
378 Kitten

"Kitten, you shouldn't have come, it is not safe here yet." Rex looked at Kitty with blood dripping down his face. 

Leo got up and hugged Kitty, "I am sorry for calling you away from your work. Can you make sure these two are okay first?" 

Kitty turned to Rex, "Don't you Kitten me!" She glared at Rex and held her hand over Noah and Bell and thought about healing them before turning back and staring at Rex. "You are an idiot, a complete moron, I am livid at you right now." 

Leo covered his mouth and tried his best to not let out the laughter that he was holding back.

Bell felt her wounds healing but was even more amazed that the girl was actually yelling at Rex. She sat up and looked up and Leo and saw him trying to hold back his laughter. 

Noah sat up and touched his arm that was in an extreme amount of pain but now it felt right as rain. He cringed at the words that the girl was yelling at Rex.