locker, yup I expected that.

"You don't talk back at me like you have the power to do so, you're nothing but a pathetic human who pretends like she doesn't care what others think because she is too much of a coward to actually stand up for herself".

I see the hurt, the pain in his eyes as he says this, he let's go of me and steps back a bit almost remorseful but his face hardens again covering whatever emotion had been there.

"Can I go home" I ask my back still throbbing from pain.

"Why, are you repulsed by the sight of me?"

"Well yes, but its school over and we are the only ones left here, I have a job to get to"

His face twitches with an emotion I can't read but it hardens again.

"Why do you work" he asks me with curiosity even his hardened face couldn't mask

I look at him with wonder, is he really this stupid or is it just a new tactic to annoy me to death.

"Because I get paid" I say rolling my eyes at him.

"Don't look at me like I'm an idiot" he says gritting his teeth. "Well it's not my fault if you sound like one" I say under my breath.

"What did you just say to me" he steps closer to me, his face red with rage.

" nothing " I say

"See, do you want to go get coffee" I ask.

He looks at me startled and confused.

"I'm tired and I have a feeling you won't let me leave here, so you can come with me to the coffee place across and we can sit and you can shout at me all you want but at least I'll have caffeine in me" I say looking up at him.

"Don't make it sound like i give a fuxk about you" he huffs.

"So coffee?" I ask again ignoring his remark. I have no idea what I am doing, but I have a bad habit of saying whatever comes to my head and right now all I can think of is coffee and some hot doughnuts.

"Fine then coffee, but only because you look like you're going to pass out any second ".

Sure whatever excuse works for you I say internally, as I begin walking towards the door.

The walk to the coffee shop Is short and quiet, I had to look back a couple times to confirm if he was still following.

His goons had vanished into thin air meanwhile.

I choose a table close to the door, and order my coffee and doughnuts, he orders a coffee, black.

Never saw a 17year old who drank his coffee black but then again, how many 17year olds do I relate with.

I'm a sucker for all things sweet and I find it hard to fathom while anyone would want other wise.

"Why did you decide to talk to me today?" He looks genuinely curious

"I always talk to you" I say blowing into my hot cup of coffee

"No, you make smart ass comments that get you beat up, that's not talking to me"

I shrug my shoulders, "maybe I want to call a truce"

His forehead crease together in a frown, but I can see the effort he is making to stop himself from grinning.

"What truce, don't you mean you want to beg for mercy?"

I smile my own half bitter smile, the only way I still remember to smile, "I don't beg for anything"

I take a big gulp of coffee and a bite out of my doughnut and sigh out in satisfaction.

"Fuck this is good" I say taking another sip of coffee.

He sits still in front of me studying my every move, I pretend not to notice.

"Why do you pretend so much, you go through so much to hide what you feel, isn't it exhausting?" He puts his cup to his lips and takes a sip.

"Who says I pretend?"

He places both his elbows on the table separating us and rests his chin on his hands leaning towards me.

"You want me to believe you actually don't feel anything?" He scoffs

"I don't care what you believe " I take another bite from my snack.

Sitting across from him now, I take in all his features, his face, the smooth skin of his neck, his slender but muscular frame, his lips, I feel a shudder run through me, fuck, I hiss.

His face hardens and he sits up glaring at me, the old anger back in his eyes.

Did he hear me hiss and get the wrong idea?

I shake my head coming back to reality, when did I first start to get these feelings for him, has it always been there?

I put my hand across my heart in an attempt to stop it from jumping out of my chest.

"You have a very shitty personality " he says in a matter of fact tone still looking furious.

"That's your problem" I reply

He huffs in annoyance and gets up from his chair pushing it back noisily,

"You know I remember a time when you didn't use to be this person" he points his finger at me emphatically and makes to leave.

"And I remember a time when you didn't use to make my life a nightmare " I say standing up too, he stands for a while, facing the door with his back to me, hands on his waist, he shakes his head and turns to face me

"And that is all your fault Savannah, you think I enjoy it?".