

Jaehyun and I sit in his car in silence as we make our way back home. I was feeling somewhat much better now that the truth was out. I was glad I didn't have to avoid his face anymore or ignore his existence.

"I am sorry." I tell him remembering all the times I treated him worse than dirt.

His lips lift into a tiny smile. "I am sorry too."

"Why would you apologize when I was the one who messed up?"

"You're a victim of circumstances  Samantha."

"I just wish that I could fix everything but I know that is impossible."

He looks at me briefly. "We could be very happy together like old times."

I sigh feeling my heart ache. "I wish it was that simple Jae. I always wonder what would have happened if you never got sick...would I have stayed because I wouldn't need my dad's money?"

Those thoughts were useless now and I knew that but sometimes I would just picture my life with Jaehyun. I imagine us living happily in our tiny apartment in love and without a care in the world.

His voice is low when he says, "I always imagine that too."

Smiling I place my hand on his free hand. "Maybe in our next lives because now we belong to other people."

He removes his hand. "What mean to say  is you belong to someone else." He sighs. "I will always be yours...even if you don't want."

My heart was breaking for him and I didn't know what to do. Jaehyun doesn't deserve this. He should only be happy.

I didn't want to be here with him and see his heart breaking because of me.

"Can you drop me off here please?"


"I have something to do." I lied.

He pulls over at the side of the road reluctantly.

"Are you going to your husband?"

I didn't even think of that. Nick was probably busy working right now so I wouldn't want to bother him.

"Don't worry, I can take you." He starts the car again.

"Jaehyun-" I try to stop him.

"No, I will take you, I don't want anything bad to happen to you." He says looking straight ahead.

I reluctantly give up on trying to stop him. Jaehyun won't listen to me at all.

"I'm glad your dreams came true." I think of something to say because the silence was awful.

He smiles. "Yes. It sort of did."

"Do you enjoy acting?"

"Not as much as I did before."


"Won't you ask me why?"


"I'm too popular." He jokes lifting the mood. I laugh rolling my eyes.

"It's good to see You're still super humble."

"Its true."

His car stops infront of  large building. "Here you are."

"...thank you." I awkwardly said unbuckling my seatbelt.

"Remember I am on your side." Jaehyun tells me as I got out of his car.

"Thank you."

He smiles before rolling up his window and driving away. I wish I still loved him, things wouldn't be this complex.

Turning to the huge building I take a breath before entering. Now that I was here I realized I had no idea where my husbands office was.

I stood out like a sore thumb in a building full of people dressed professionally.

The ladies looked well put together and extremely beautiful. They all looked like models straight out of a magazine. The men did not fall behind at all, they all looked smart and extremely energetic.

Everyone moved with a purpose like a well oiled machine and here I was with my flats and summer dress.

Walking up to the front desk I prayed they spoke English. The assistant there was a beautiful tall woman with brown hair that flowed loosely over her shoulders.

I smiled nervously at her.  "Hey. Good day."

"Good day ma'am." She answers with a British accent.

I felt extremely happy knowing we wouldn't struggle understanding each other.

"Um, I am Mr Sakurada's wife, I came to suprise him. May I know where his office is?"

She smiles sweetly. "I am aware you are Mrs Sakurada, Your husband's office is on the 34th floor." How on earth did she know who I am?

I keep my curiosity to myself and head to the elavator. Nick is probably going to be shocked. I am probably the last person he'd expect to see here.

He is going to pretend to be happy to see me. He will lie that this is a great suprise and he will pretend to be a caring husband.

Nick is going to be agitated to see me deep down but will have to force himself to smile and laugh around me. I wonder why he needs to fool me. I keep wondering what his plan is.

Will he eventually leave me? Will he get me arrested?

The elavator arrives and I walk into a gorgeous floor. There's a secretary desk and an open plan office.

I walk up to the front desk. "Goof day, I'm Mrs Sakurada. I came to suprise Nick-I mean Mr kento." I corrected myself emberassed.

The office workers stare at me curiously and some start gossiping. They were probably not expecting me to ever show up at the office.

"His office is straight ahead ma'am, welcome."

"Thank you."

I quickly make my way to his office. I didn't know if I should knock or just walk in and yell 'suprise'

Just as I was about to knock I heard a woman shout.

"How could you get that woman pregnant?!"

There was a long pause before Nick responded.

"Do you really think this is what I wanted mother?!"

My heart drops. I knew he wouldn't be happy but actually hearing him say he is unhappy really hurts.

"Then why weren't you careful?!"

"Things happen...I was careless, I was fucking stupid!"

"That doesn't matter now because that woman is carrying our blood!"

This is the first time I'm hearing Miss Meisa talk with such a tone. She was so sweet to me before and It was all an act.

Tears fell as I froze. I didn't want them to hear me, if they knew I heard them I'd die.

Nick starts talking in Japanese so I couldn't understand anything now. His mother still sounded angry but was calmer now.

"Nick. I will trust you again don't let me down." She said in English finally.

He sighs. "I promise that woman will get what she deserves. Not only her but her entire family."

Hearing that a switch in my mind turned on. I quickly removed traces of tears and calmed my self down.


I open the office door startling my mother in law and husband who had no idea I was listening in. Nick became pale immediately and Miss Meisa couldn't close her mouth.

I enter the room smiling at them. "Are you suprised? I came to have lunch with you."

I turn to Miss Meisa. "I had no idea you were here mom."

She slowly recovers from the shock plastering a fake smile on her face.

"Oh my goodness dear. I was so suprised to see you here." She takes her purse.

"I was at a cafè and thought it would be great to see my husband so here I am." I lied flawlessly.

She looks at him. "Well then, I will leave you two alone. I have shopping to do."

"Okay. I'll see you at home mom." I wave to her as she leaves.

Nick looks at me trying to read me. He was probably wondering if I heard them.

Yes, I heard you loud and clear Nicholas but I am sorry to tell you that I won't let you hurt my family. If you want revenge get it by doing what you want to me. Leave my family alone.

And if you think you can do as you please just because I love you, you are mistaken. 

If you try to hurt my family, I will become your true enemy.