
Universe of The Gifted: Sequoia

In this realm of magic and fantasy, where battles were fought with elemental forces and alliances were tested, the Paragons stood as beacons of hope, their bravery and unwavering determination forging a path toward a brighter future. The locals believed that once upon a time, there was a place full of dangerous creatures that invaded the humankind. After the brutal attack that claimed the lives of her adoptive parents and destroyed her village, Nyra learns of her true identity and embarks on a journey of vengeance and redemption. Driven by a burning desire to avenge the deaths of her loved ones and rescue her abducted friend from the clutches of the Adbeels, Nyra sets out on a path of power and transformation. She enrolls in a prestigious school where individuals with God-given gifts are trained to harness their abilities and ascend to higher levels of mastery. Determined to become stronger and more powerful, Nyra immerses herself in rigorous training, pushing the boundaries of her capabilities. Alongside her fellow students, she delves into the mysteries of her unique gift, unlocking new levels of potential and unlocking secrets about her heritage as her power grows Disclaimer: The Book cover that I used is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner of the art.

MiChuu_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
89 Chs

Bloody sky


As I realized that the letters on my back couldn't be washed away, a sense of resignation settled within me. It was as if these marks were meant to be a part of me, an enigmatic symbol of some unknown purpose.

Accepting that concealing them was the best course of action, I carefully dressed myself, choosing an outfit that would cover the letters. The long sleeves of my white dress would hide the mysterious markings from prying eyes. The red bodice added a touch of color, distracting attention away from my back.

With my hair cascading down my shoulders, I hoped it would further shield the hidden secret etched upon my skin. It was a small solace, a way to maintain some semblance of normalcy in the face of this inexplicable phenomenon.

I sighed before taking one last look in the mirror and leaving my room as if nothing strange had happened last night either in my body.

When I got down, I was surprised to see a feast prepared on our table, Glendale and my parents singing happy birthday to me, with a cider cake on the center of the table!

"Oh my goodness, thank you so much!" I exclaimed as I hugged them. "This is a lot; you should have called for me so I could at least help," I said as I eyed the foods in front of me.

Glendale chuckled, "Then that would not be a surprise, ye?" I smiled at her remark. "Happy birthday, my friend," she said and hugged me.

I smiled widely, "Thank you," I whispered to her as we let go.

My parents then hugged me, "Happy birthday, my dearest," my father said, kissing my hair.

"Happy birthday, my daughter," my mother said, kissing my cheek, which caused me to giggle.

"Thank you very much; I really appreciate it," I said sincerely, looking into their eyes after we hugged.

Glendale cleared her throat, "Shall we eat? Besides, we have a place to go after." She wiggled her brows at me.

"Where to?" I asked as we sat and ready to eat these delicious meal in front of us.,

Glendale shrugged as she bit the bread in her hand, "I prefer to keep it a secret for the time being."


"Hey, where are we?" I asked Glendale who blindfolded me.

She's guiding me as we walked toward the place she said she prepared for me after we had a heavy breakfast.

"We're almost there," she said before suddenly stopping after a few seconds. "We are here, are you ready?" she asked and I nodded multiple times.

As I stood there, my eyes drinking in the familiar sight of the lake, a wave of nostalgia washed over me. The tranquil water mirrored the azure sky above, creating a breathtaking reflection that seemed to merge the boundaries between earth and sky.

Memories flooded my mind, each one laced with laughter, secrets shared, and moments of pure joy. This was the place where Glendale and I forged a bond that had withstood the test of time, a friendship that had weathered countless storms.

I could almost hear our laughter echoing through the air, carried by the gentle breeze that rustled the leaves of the surrounding trees. It was here that we had spent countless hours, exploring the woods, dipping our toes in the cool water, and dreaming of adventures yet to come.

On the grass is a white mat with a basket full of fruits on top.

"Glendale, this is amazing!" I said as I walked towards the mat, "This place hasn't changed since the last time we visited it."

