

Present day]


I cover my mouth shocked due to the epithany I just had. Nick and I have slept together. The day we got married.

"Sam?" Naomi calls out worried because I wasn't saying anything. My friends exchange glances but I am still in too much shock to say anything.

Nick was also pretty drunk that night, does he remember? I mean he has never brought it up. Does that mean he forgot?

"Ugh!!! I don't know!!!"

Finally having enough of sitting I get up. "Let's go clubbing!"

"But...tomorrow is your birthday do you really want to wake up with a hangover?" Naomi tries to reason with me.

"But you did see the condition she came in, Terra really upset her, let's go drink." Evan sides with me luckily. He always loved going out so it was not a suprise.

Naomi sighs in defeat. "Fine. But we will not stay out for too long."

"Okay cool."

"Let's go get ready ladies!"

We all rush to get dressed and dolled up for the night. I was so excited to be out with my friends after so long.

I followed Naomi into her roon so I could steal her clothes. Say what you want about Naomi Prescott but the lady could dress up and leave you in awe.

Ramiging through her closet I try to find something that would make me feel sexy.

"So you and Nick did...."

I turn to my friend who couldn't hide her grin.


"Was it good?"


"Would you do it again and if you say yes again I will punch you in the throat."

We both laugh at her "joke" even though I think she was pretty serious and it was most definatley a threat.

"I forgot...I was so drunk that night...and...well." I stammered because I felt emberassed. "I like Nick a lot and...I just want us to get along again."

"Call him then."

"Last time he called I was crying and couldn't answer...I don't know if he'll pick up my call."

She places her hands on her hips sassily. "Girl if he doesn't pick up I will hurt him."

"Naomi you're supposed to be a human rights lawyer."

"Well I'm protecting your rights."

She says with a serious expression on her face. "Your right to be loved."

"I think he still likes his ex..."

"Damn...I think you and him seriously need to sit down and have a serious talk."

"I know. I'll go back after two days..."

She takes my Hands into hers. "You should tell him how you feel and be honest with him no matter what...secrets and lies destroys relationships."

How can I tell him the truth? He will probably have a hard time believing me. I can only hope Nick knows what type of person I am. I hope he can understand my heart and see I never wanted to hurt anyone.



She looks at me worry written all over her beautiful face. "What's wrong? You spaced out."

"I am still wondering what the heck I'll wear!"

I plaster a smile on. "You have so many clothes...it's like I'm drowning in choices."

She laughs walking to her closet. "Do you want slutty or classy?"

"Slutty for sure."

Our laughter echoes through the small walk in closet as we continue looking for the perfect outfits.


After two hours we were jumping up and down, moving our bodies to the loud music of a popular club named libido. Evan was the one who picked it as he knew all the best places to go to.

The atmosphere and the mixture of alcohol aned music around me made me feel euphoric. It had been too long since I felt this carefree.

"Girl my feet hurt lets take a break please." Pleaded Naomi. Her heels look like they were balanced my thin knives which is why she was in so much pain.

Evan stops dancing and says out of breath, "Okay let's go. I'm thirsty anyways."

"Guys I want to dance some more." If I was going back to Japn soon and I would return tp all that chaos I should at least have some fun now.

"Well, can you stay here alone?" A worried Naomi asked.

"Yes. I think I'll be fine...also I can see the bar area from here so I'm good."

"Okay but I will keep an eye on you from over there."

"Okay Naomi. Don't worry so much."

She scoffs. "I'm just scared that your rich husband might try to kill us if something happens to your drunk ass."

"Nick is in Japan...he won't do anything to you!"

"Okay let's go I'm dying from thirst."

The two quickly make their way to the bar holding hands.

I didn't waste any time and began dancing on my own. There were tons of people making out on the dance floor and others grinding against each other. I laugh to myself as I start having silly thoughts.

If Nick were here we would be kissing too right?

I wonder if Nick is missing me at all or is Sana keeping him company?

Would he pick up if I called him?

I let my intrusive thoughts win when I grab my phone from the tiny black purse Naomi let me take because it fit well with my scandalous little black dress.

I click on the video call button before making my way to the bathroom. There was no line outside the bathroom luckily so I walked right into the decent looking and smelling bathroom.

After a few rings my handsome husband answers. He looked like he was busy working out or something.

Nick's hair was wet and his face was slightly flushed. He was also very sweaty.

"Why are you so hot?" I thought I said that in my head but no, he heard me loud and clear. He stared at me until the coner of his lips lifted.

"You're drunk right now."

"I am. So what?"

"Are you with someone you can trust? Did you come with your friends at least?"

"Why? Are you worried about me?" I ask smirking.

He looks at me for awhile before saying. "Happy birthday baby."



My drunk self felt so happy I wanted to cry. "You remembered my birthday?"

"Yes. Tell me what would you like for your birthday?"

I thought forawhile. "I want you."

Nick's smile causes me to get a mini heart attack. I swear this mans dimples will be the death of me.

"Nick...I miss you." I said without thinking twice. He was silent once again and I patiently awaited his response.

"Nick?" I call out to him as he looked deep in thought. "Nick I-"

My screen went black. I screamed in disbelief. "Damn it!" I forgot to charge the stupid thing! Sighing I shove it back in the purse.

Reluctantly I walk back to the bar where my friends were. The two were busy downing drinks like there is no tomorow.

"There's the birthday girl!"

I smile although my heart hurt. "Guys...shall we drink till we can't remember our own names?!"

"Yeah!" The two say in union. I couldn't help but feel better quickly seeing my crazy friends.

I am glad my messy self has people I can trust to have my back and love me.