
17 Short Explanation of Powers

"Good morning. I'm assuming that Kitty is still asleep." Julie entered the room but stayed at the door. "I ordered breakfast already. It will be delivered to your room at quarter after nine. I just wanted to let you know so that it doesn't get double ordered. I didn't get a response from Will's room, so I couldn't tell him, but I was going to go for a walk so I can tell the front desk to relay the message. I will be walking in the gym here in the hotel if you need to find me." She bowed, opened the door and left.

"Okay, if I need to find you, I'll go there. Will is a heavy sleeper. So he will probably be up at right before he is supposed to come here." He watched her leave. 'She is a sweet lady. I really want to help out in any way possible.' Leo took the coffee, poured himself a cup and started drinking it.

Kitty woke up when Julie was at the door and slowly sat up on the bed after the door closed a second time. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. "Mmmmm." She stretched her arms in the air. She looked around the room. 'Leo must already be up.' She grabbed his shirt off the floor and did the buttons up before opening the door.

"Were we too loud?" Leo saw Kitsune come out of the room. 'She still looks rather tired.' Leo walked over to Kitty. "You can go back to sleep if you want. There is still an hour and a half until the meeting."

Kitty blinked while looking up at Leo. She grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it towards the bed. Not talking, she pulled him back towards the bed by pulling on his shirt as she walked. At the bed, she pushed him down and climbed on top of him. She looked down at him while sitting on him. "Something isn't right," Kitty whispered the words and the look in her eyes were glazed over.

Leo followed Kitty back to the bed and let her push him down on the bed. He stiffened when he heard her words. He looked into her eyes and saw that she wasn't focused on anything. She didn't move for a little bit, then he felt her body start to sway, so he caught her and held her close to his body. 'What the fuck is going on here?' Leo listened to her breathing even out and moved her back to lying on the bed. He covered her with the blanket. He went to the phone and called the front desk to see if they could get Julie to come back upstairs.

Julie got the message and came back to the room. She knocked on the door, and Leo answered it. She looked at the expression on Leo's face. "What happened?"

Leo's face was full of confusion. "Kitty came out of our bedroom and dragged me back to the bed. She had a glazed look in her eyes, and all she said was something wasn't right."

Julie looked up suddenly. "She went back to sleep right after that, didn't she?"

"En. How did you know?" Leo replied

"She had a premonition dream. It doesn't happen very often, but the things she sees have always come true in the end. If something isn't right, then the town is in jeopardy. We'll have to wait until she wakes up. She may still be in the vision." Julie's expression was of complete concern.

"Is there something else we need to worry about?" Leo watches Julie shake her head. He lets out a sigh. "I don't know about what powers she has. I barely know anything about fox demons. I am not expecting you to tell me. I am waiting for Kitty to tell me everything."

The vision ended, and Kitty was released from her dream state. She got up and put on pants and socks, then opened the door. She caught the end of what Leo said. "Let's talk about that before Will joins us." Kitty weakly smiles and walks over to the couch. "I can put up all different types of barriers. Demons that are naturally born all have what I call true names, and I can read the name by coming into contact with them. For example, if Julie had been born a fox demon, I would be able to tell her demon name, but Julie was a human, to begin with. So her demon name is not engraved in her heart but given to her by her partner. This is not a skill that anyone has, as far as I know. I am the first of the fox demons to have this skill. I have premonition dreams that I am unable to control. When I suffer one of those dreams, I am unable to control what I do, and sometimes my actions may be strange."

Julie had gotten up and grabbed Kitty a glass of water. "You need to drink something. I'll make you some tea. I brought some from home with me." Julie got up and started to make the tea.

Kitty took the water and drank it all. "Thank you, Julie." Kitty laid her head on Leo's chest and then continued her explanation. "All fox demons can hide their presence and their demon nature. That is what makes us different from other beings. The only time it is dangerous for us when the female is carrying a child. If the female is a turned fox demon, the male isn't affected, but it'll be different for you, Leo. I turned you when I am unstable." She touched his cheek and ran her fingers down his cheek. "I told you my powers won't go to you yet, which is true, but my blood will override your human blood as soon as the baby is born. I know I'm going a little off track, but I think you need to hear this now. You will become a fox demon yourself. Julie can probably fill you in better on how it'll feel to be turned than I can."

Julie looked over the counter. "I can. It was painful at first. I believe each fox demon has their own unique symbol they can draw on their chosen partner. I am the second wife to receive the symbol from my husband. His first wife died in childbirth. He chose me ten years after she passed away. He drew the symbol, which wasn't as painful as feeling like your blood is on fire. When your blood gets overridden, the best way to describe the sensation is all your blood feels like it's on fire. It lasts for about an hour, and then you have to learn how to control your presence."

“Become a good noticer. Pay attention to the feelings, hunches, and intuitions that flood your life each day. If you do, you will see that premonitions are not rare, but a natural part of our lives.”

― Larry Dossey, The Power of Premonitions: How Knowing the Future Can Shape Our Lives

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