As we settled down on the mat, our eyes drawn to the expansive beauty of the lake, a serene calm washed over us. The gentle rustling of leaves and the soft chirping of birds provided a symphony of nature, creating a peaceful ambiance that enveloped us.

We sat side by side, our shoulders lightly brushing, as we allowed ourselves to be captivated by the tranquil scene before us. The shimmering waters of the lake stretched out, seemingly endless, reflecting the golden hues of the sun as it began its descent.

"Do you still remember how we met? You saved me from my bullies who tore my toys..." she started as she gazed off into the distance.

"I remember that day, how could I forget how you and I met?" I said and started remembering what happened that day, "Not only did you wet my sleeves with your tears, but you also tripped in the mud and included me." I laughed as I remembered my mother going insane with how we looked when we arrived at my place.

"Hey, that was unintended! Because of the tears in my eyes, my vision was blurry, and tripped." She defended herself. "But that was my happiest day, Nyra. Because that was the day I met the best woman anyone could ask for. How lucky am I, right?" she said, her glamorous face lit up with a genuine smile.

"Oh, Glendale, don't make me cry," I said, my eyes welling up. She giggled at what I said and lay down as she gazed up at the sky.

"What is your biggest dream, Nyra?" She suddenly asked.

"Hmm, My dream?" I smiled, "My dream is simple, Glendale. I desire to provide a comfortable home for my parents, with a large kitchen for my mother and a garden for my father. My dream is to provide a comfortable life for my parents, a life they have always deserved." I said and smiled at her who was already looking at me.

I took one apple from the basket and bite it, " I know you'll be able to fulfill that dream of yours, in the future." she said to me and smiled.

"How about you? What's your dream?" I asked, looking at her as I ate my apple.

She took her beautiful amber eyes away from me and looked up at the sky before closing her eyes. "I want to be a teacher and build a small school for the children in our village. I'll do everything in my power to obtain a degree and help educate children for free," she said.

I smiled and my heart melted at what she said; I have always known Glendale is a great person. Her dream shows how pure her heart is.

"And you should begin by not skipping classes every week." I joked and we both laughed together.

After a while, silence filled the both of us. Just enjoying our time and the scenery in front of us.

"What a lovely day; I hope life is like this every day," she whispered but is enough for me to hear.

"What do you mean? Life has always been beautiful; we are just not fortunate enough to experience it in its true essence." I tried to lighten up the atmosphere with my words.

She looks at me while shielding her face from the sunlight. "It's just that when something positive happens, something horrible happens afterward, which is even worse," she said.

A feeling of unease prickled at the back of my neck as I followed Glendale's gaze upward. The sky, once a canvas of serene blues and golden hues, was now transforming into a disconcerting shade of crimson. The gradual shift from calm to foreboding sent a shiver down my spine.

As the crimson hue intensified, it cast an eerie glow over the landscape, casting long shadows that danced and twisted across the grass. The tranquility we had felt moments ago was replaced by an air of uncertainty and trepidation.

"What... What is happening?" I stammered, my voice barely audible above the unsettling atmosphere. Glendale's wide eyes mirrored my own confusion and apprehension.

Before we could contemplate further, the once gentle breeze transformed into a gust, swirling around us with an unnatural force. Leaves whirled through the air, their movement frantic and chaotic, as if caught in the grip of an unseen tempest.

"N-nyra, what's happening?"

We locked eyes, a mix of fear and determination reflected in our expressions. Without a word, we knew we had to rush back to our village, whatever horror awaited us there. As we sprinted through the fields, the echoes of screams grew louder, reaching a crescendo that filled our ears and pounded in our chests.

As we approached our village, plumes of dark smoke billowed into the sky, twisting and contorting as if mirroring the turmoil that unfolded below. Panic gripped us as we realized our worst fears were becoming a reality. Fire ravaged the familiar buildings, devouring everything in its path, casting a sinister glow on the surroundings.

"Glendale, I think our village is on fire!" Fear is evident in my voice as I speak while we're running.

Mother, and Father, I hope you're both in a safe place...

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