
Unknown Romance story

Mylar Rodriguez, a simple waitress at a night club finds herself in a tight spot and she couldn't think of a way out. When the solution finally came, it turned out to be the handsome, smart, very cold and arrogant young billionaire who frequented their club every night. He's name, Camilo Wylder. Is he really the solution or just another problem added into her life? Well let's find out. Mylar gets an unwanted visitor and she in greater trouble. Unable to fend for her and the unborn child, she seeks help from her child's father as luck would have it, an heir was being search for in the Wylder family and they took her in with a condition, they will have a contract marriage until a year after the child is born. Would she be able to tolerate the constant ridiculing and insult from the man she is made to live with for her child's sake. A friend arrives in her life when she needed one the most, he became her comforter and protector. He teaches her how to fight for herself and the how to blend in the way of the rich. Mylar becomes what she always wanted to be, a famous model, owned her own car, a huge Mansion and also gave birth to her baby, she began to live without fear and with confidence. She made a name for herself. Camilo started getting more angry because of how Mylar was behaving now, she was no longer afraid of him and that was getting him angry. Mylar forces Camilo to take her and the baby on a vacation to California and that was where she fell in love with him. After the vacation Camilo started liking his child and spending more time with him. At the end he realized his feelings for Mylar and confesses it, she gives him a second chance. The story comes to an end.

Oubukunmi_Jokotoye · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

CHAPTER FOUR (Unwanted visitor)

Mylar came out of her room to streached a little after sleeping for so long, her entire was body was aching and paining her. She was about to go back inside to get painkillers when she heard the usually harsh voice sounding sweet. She thought her ears were paining her as well until she turned, behind her stood her grumpy and annoying landlady with a smile on her face, her smile was rather creepy than friendly.

"Good morning Mylar, how was your night?" she asked.

Mylar ignored her and turned to go into her room.

"Mylar? I am so sorry for what I have done to you but I did all that because of the money dear." She said to Mylar. Mylar turned back towards her with a smile, she said what she wanted to and went inside.

"You don't have to explain, I have forgotten about it."

Camilo dove into his dad's Mansion and walked in hurriedly, Mr Julian Wylder was seated in his study room going through some files when his son Camilo barged in. His attention immediately went to Camilo who was looking all puffed up and upset.

"You must surely have a good reason for barging in like that?" Mr Julian said to him and put down the files he was holding.

Camilo sat down and then apologised to his dad.

"Daddy, I came here to report Elio, I thought you stopped him from coming into the office but he was here today and was acting all self important before me."

Mr Julian started laughing hysterically, he couldn't control his laughter, Camilo watched painfully at how his dad was deriding him. Mr Julian stopped laughing and denounced Camilo harshly.

"Are you that stupid? You can't handle your baby brother on your own and you here to complain. You should be ashamed of yourself." Camilo looked down, he felt really hurt and a little bit ashamed.

Mr Julian said to Camilo corroborating Elio.

"Now listen to me, today I strongly support your little brother. If you can't handle a small situation by yourself, then you are simply a bastard and not my son."

Then he pointed to the door and said.

"Go, get out. Go and solve your own problems, be a man."

Camilo got up and walked to the door, while Mr Julian got back to what he was doing.

After leaving his dad's study, Camilo was despondent. He went to the garden and sat there thinking. For over eighteen years now, he has obeyed all his dad's orders starting from how to sit, eat, talk to people and also how to behave. And today, his dad paid up his loyalty, obedience and love by outrightly calling him a bastard because of Elio, a son who didn't care about what his dad wants.

He was wiping off the tears on his face when his mom arrived at the garden.

"Are you okay?" She asked and sat down next to him on the grass. She cupped his face in her two hands and brought it before her and then, she landed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"I am fine." Camilo replied with a false smile on his face.

She understood that he was lying and tried to make him tell her what was wrong but wouldn't. She gave up after a while and then asked him.

"Do you want to come inside and have a cup of tea mixed with a little honey, with me like old times." She asked with a smile.

"No. I don't feel like it." He replied showing his disinclination.

She nodded, got up and left him alone in his misery.

Two months later, Mylar got to work late and sneaked in trying to avoid Ozzy. If he finds out then her salary will definitely be cut and she didn't want that. She walked inside backwards, looking around to make sure he hasn't seen her but unfortunately for her, he was right there in the changing room with some other girls and Vida.

They came face to face with each other, Mylar gluped down and became slightly disquieted.

