
Unknown Horizons

After a few centuries in cryosleep, Faolan wakes up to memory loss and no one left aboard his vessel, though he quickly finds out that he is not alone, he must survive, find out what happened, and escape the vessel that he is on. But what happens when he finds out that the vessel is in the deep recesses of space?

Alex_Uribe · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Skoll and Hati

"She flatlined but was resuscitated and is now in a comatose state." Dr. Valencia informed Faolan, "She got hit by a barb from one of the creatures out there and it ran havoc on her system. And it took a lot to purge everything from her system, but as far as we know she is still among us and hasn't been created into a creature, yet."

Shaking his head, Faolan looked at the doctor. "You should kill her, we cannot allow our only safe haven to be compromised on a what if."

"What?! No! We need to keep everyone together and alive. That is the only way we will make it through." The man who was now standing yelled at Faolan. Raising his eyebrow Faolan stole a glance at him and smiled.

"Have you ever experienced a viral outbreak in a small area before? One where there was no way in for a rescue and no way out for an escape. I don't think so, and while I don't know the entire picture of what happened, and honestly, I don't care. I doubt you seen the horrors of combat as well and what happens when the human psyche is placed under extreme stress. I'm awake, so now I'm in charge, comprende asshole?" Faolan let loose on the man in front of him, and while he truly did not care, he would not have his decisions challenged.

"Who do you think you are, Wolf? I am the captain of this vessel!" he exclaimed.

"Oh? Reeeeaaaaaallly? And what a damn stellar job you've done. How many are dead? Infected? Alive? How many security measures had holes in them that could have been fixed and quarantine could have been established faster?" Faolan started, "I doubt you know, but I can find out, and unlike you, I can live through it." I hope anyway.

"Wolf, if possible, could you hold off on killing her just yet? If she is to be killed in the end let me run some tests to see if there is a way to revert the process." Asked Dr. Valencia.

"Sure, you have till I get back." Pulling his 1911 out and slid in his .45 ACP 40 round drum. Knowing that he could only use it once due to how time consuming it was to load it by hand, he decided to utilize it first. He went to the latch released and had the door slide up, using the light on his pack to illuminate the area, he was shocked to see that other than blood stains there was nothing else in the hallway. Now on high alert, his mood changes. Sliding his free hand into his pocket with the media player he turns on the "Out In The Fields" cover done by Powerwolf and starts to run down the hall. Feels damn good to be up and moving. Faolan thought to himself. But I need to make sure my body still reacts to me as before.

He kept running, and watching the shadows, just in case anything tried to jump out at him. Moving from memory he made his way to the gym that was supposed to be on this floor for him and the others. After finding the two rooms that were designed to mark the room he quickly swept through the rooms. Using the light on his pack, he did not find any hostiles, only human flesh and bones scattered across the rooms along with some internal organs plastered on the walls. As if the one who was in here had exploded without an explosive device. Seeing that the coast was clear he went back out into the hallway, and quickly pushed a hidden button on the wall that caused a door to open. Entering the room, Faolan was blinded by the bright light that assaulted him.

"Whose there!?" a lilting female voice shouted in shock of having the door open and seeing an unknown man with a weapon in hand and two more that could be seen.

"Faolan, Corporal of Marines, who are you miss?" Faolan stopped short and asked as he closed the door to the hallway. He answered automatically, then remembered that after his court martial, he was demoted to private.

"Marine? As in Marine Corps form Gaea that were one of the first military branches wiped out by the disaster?" the young woman asked a shocked. Then suspicion set in, "There is no way you are from that branch, there are no 'Marines' on the log books, nor are there anyone from any nation that were active in the time the ships all launched." Faolan stood there and looked at the young woman, then remembered that he was given a code name and was informed that everyone on all ships would be informed of his status. Shaking his head he returned his attention to her.

"I am Wolf", he started to reply only the woman become stark white with terror, pausing he tilted his head as he looked at her.

"You're going to kill me aren't you? I might just be an admin worker but I can get you into the locked sections of the ship, or you could have my body, don't kill me, please, don't kill me. Ill do anything for you. Anything you want." She started to ramble on falling to the floor, as the smell of piss filled the room. Wrinkling his nose, he disregarded the woman, and looked around the room. He saw multiple people hiding behind various pieces of equipment. Shaking his head he was shocked that a group of ten some odd people were able to survive.

"Listen up, I'm not going to kill you, I'm just here to get some of my gear and I'll be on my way." He started, "Or, if you listen to me I can take you to a safer area. This area is currently cleared of whatever is out there. And there is someone who claims to be a doctor there as well."

One of the older men stood up and looked at Faolan dubiously, "What does she looked like?"

Rolling his eyes, "You can come or not, I do not need to validate what I said to you lot." Walking forward, and around the woman who was staring at him who pissed herself, he went to the wall in the back. After touching an depression in the wall, he smiled as another door opened up. He was the only one who knew the true secrets of the space crafts. Each on had a special individual that would wake up when the security forces were wiped out. And each on had their own special armaments. But what truly made them unique was their bloodline. While not related each on had blood ties to some form of mythical beast. Shaking his head Faolan thought to himself, Gotta love parents who need to sleep with something that they shouldn't. After this thought he had another head splitting headache come out of nowhere. Suddenly there were flashes of the one who looked just like him. Realizing it was his brother, he felt a pang of loss. It only lasted a second as he remembered that his brother ended up joining a mafia as Cleaner, though he knew that his brother wouldn't last long before moving up their ranks. One thing their maternal grandfather was good at was toughening them up. What others viewed as torture and abuse, that sick bastard saw it as 'training'. Now with his memories recollected, the pain subsided.

Shaking his head he continued down the hallway that lead to an open room. In the room there were two mechanical wolves. These wolves were as tall as Faolan, and slightly wider than him. Walking over to the console that controlled both. Placing his hand on the reader, the console came to life. After initiating the activation process a metallic female voice came over the intercom, "Activation of Skoll and Hati has started all nonauthorized employees, please vacate the premise." Knowing that these were biolocked to his signature Faolan didn't move but only looked at the two wolves with love in his eyes. They were held some DNA from the wolves that he bred, while his brother bred eagles. Once the activation sequence was done, both mechanical wolves stepped down and sat in front of Faolan, their tails wagging bag and forth.

Connection sequence starting, 50 percent done. 75 percent. 100 percent. Connection sequence done. Owner may now issue orders telepathically. Skoll and Hati are awaiting orders.

Smiling to himself, Faolan started out of the room with both wolves in tow. Seeing that the group of people were by the door, he raised an eyebrow.

"Have you made your decision?" he asked.

"Yes, take us to Dr. Valencia, if that is who was with you." The old man stated.

"Ok, but stay close and don't wander." Faolan stated, as he opened the hatch and left with two mechanical wolves and 10 survivors in tow.

Hello everyone, sorry for the slow releases, trying to make each chapter long enough to not seem like a waste of time. I also created a discord to share links of the songs that I use as well as updates of the story. Faolan En Adrian's Server is what its called. I will also be posting what to expect in the next chapter and when it will be posted that way yall can stay up to date. And please rate the chapters and comment your thoughts on what I put, it does help and I do pay attention to any suggestions that are put forward. Thank you.

Alex_Uribecreators' thoughts