
unknown infection

In a peaceful world, brimming with technology, a devastating meteor impact transforms both humans and inanimate objects into horrifying monsters. Those who manage to resist the transformation gain supernatural abilities, but they are treated as outcasts, dehumanized by the rest of society. Amidst this chaos and nightmarish reality, Rune finds himself affected by the meteor. Yet, faced with such adversity, will he allow himself to be consumed by it?

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23 Chs


As a 16-year-old boy with short black hair and brown eyes strolled down the street, he couldn't help but be captivated by the vibrant atmosphere. The sun beamed brightly, casting its golden glow upon the bustling crowd. Rune, feeling the scorching heat embrace him, looked up at the sky and remarked, "Today is extremely hot." He then shifted his gaze towards the enchanting spectacle of people savoring every moment of their lives, before turning his attention to the imposing brick wall that encircled the large city.

He strolled leisurely down the bustling street, teeming with a multitude of people. Rune donned a long black coat alongside sharp black pants and a deep blue shirt. As he made his way through the bustling crowd, his attention was drawn to a man engaging in lively conversation with a woman at a meat stall. With a sense of unease, Rune reached into his pocket and unveiled a solitary dollar bill, the last remnant of his funds.he walked over to the stall before saying good morning miss could I please have a glass of water.

Rune observed the various meat options presented by the vendor, fully aware that the idea of indulging in such a luxury like eating meat was beyond his reach. It had become exorbitantly expensive. The woman approached Rune while carefully guarding her nose with her garments, as the foul odor emanating from him was unbearable. However, despite her repulsion, he could sense a profound sympathy reflected in her expression. Rune realized that she probably suspected him of stealing, yet she chose to take the money anyway .

Don't worry, I assure you, I didn't steal the money," Rune explained. "I merely stumbled upon it, lying abandoned on the ground." The woman remained silent upon hearing this, calmly reaching under her food stall table. Soon, she produced a bottle of water and a glass cup with two cracks on it. "It's quite intriguing," noted Rune, "that she chooses not to offer me water in a fresh, flawless cup due to my scent." Nevertheless, he graciously accepted the cup of water and lifted it to his lips, savoring each sip.

While savoring the water, he was careful not to consume it too quickly as he couldn't afford to purchase another. After successfully finishing, he gingerly returned the empty cup to the gracious woman, who reached out her hand to retrieve it. As she took the cup from his grasp, one of its cracks unexpectedly inflicted a slight cut on his finger. Suddenly, a sharp pain escaped from his lips, "Ahh!" Startled, Rune hastily withdrew his hand to inspect his finger. Awe-struck, he observed the blue blood trickling from the wound.

"Oh no, not now!" Rune quickly averted his eyes from the enticing food stall and nervously scanned the crowd on the sidewalk across the street. To his dismay, he noticed two officers blending in with the bustling crowd.The woman was just about to throw away the shattered glass when she noticed a faint blue liquid on the cup. In that instant, she let out a piercing scream, "It's a monster! Officers, he's infected! He's a monster!" Her finger pointed sharply at Rune, who was on the verge of fleeing. Without hesitation, the police officers, alerted by her cries, swiftly drew their weapons and aimed them directly at Rune, who remained motionless, hands raised in surrender.

"I believe you're mistaken," Rune said confidently. As the shopkeeper approached, she noticed two police officers standing before her. One was a woman with beautiful blonde hair and captivating blue eyes, while the other was a man with sleek black hair and warm brown eyes. With a sense of urgency, she presented the police officer with the glass containing the blue droplet of blood on the cracked edge. "Ah, it appears we have found an infected," the woman declared, causing Rune to curse inwardly. The realization that the symptoms had worsened to level 3 struck him with disbelief. However, he quickly reflected on his solitary existence, concluding, "Well, I don't have any family or friends to worry about. I suppose it's alright. This might be how my life comes to an end ."

At what stage are you currently in? The police officer held his gun steady, keeping it pointed towards Rune, while the female officer urged the bystanders on the street to evacuate. Rune did not answer the officer's question, instead taking a step backwards. Reacting swiftly, the police officer aimed the gun beside Rune's head and pulled the trigger. A loud bang echoed through the air. Rune's senses were heightened as he heard the deafening sound of the bullet penetrating the wall behind him."If you move again, I will kill you," said the police officer sternly. He then reiterated his question, asking, "At what stage are you?"

50 years ago, a meteor collided with Earth, unleashing a magnificent purple mist that enveloped the entire world. This ethereal mist possessed a power to transform both living and non-living into terrifying monsters. Humanity stood on the brink of extinction, besieged by this unprecedented catastrophe. Determined to save the remnants of civilization, the government mobilized all available resources and erected formidable walls to segregate the people from the malevolent creatures. Yet, despite their efforts, the relentless transformation of humanity into monsters continues unabated, haunting us to this very day.

Infected individuals are banished from the city's , compelled to survive in a world teeming with relentless monsters. Should they succumb to partial corruption rather than fully transforming into a manifestation, they must face this grim reality. Becoming a manifestation means transforming into a relentless monster with a singular purpose: to ruthlessly exterminate anything that crosses its path.

When an individual succumbs partially to corruption, they are banished from the city, guarded by the imposing walls. However, those who fail to resist the overwhelming urge to transform are met with a more drastic fate: they are mercilessly executed by the police force. Interestingly, those who find themselves partially corrupted align with certain abilities of the monstrous beings they were intended to become. For example, should someone be on the verge of transforming into a manifestation capable of breathing underwater, they would acquire exactly that extraordinary skill.

Initially, people believed that mist was the sole cause of the manifestations. However, Some children who were seemingly just born without any preconditions are also experiencing these extraordinary transformations. These perplexing symptoms are classified on a scale ranging from level 1 to 4.In stage one, people will begin to hear distinctive voices or fierce roars echoing in their mind. Moving on to stage two, they will experience recurring nightmares, each haunted by the monstrous entity they are gradually evolving into. As they progress to stage three, a noticeable transformation takes hold as their blood slowly tinges blue, signaling their body's impending metamorphosis. Finally, in stage four, they face a critical juncture: succumb to insanity and become a terrifying manifestation, or persevere and embrace a partially corrupted state while retaining their ability to exert control.