
Universe of The Gifted: Sequoia

In this realm of magic and fantasy, where battles were fought with elemental forces and alliances were tested, the Paragons stood as beacons of hope, their bravery and unwavering determination forging a path toward a brighter future. The locals believed that once upon a time, there was a place full of dangerous creatures that invaded the humankind. After the brutal attack that claimed the lives of her adoptive parents and destroyed her village, Nyra learns of her true identity and embarks on a journey of vengeance and redemption. Driven by a burning desire to avenge the deaths of her loved ones and rescue her abducted friend from the clutches of the Adbeels, Nyra sets out on a path of power and transformation. She enrolls in a prestigious school where individuals with God-given gifts are trained to harness their abilities and ascend to higher levels of mastery. Determined to become stronger and more powerful, Nyra immerses herself in rigorous training, pushing the boundaries of her capabilities. Alongside her fellow students, she delves into the mysteries of her unique gift, unlocking new levels of potential and unlocking secrets about her heritage as her power grows Disclaimer: The Book cover that I used is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner of the art.

MiChuu_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
89 Chs


I didn't believe him when he said it was a castle, but now that we were standing in front of it, looking up hurt my neck because it was so massive and tall. It's like a village, but it's just one humongous castle.

As the guards bowed before us, their expressions filled with reverence, I exchanged a bewildered glance with the Mister beside me. Why were they treating us with such deference? We were just ordinary individuals, lost in a world we barely understood.  Maybe this guy isn't what I think he is: a servant.

As I stepped down from the carriage, the awe-inspiring sight of the castle atop the mountain took my breath away. It stood proud and majestic, like something out of a cherished childhood fairy tale. However, I couldn't let my amazement show. I had grown up in a humble village, far from the world of grandeur and nobility. The last thing I wanted was for them to think I was impressed by their opulence.

Beside me stood Mr. Amado, a man whose name struck a chord of familiarity within me. He had been my loyal butler since my earliest memories, guiding me through life with unwavering devotion. Now, he revealed a secret that shook the very foundation of my identity. According to him, I was the daughter of a royal family, destined to govern the Land of  Sorevi.

I kept my emotions tightly in check, refusing to show any signs of surprise or excitement. It all seemed too surreal, like a well-crafted illusion meant to deceive me. I had grown up believing I was an ordinary villager, and now I was supposedly connected to a world of royalty and responsibility.

Mr. Amado sensed my inner turmoil and approached me, his voice filled with a mix of solemnity and pride. "Young Lady, I understand this revelation may be overwhelming," he began, his eyes reflecting a lifetime of secrets. "But you possess a heritage that demands your presence and guidance. The Land of  Sorevi  awaits your return."

I met his gaze, the weight of his words sinking in. It was an invitation to embrace a destiny I had never imagined, to walk a path paved with intrigue and power. However, doubts still lingered within me. Was I truly capable of fulfilling this newfound role? Could I adapt to a life of royalty, leaving behind everything I had known?

Suppressing my apprehension, I straightened my posture and spoke with a determination that surprised even myself. "Very well, Mr. Amado," I replied, my voice steady. "Lead the way. Let us see what this supposed birthright entails. But remember, I am not easily swayed by titles or grandeur. I will judge this world for myself."

A flicker of admiration danced across Mr. Amado's eyes before he composed himself, concealing any trace of emotion. "As you wish, my Lady," he responded, gesturing toward the towering castle.

As we entered the castle grounds, a breathtaking garden unfolded before our eyes. Lush greenery stretched as far as the eye could see, meticulously tended by a dedicated group of workers. The air was filled with the fragrance of flowers, their vibrant hues creating a kaleidoscope of colors.

The garden was a sanctuary of nature's beauty, adorned with an array of flora. Roses, their petals velvety and richly hued, climbed trellises and spilled over stone walls. Towering sunflowers turned their golden faces toward the sun, while delicate lilies swayed gracefully in the gentle breeze. Daisies dotted the landscape, adding a touch of innocence and simplicity to the grandeur.

As we made our way through the garden, the workers paused in their tasks, their watering cans held mid-air. A sense of anticipation filled the air, and their eyes sparkled with surprise and delight as they caught sight of us. They, too, recognized the significance of our arrival, their gestures of respect a reflection of their loyalty to the kingdom.

One by one, they bowed in unison, their devotion palpable. I couldn't help but feel a mixture of humility and responsibility weighing upon me. This was not just a castle, but a world that had waited for its rightful ruler to return. Their expressions spoke volumes, as if they saw in me the hope for a brighter future?

We went through another large door, which I believe will lead to the castle's hall. And I was correct; when the door opened, we found ourselves in a hall with a grand staircase in the center that connects to two stairs on the hall's second floor.

