
Unknown hero

On hiatus. Focusing on other novel for now. System unlocked. Potential Level 500 fighter. Enter name - ... the name is ... the name is.. The year is 4069. Earth has developed drastically and now is on type 2 civilization. In this world now people live by how strong they are according to their levels. The strong dominates weak and seeks for more stronger power. Harvey brights a student of overdrive highschool is a victim of bullying since he entered the first year. He never tried to fight back the bullies but instead told the teachers but they would not listen to him. Harvey gets angry about school authorities doing nothing. Now what will Harvey do about it. Will he sit back and take the abuse or will he face slap them all.

Zukashi_zuno · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Kai Dakota's identity.

Harvey made tea for Kai anyways even after his refusal for tea or coffee.

Kai stared at Harvey with an expressionless face.

" What is this..?"

" Darjeeling tea. The polyphenols in Darjeeling stimulate good bacteria growth in your digestive system..." Harvey began explaining about the tea.

Kai stumped his teacup on the table, spilling half the tea and told Harvey

" I didn't ask for your explanation of what tea is it. I told you I didn't need tea, water, give water no tea."

Harvey was so deep into the explanation that he didn't hear what kai said.

" Preventing dental cavities and plaque."

He stopped his explanation and lifted his kettle.

" Do you need more?"

Kai lost for words just ignored Harvey's ignorance of what kai said and gave up on requesting water.

He facepalmed his face and said

" Yes please."

Harvey then suddenly became serious and asked about the relationship Kai had with his parents.

Kai sipping the Darjeeling tea said

" The tea is actually good." Putting down his tea glass said " About your parents and my relationship with them.

Kai opened up his system and told the system to show the image in a secret folder.

" System Hender open up the file UH."

The system told Kai to input the password in a male voice.

Kai secretly inputs his password and the file opened.

Harvey could now see the image floating in the air.

Harvey' system of so-called virtual assistance Emma popped up in front of everyone.

" Hender so long no see. How are you?" Emma with an excited voice asked?

Hender replied, " Was doing good until now."

Emma sunk into depression and sat in a lonely corner.

Kai told hender to ask sorry to Emma but hender felt like he was not wrong and didn't say sorry.

Harvey was comforting Emma at the corner of the room where Emma sank to depression.

Emma became comforted and wiped her tears.

* Note:- The system or the virtual assistance in this world have emotions.

"What was that" Harvey looked at the air.

Kai told " Oh it was just a note that popped up. Readers read that note carefully and don't hurt a system or virtual assistance feelings."

Harvey shook his head and said " Anyways that picture floating in the air. That is my father and mother and you as well."

Kai sipping his tea said " Your father and mother, they were a great person. Your mother was my big sister. She used to scold me, bully me but most importantly loved me as much she loved you."

Harvey asked Kai with curiosity on his face

" You knew about me all along? Wait a min how old are you actually?"

Kai finishing his remaining tea said

" I knew about you but never saw a picture of you. I was told about you when you were just born. I was 6 years at that time. So if you do the maths correctly I am 23 years old."

Harvey sitting back at the table said with a surprised face " 23!" beating the table with his fist in a drummers motion.

" Aren't you too old age for a high school but you look young like a teenager too? How?"

" I am an unknown hero, a unique one. The blood of Dakota's run within me and even you. A special skill is given to us which is not available to those normal system users"

Harvey was confused. He began scratching his head.

" I know my mother was from Dakota tribe and Father a bright. But I never knew about a special skill available only to us."

Kai looking eye to eye with Harvey said

" You have and you will find it. You will two special skills since you have bright tribe blood running in you."

Harvey once again questioned Kai

" If you didn't saw my photo and just heard my name, how did you know that Harvey brights that you are looking for is me?"

" I was told by your mother and father before they died that their son will be the holder of that microchip which will make him an unknown hero, don apostle will help him activate it but you must help him from overusing the special skills," Kai spoke.

Harvey began wondering about what his special skills are. The 5 skills he had were just basic and some ultimate of that basics.

" System on," Harvey spoke with a concerned face.

" Emma show me my Skill usage of my ultimate Memory decay."

Showing you the skill usage of your ultimate- Memory decay.

Used:- 456 times

People effected:- 455

People not effected:- 1

" Show me HP decay rate when the ultimate was used." Harvey in a panicked voice said.

Showing your HL decay rate when using the ult.

Times used ultimate:- 456

H.P. decay rate per use:- -4000 hp per 10,000,000.

H.P. decay total:- 1,824,000.

Total H.P left:- 8,176,000.

Harvey took a sigh with a satisfied face

" It is not my ultimate then I guess. If the ult I have now was my special skill then hp rate decay would be going down drastically. I saw that in one of the books about unknown heroes and their skill."

" Emma do you know anything about my special skill?"

Emma responded " No, I can only know those skills which you know, seen it learned. So that means it might be a new skill or even a status effect."

" She is right." Kai's system hender responded.

" I am sorry for offending you before. Emma is correct in this one. It might not only be a skill. It can be a passive, weapons, skills, forms or even a summoning." hender said.

Emma became happy and started jumping in joy in virtual reality. It was first-time hender complimented her.

Harvey began thinking " Status effect.. Passive... Skill... Weapon... Summoning. I have to research this."

Harvey looking at Kai asked him" What is yours? Passive? status effect?"

Kai replied" Mine is a passive. It makes me young and gives me extra speed. No wonder I reached you at that race."

Harvey looking at his tea hits his head and fainted.

Kai became worried and ran over Harvey's side and picked him up from the floor.

" What is wrong with you?" Kai asked

Harvey with a regretful face said

" I just wasted my full cup of Darjeeling tea."

Kai looks at Harvey, expressionless dropped him back to the floor.

" Ouch! Why dropping me back? I keep my level around 5 at home when resting bruh. It hurts."

Harvey getting up from the floor grabbing his back.

" I just felt like," Kai answered.

Emma and Harvey thinking to themselves

"( No wonder hender is so sassy if his master us like this.)"

" What are you thinking?" Kai asked.

" Nothing" Harvey with nervous laughter said.

Reminder! Pop!

Investigate about koro hakura.+ pic attached.

Harvey looks at the system notification screen sent by Don yesterday.

Kai asked, " What is it?"

Harvey looked at kai and then back at the screen.

He did this about 3 times.

" I just got a notification about my daily activity," Harvey told Kai with stuttering words.

" Oh is that so? Then I will be going home now. Do your activity peacefully. Anyways bye let's meet in class tomorrow." Kai left the T.V. room and went near the front door to wear his shoes.

Harvey was watching him from the T.V. room doorway.

" Is there something on my face?" Kai pointing at his face asked Harvey.

" No, it's nothing. I was just coming out to close the door." Harvey answered.

" Ok, anyway bye" Kai left Harvey's house.

Harvey hurried up and closed the front door.

He went back to his room upstairs and opened the system message again.

" It cannot be." Harvey looking at the picture attached to that message.

" Koro hakura looks same as Kai?"