

I reached the apartment earlier than usual because Mr Kaze excused me for the rest of the day. He wanted me to get a health check up to make sure I was completely okay too.

I came up with more excuses as to why I fainted which he probably didn't buy. That couldn't be helped I had bigger fish to fry.

As soon as I got home I took a warm bath and made dinner. I thought about everything for a long time and eventually came to one conclusion:

I had to tell Nick everything.

I was tired of the lies. My child would soon be born and I want him or her to have a stable home. Lying to Nick and pretending that everything is fine won't solve anything.

Once I was done cooking I sat with a cup of tea on the couch waiting for Nick to come home.

My heart is racing and I feel restless. I don't know how things will play out but all I know is I am tired of the lies.