There are glamorous lights all around the area, as well as a large floating chandeliers in the high ceiling. Oh wow...how did they make those chandeliers float by themselves?

I was captivated by their chandelier, but it was the large paintings hanging on the side of the hall that drew my attention more. It's the King and Queen of this Castle.

The first painting is a man and a woman, both of them with crowns while seated. The man has long black hair, and the woman's brow hair was tied up.

The second painting is still them but the woman is holding the baby. The last painting is still them but the baby has grown- it was me when I was younger...

So... they are really my real parents? My heart started racing when I saw them. I am astounded by their beautiful faces; I replicate the woman , but I have the Man's emerald eyes.

We continued walking around the castle until we came to a halt in front of another massive door.

How many huge doors does this castle have?

Mr. Amado snapped his fingers together, and the massive door swung open. My eyes widened as I saw what was behind the huge door.

A line of guards standing on each side, of one another, and in the center is a long red carpet that leads to the two people sitting at the far end of the room. They rose from their thrones as soon as they saw us approaching; they are the couple illustrated in the earlier paintings...my real parents.

I saw Mr. Amado bow at them and was about to do the same when the King suddenly hugged me, "Oh my dear princess, I am happy to finally able to hug you..." he whispered as he hugged me tightly.

He is dressed entirely in elegant white clothing. His long black hair is in a loose tie.

I did not hug him back, I kept my blank stares in front. I don't know what to do now that I am facing the people I have been looking for for years.

I haven't recovered from the King's hug when the Queen quickly hugged me after the King let go of me, she said, "Sequoia, you're back. You have no idea how much we missed you." She kissed my hair while sobbing.

In comparison to the artwork I had previously seen, they didn't appear to have aged all that much.

"Thank you for bringing my daughter back, Mr. Amado." The King thanked Mr. Amado as he patted his shoulder.

Mr. Amado bowed his head slightly, "It is my responsibility to do so, Your Majesty."

As I stood at the threshold of the grand castle, a surge of conflicting emotions overwhelmed me. The regal surroundings contrasted sharply with the memories of my past, the feeling of abandonment and the struggles I had endured. Anger and resentment simmered beneath the surface, threatening to boil over.

Without realizing it, I instinctively pushed the Queen, who had accompanied me on this journey, away from me. It was an involuntary action, fueled by a mix of frustration and a desire to remind them of their past neglect. How could they bring me into this opulent castle now, as if it could erase the pain of my upbringing, the longing for a family that I had desperately yearned for?

The Queen stumbled backward, her expression a mix of surprise and concern. She reached out to steady herself against a nearby pillar, her eyes reflecting the weight of my unspoken accusations. Her voice trembled slightly as she spoke, trying to bridge the gap between us.

"Please understand," she pleaded, her voice laced with remorse. "The circumstances that led to your separation from the royal family were complex. Choices were made that we deeply regret. But now, we seek to rectify our past mistakes, to offer you the life you deserve."

"I am not here to return as your daughter or princess, or whatever you want to call it," I stated flatly, looking them directly in their eyes.

"What are you talking about, Sequoia-" I cut off The King as I get irritated by my real name.

"Nyra, Call me Nyra. That's my name and not Sequoia." I said coldly, making them speechless.

The King sighed but nodded after, "What do you mean, N-Nyra." He appears to be bothered by my name, but I couldn't care less.

I calmed myself and tilted my head, trying to appear strong, "I've come to ask for your help," The Queen suddenly held and squeezed both of my hands.

She smiled at me, tears in her eyes, and said, "We will do everything in our power to help you, my daughter." as I pushed her hands away.

"I'd like you to help me in bringing justice to my adoptive parents and the people of my village. I'd also like you to help me find wherever those demons took my friend." I said, waiting for their reaction.

The King finally chose to break the silence after a long period of silence in the room.

"We will help you with your plan, but it's you who should do almost of it. " He said looking directly into my eyes, his eyes are like piercing my soul.

"I know, I just want your assistance-"

"You'll stay here with us, and we'll help you train yourself so you can prepare and succeed with your plan," he said, making me furrow my brow.


"Take it or leave it." The King's voice is solemn, as are his eyes as if he is challenging me.

As my sigh echoed through the grand hall, I took a moment to steady my emotions. Despite the pain and resentment that lingered within me, I realized that this castle, with its resources and influence, could potentially help  me in seeking justice for the lives lost.

Gazing at the Queen, I saw a flicker of determination in her eyes, a glimmer of remorse that mirrored my own desires. It was in that shared understanding that a newfound sense of purpose took root within me. If embracing my royal heritage meant acquiring the means to right the wrongs committed against the innocent, then I would seize this opportunity with both hands.

With a firm resolve, I stepped forward, closing the distance between us. "Very well," I responded, my voice steady and resolute.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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