
Unknown Horizons

After a few centuries in cryosleep, Faolan wakes up to memory loss and no one left aboard his vessel, though he quickly finds out that he is not alone, he must survive, find out what happened, and escape the vessel that he is on. But what happens when he finds out that the vessel is in the deep recesses of space?

Alex_Uribe · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs


As Captain Maverick made his way down the stairs, he looked back and noticed that the Snake was not following him. Not thinking anything of it he continues down. He reached the vent covering that Snake told him about and promptly removed it and started his way down. Luckily, it was a straight shot otherwise he would have gotten lost in the darkness. But he could hear what was happening outside of the vent. There were sounds of plasma fire and screams of those who were unlucky and got caught by whatever was chasing them. Though Captain Maverick thought Those that die, while it may be painful, might be the luckiest of the bunch.

He slowly moved not wanting to bring attention to himself but was starting to sweat from a case of claustrophobia developing in him. He could not see, but could hear, everything. Even his own heartbeat, which was unsettling. Wanting to be out of the vent as fast as possible he carefully picks up his pace. After what seemed like an eternity inside the darkness his head hits something hard. Letting out a gasp from shock he quickly recollects himself. Now sweating profusely, he places his right hand on the thing in front of him. Opening his eyes, he sees that its another vent covering. Feeling joy swell through his body he pushes on the vent with all his might, forcing it to come off the hinges and fall towards the ground with a loud thud. He freezes in place, the smile frozen on his face.

As he starts to slowly make his way out of the vent, Dr. Valencia comes rushing into the room holding her custom plasma pistol aimed at him. Once noticing that it was him and not a creature that had found its way into the vent system, she relaxes a bit. Still keeping the pistol near her, she moves forward to help the captain out of the vent. Once out, she helps him to the living quarters and onto a bed. Looking at the captain she noticed that he appears to be older and more run down as apposed to earlier when he was full of life and had the 'I'm-in-charge' attitude. Now he appeared to be nothing more then an old man. Not wanting to bother him any, she leaves him alone in the room and shuts the door behind her.

After Captain Maverick was placed in the bed, Dr. Valencia goes to check the status of the blood that was in the thaw process. A smile is plastered on her face as she sees that it is done. She grabs her pendant and takes out one of the vials and puts it into an injector. Looking at the blood vial she ponders at the best way to go about the experiment. She decides to use a drop of blood and a drop of the serum to see if there were any oddities within the blood. Naturally, she checked the blood first before introducing the serum. Inside of the Wolf's blood there were already small organisms, and at first glance she could tell that these things were not a virus or bacterium. Most likely these things have been a part of the Wolf's body since birth. Possible mutation from the mother or father side. Intrigued Dr. Valencia introduces a drop of the serum into the drop of blood.

The organisms seemed to watch as the serum came in to contact with the red blood cells. Seeing the changes, the infected cells go through, the unknown organisms attacked the infected cells and consumed them hole. Whereas the organisms that contacted the serum did not change from what Dr. Valencia could tell. But they went and intertwined with the other organisms that had yet to encounter the serum. After splitting into four she realized that these things had a form of immunity to the serum. So the Wolf should have a natural, er unnatural, resistance to the creatures outside. Though if his combat prowess was lacking it would not matter.

As she was going through the process to see if the Wolf's blood was resistant to the serum, she did not notice the two people who came out of the main vent. So when she turned around as saw two unknown women she almost cried out. While both were naturally tanned and had black hair, there were distinct differences between the two. One was talk and had more of a muscular build, whereas the other was on the smaller side and more petite looking. The tall one's hair was naturally wavy, like an ocean's waves. The short one hair fell straight down. Both had a distinctive glint in their eyes, that promised pain in the most unspeakable ways. Feeling ice travel up her spin, Dr. Valencia took an involuntary step back.

"Coyote, you know who this is?" The tall one asked her smaller compatriot.

"If I did, then why wouldn't you?" Coyote replied with a question.

"Don't answer my question with a question, but you do make a valid point. So, woman, who are you and why are you in our living quarters?" the tall one asked Dr. Valencia.

"First, Shark, why don't we go change. If we are awake then that means Angel, Snake and Lion failed their respective missions and died like the useless wastes they are." Sighing, Coyote started, "Which means if we don't clean up this mess then the psychopath will wake up."

Looking at the smaller woman, Dr. Valencia asked, "Why do you say that he is psychopath? Did he do anything to you directly?"

"What? No, his was already here when we came in to go to sleep. We just read all the intel that was on him. And even by the relax standards his kind had back then, he still got off way to easy." Shark responded. "Killed his superiors and while yes he managed to escape a hell of a prison and lead people to safety, he dared to barter for his freedom instead of taking his punishment like a warrior should." This caused Dr. Valencia's eyebrows to be raised. In her time, due to the decline in female births, women were not allowed to be in the security detail. Or take any job that could lead to death. So for it to finally register that these two women were the next soldiers that would protect was quite a shock. Yes she knew that before the spacefaring age, it was normal and accepted for women to doing 'dangerous' jobs but this was the first time she actually met one who was in.