
274 Don't Move, I Will Give You Pleasure Leo

~Yes, I was planning on coming back after I cooled down. I am better now, sorry for storming off like that. Father riles me up and it pisses me off.~ Ketan had dropped Brielle back at the safe house and then disappeared from her sight. He had been sitting in the cave behind the waterfall trying to calm himself down.

~Thank you. I can understand why. Lucifer knows exactly how to push your buttons. Just remember that there a lot of people looking out for you.~ Kitty smiled and looked into Leo's eyes. 

~Ketan, thank you for taking care of Kitty I really appreciate it. She is the light in my darkness so without her I would be lonely. I will go over the plan with you when you return.~ Leo opened the bedroom door and then closed it with his foot. He walked over to the bed and laid her down. "You are still not up to anything too strenuous but I want you so bad. I also know that you are weak still so I do not want to drain you."