
376 Rex's Assigned Help

Kitty opened her eyes and looked into the mirror. "Janet, this looks amazing. I knew that you had this talent inside of you. I am glad that you did my makeup for me." Kitty stood up and there was a knock at the door. "Come in." 

Luke opened the door and looked at Kitty. "Mother, you look stunning. Do you think that I could take a picture and send it to Leo?" He placed the containers down and pulled out his phone. 

"Wait there is something better that you could do. Luke go stand beside Kitty and I will take the picture for you." Janet got up and took the phone from Luke and took a picture of the two of them together. She then handed the phone back to Luke. 

Luke looked at his phone and sighed at the picture. "I really look like your son. I am so glad." He quickly sent the picture.