"Were you trying to sneak in without me knowing or are you perhaps hiding from someone?" He asked even though he already knew the answer to the question.

"I am sorry Ozzy, I overslept." Mylar apologize with folded hands. Ozzy said to her shaking his head.

"The others were just telling me how you've been coming late to work for the past two weeks now and you give the same excuse every time."

"Look Ozzy, even I don't know why I have been oversleeping these past few days, it just keeps happening, please kindly forgive me." Mylar apologise.

Ozzy went out of the room after saying this to Mylar.

"I can't forgive you today, I will have to take out of your salary." Mylar who was already crying went after him in tears and tried to convince him.

"Please Ozzy, you can't do this to me. I am barely surviving with the money you are giving me, I am also trying to pay you all the money I owe and the one for my freedom. Please don't cut this months pay, I won't be able to survive, please Ozzy." He ignored her and went on his way, she kept following him and pleading with him.

"Ozzy please listen to me, I won't be able to survive without even a little money. Ozzy please listen" She was feeling dizzy and exhausted from following him around, it was unlike her. She is a strong and healthy woman who can not be easily debilitated.

Ozzy walked on ignoring her plea, he suddenly heard a loud uproar from behind him and when he turned, Mylar was lying on the floor and all the ladies in the club who saw her faint surrounded her. They kept shouting at her to wake up, Vida was shaking her friend as if that would wake her up, they were all confused. Seeing how they were reacting, Ozzy knew he had to do something or Mylar could die, he ran towards them and pushed they aside, then he gently picked up Mylar in his arms and he said to Vida, whom he knew to be her only friend.

"Get Mylar's handbag and meet me outside by the car."

Vida ran back into the changing room and picked up Mylar's handbag and ran outside as fast as she could. Ozzy has already placed Mylar on the back seat and was waiting for Vida to come out, when she came out, she hurriedly entered the car and Ozzy drove them to the hospital.

"Doc, how is Mylar doing now?" Ozzy asked as soon as the doctor came out.

"No need to worry, she's fine now. But if I may ask, who are you to her?" The lady doctor asked, she had a beautiful reassuring smile on her face.

Ozzy relaxed and replied the doctor.

"I am her boss from work and this is her friend Vida."

"Doesn't she have any family members?" The doctor asked.

"No she doesn't, at least that's what I know." Ozzy replied.

The doctor sighed softly and said to them, Vida was quietly behind Ozzy, she was still quite worried about her friend so she quietly prayed to Jesus.

"I need to talk to you two about something, please come with me to my office."

At the doctor's office, they got seated curiously waiting to hear what she wanted to say to them. The doctor adjusted her glasses and got straight to the point.

"Mylar fainted due to too much stress but that's not the only reason, Mylar is two months pregnant."

Two months pregnant!!!!! They both exclaimed with their eyes almost popping out.

"I can't believe this." Vida wispered.

Ozzy was absolutely dumbstruck by this shocking news, how could she be pregnant. He wasn't able to handle all this and went out of the office, Vida came out shortly after.

"What are we going to do now?" Vida asked Ozzy who was still busy thinking with his head bent down. He raised his head swiftly, at the question.

"Excuse me, we? you should be asking what is she going to do now? As for me I am leaving, you talk to her when she wakes up." After saying that, he left the hospital.

Vida went back to Mylar and sat next to her bed waiting for her to wake up. A little while later Mylar opened her eyes.

"Where am I?" She asked her body aching a little. Vida moved her chair closer to her and replied.

"You fainted and we brought you to the hospital. Me and Ozzy"

"Did he leave? That asshole." Mylar said smiling.

She suddenly started moving her body, trying to streache.

"Oh!!! My body and my head hurts as hell." Mylar said holding her head.

"You need to know something." Vida said in a serious way.

"What is it?" Mylar asked.

Vida decided not to tell her immediately but she began talking by asking a question.

"First I need to ask you a question. When you and Camilo had a thing that day, did you maybe... use protection?"

Mylar went quiet, she wondered why Vida was suddenly asking her such a question.

"I don't... think so, why? is there something wrong?" Mylar asked getting anxious.

"The doctor told us that you are pregnant. And I have just confirmed it now, Mylar you are pregnant." Vida said to her.

Mylar's body became weak, her heart started racing and she began to sweat. Her mouth became dry and her eyes turned sore.

"I am pregnant." Mylar wispered almost to herself and painful hot tear drops came out her eyes.