

Nicholas Sakurada///

The room was dimly lid giving it a warm and cozy feeling. Sana's apartment was on the most expensive side of town and due to how luxurious it was you could see why.

When we first started seeing each other a few years back I always loved coming here and making love in this room. She used to be a delight to be around as she praised the ground I walk on. With grandpa constantly looking down on me she was the perfect confidence booster. What a shame I can't stand her now.

Coming from a well respected family like me was also another huge plus for me, my grandparents liked her for me which is part of the reason I loath her.

Everyone easily gives into her due to her beauty and charm but it seems I'm immune to it.

The phone rang for a while yet Sammy did not answer. I sigh irritated she was not picking up my call. Was she upset about my little prank call?

I feel a hand run up my arm indicating Sana was awake now.

"What time is it?"

"Its one in the morning. Go back to bed."

"Why are you awake at this time Nick?"

"I need to call Sam."

Sana yawned turning away to sleep. "I wonder what makes her so special that you're so obsessed with that women."

"Just sleep."

She mumbled something I didn't hear before finally shutting up. Sana always had the habit of opening her mouth when no one wants to hear her speak.

She always spoke and never knew when to shut up unlike Samantha who was quiet most of the time and seemed to be lost in her thoughts most of the time.

I'd always find myself drawn to her wondering what was going on in her head. She always made me want to be near her so I can try figuring out what she is thinking.

I shake my head in disbelief realizing I was having a goofy smile on my face over the woman I could not trust.

Throwing my phone on the nightstand I force myself to get somw shuteye. Samantha not picking up is still angering me but I'll try again tomorow. It makes sense why she is upset anyway.



This farmiliar room filled with friendly faces gave me immense joy. It was like this place never changed. Although my life went through so many crazy changes my friends gorgeous apartment was still a crazy mash of colors and I loved it.

"Here's your glass of wine." Naomi hands it to me taking a seat beside me on my right.

"Thank you babes."

"You're always welcome babes."

Evan who was on my left watches as I take a sip before saying, "Okay bitch spill all the damn tea."

I frowned taking another sip of the bitter wine. "So I won't actually know Nick."

The two gasp although they quickly recover to let me talk more. "We met the day I was meant to marry Michael...he saved me in a way then dragged me into a huge lie."

"What the actual fuck?" Naomi was upset and knowing her She wont calm down anytime soon.

"Naomi let her talk."

"Okay talk...but this shit ain't right."

The two signal for me to continue. "So after arriving in Japan I felt a spark between him and I...actually I felt it before going to Japan...it just got stronger in Japan."

"I think...I'm in love with him." I admitted feeling my cheeks burn up.

"Okay...so what's the problem?" Evan asked. "Because things sounds good to me. "

"Well, firstly Nick and I came up with rules so our agreement wouldn't get messed up...and Nick has this ex fiancè I think he still has feelings for." She certainly still wants my husband.

"And what about Nick?"

I turn to look at Naomi. "What about him?"

"Does he have feelings for you?"

Nick did say he has feelings for me. The way he kissed me last time could be another indicator but he is strange. I have no idea what he is really thinking.

"I think he loves me too..."

"So what are you doing here?" Evan asked me annoyed.

"We fought...he was...he was really cold to me for days and I was fed up."

"So you ran off?"

"Evan speak nicely." Warns Naomi.

"He is right...I ran off things were hard so I left." I won't mention Jaehyun because if I do the whole truth would have to come to light and although it feels good to tell someone how I really feel, I'm not ready to be seen as a murderer.

"Go get your man." Evan says shoving me playfully. "The man was so hot when I saw him at the church I almost died."

"He is really hot." I can't disagree with Evan. Nick was so good looking it hurt to look at him for too long.

"Did you two..." Naomi trails off smirking. I shove her gently.

"No!" "We only madeout...like once."

I blush as a memorie so deep in my brain resurfaces.

Flashback_ Los Vegas

"Sammy...be quite...Don't wake everyone in the hotel." Nick says holding me up with one hand as his other hand carried my shoes.

"Shut up Nick!" I yell as he puts me on the bed. I rest my head on a pillow feeling extremely dizzy.

The whole day I had to watch ladies flirt with Nick shamelessly, they kept touching him and at times it was like Austin was my husband as he tried to take care of me and stop me from drinking too much. Unfortunately he failed...I'm so drunk! Poor lia could not even be alone with her boyfriend.

"Come let's get you changed. There's some comfy PJ's for you to wear. Then we'll go back home tomorow morning."

"I hate you!" I ignore him remembering Lia 's words and laughing. Sitting up I look at him through blurry eyes. "Nick why...w-why do people think we look in love?" Lia was so wrong. Nick is a liar and so am I for fooling everyone.

"What are you saying? Just go shower so we can sleep."


"Sammy please."

"No! Nick...you don't care about me at all. I know you're messing with me!" I say as tears began forming. If I weren't this drunk I would be embarrassed by my own jealousy.

"Who told you I don't care about you?" His question annoyed me instantly.

"OH please Nick!" "I know you probably have other women I don't know about too." Why was I jeleous I don't even know him

"...That's enough Sammy you're drunk."

"I was so happy when you saved me at the wedding!" "You are my hero!" I began laughing hysterically.

"Nick do you realize you married a crazy lady?!"

Nick doesn't respond but grins watching me amused.

"I can see you are crazy."

I roll my eyes and jump around on the bed like a kid. My foot gets tangled up in the covers ans I almost lose my balance. Nick luckily caught me and I smile looking at his handsome face.

"You're so hot."

"So are you, Sammy."

I smile leaning closer to him and giving him a soft peck on the lips. He smiles.

"Our boundaries are getting blurry."

"Just kiss me Nick!" I yelled causing both of us to freeze for a minute. He was thinking for awhile and probably torn on what to do. He was having a full on mental battle.

Nick looks at me deeply before kissing me passionately on the lips. His tongue invaded my mouth and a full on makeout session began.

Nick pulls me ontop of him as we continued kissing and removing articles of our clothing, I could feel my heart racing from excitement as all I wanted was Nick to be closer to me.