
80 Alterations Kitty Made to Dinner

Kitty beams with happiness, "I would be honored if you feel like calling me mom but until then you can call me by my name but remember that true names are a secret and can only be used around those that can be trusted. Scarlet sounds like a wonderful person. I look forward to meeting her and finding out more about the town nearby. Tonight is going to be hard on you and Carlos."

Carlos comes into the dining room and places the chicken down and then takes his seat, "Kitsune, you don't need to worry about me as I do not care if my change needs to be halted for a bit to help the kid out. I am a little concerned about you. It has been a while since you were last able to change."

"There is nothing that can be done about my change. I'm not in a rush to do my change. After the baby is born I will transform." Kitty serves herself some food and begins to eat. "It's not like I haven't gone this long without transforming before."