
Unknown in the abyss

the unknown is all that awaits. we look out into the darkness and see only are selfs.. only in light can we see past are self. this is a journey of an unknown in the abyss. no plans just going. no real goal just moving. no path in sight... I'll make one. please leave.

jakobi_fling · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Readers Help / May Need To Know

'Thoughts' generally the same old usage

"Talking aloud " as usual

"'Reader voice'" Notes or letters to be read.

""Unheard shared conversation"" only heard by a select audience.

[Guide info explained to mc]

<Readers help notes> for randomly added magic and other stuff

Words without any bracket or quotation are I believe 3rd person/ narrator (me) making descriptions. oh and I do like to use Onomatopoeias or sound words as a crutch in showing a small amount of time passing and movement beyond the character as it is a bit fun and helps me think outside of what I was just writing.

Now a rather important note/ QnA

First I'm winging it all the way but what I do write becomes cannon so I will build up as I go and follow the rules I write slowly restricting me in the random additions I can add.

Second I use a diverse vocabulary because honestly I love to learn but I'm a bit lazy so this is a wonderful chance to learn, add, and remember my once plentiful vocabulary so be prepared to come across truly odd, old or well colorful language. If you don't understand well learn it with me. If you don't like what I write or rather how i write it's perfectly fine as at times i feel the same. Please no crazy complaints! If you need to complain think about what your writing and maybe make some edits so I can understand it. It's a rather low bar for me to understand I promise. Also if I use a word or write incorrectly well I promise I'm no expert so I will definitely read any comments about the proper usage and about punctuation problems. I plan to learn as I go.

Third I sincerely apologize however I'm rather poor at naming but I am going to try and keep it original for characters, races, and places. a creative challenge for myself as if writing wasn't enough.

Fourth I only know English and I KNEW German however my vocab is slowly fading and I would have to relearn it to even give a passing remark. So I will not likely use any different languages in my writing enless by pure coincidence.

Last but not least (for now)

Fifth Update schedule well i ain't got one and I ain't gonna have one as I just don't like um but I'll make a chapter at times regardless of readers as it is what it is. oh and p.s there's magic and bullsh¡t ahead so expect the unexpected or some other bull like that and I have literally no expectations on trying to earn anything from this and honestly was debating putting this in the fan fic section but then I feel like I would spiral with far to many random additions to make an even barely cohesive story so here is my attempt at a somewhat original story and yes I admit the general setting of a labyrinth/dungeon has been used washed and reused far to may times to count and in a way yes I'm adding to that count but in everything else I'm trying to keep it original in the truest sense. yes I ramble.