
Universe in War

Humans ended their own planet, the one's that used to fear an alien invasion, ended up becoming the invaders. The entire universe became a battle field, in which there is no way of knowing, which side will win.

4Andyt5w2 · Seni bela diri
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Blood splat everywhere.

''Move, please, my child... my child is dying!''.

Everyone was dying.


One night, hundred of stars exploded, their dust and energy reached our planet. It didn't take long for our planet to accept that energy and dust, giving birth to us. Our planet, with pastel colors as its color palette, was in a corner of the universe. No living things could be found in its land before those stars died. 

Not even we know how we were born, before we knew it, our souls could feel soft grass at our feet, and fresh air filling our noses. Our skin had fur, soft and short. But at the time, we didn't have mirrors, so that's as much as we knew about ourselves.

Time went by quickly, we learned to move, to hunt, to feel. After that, to think, then communicate, and lastly, we learned to create. Our bodies became strong, and our minds, quite sharp. 

Hundreds of years later, tons of our kind filled the planet. We met other creatures, unfortunately not as advanced as us. We started walking and explored our planet to exhaustion.

Climbed mountains so huge they went over the clouds, and swam across colorful lakes, deep enough to not see the bottom. Once our curiosity had been fulfilled, we took all the materials we met on our journeys and created everything we could with them.

Decades later, we had ''technology'' though we just called them creations. Some were more advanced than others, but all of them were our creations. We jumped on our ''spaceships'' and went further than we ever had.

A lot of us died trying to reach something else, but giving up was not an option, and soon, our creations displayed an image. A blue-colored planet in the distance, we had seen tons of planets, but all of them were alone. They had no company or life in them. This planet was different. Gigantic creatures, with more fur than we could ever have, fluffy and round, waving at us. They would climb the mountains from our planet in seconds. Both of our species were thrilled.

That hope made us continue. Soon, we met all kinds of interesting creatures. They all had so many features we didn't. We taught them all the things we knew about creations, It only took us a couple of decades to create a way of communicating with each other. Soon, tons of spaceships navigated the stars.

Everyone started calling us, the universe's first sons. After all, we were the oldest creatures among us all.

Our specific species had the unique ability to understand one's soul enough to mimic their appearance, a lot of us took the form of other creatures we had met, but inside, we were all still, the same species. 

Most of all the different species that were born, met not long after their creation. 

We figured soon more species, after finishing exploring and understanding their designed planet, and the way the universe worked, would understand there is more to see, and one day they would reach us, so we all made sure to leave marks of where we were, of to how to find us. 

And just like that, in a corner of the universe, a network of advanced technology and hundreds of different species started to form, the path we followed, was the stars.




Alert messages started reaching our monitors. ''Please, help us''. We had no idea what was happening. Those messages were a few decades old. Seemed whoever sent them was not aware of how big our universe was.

The endless unknown, red messages popping on our screens made us jump into our spaceships, we all knew every new species would have a new form of communication. Some of us were excited to learn what those messages meant, how could we have known they meant death?

We were the closest to the planet sending the signals, thus, we were the first to receive them (other planets would take a couple more decades), so we sent a few of us, the most experienced when dealing with external living things, we hoped they would be able to tell us what was happening.

We were only able to realize we had made a mistake when, decades later, after most of us had already thought those messages were just a joke. Hundreds, hundreds of huge spaceships entered our planet's external area.

Half of them were destroyed, or about to collapse. We were used to new visitors every now and then. Nothing new, after all, a lot of spaceships from already well-known planets entered ours to take whatever they needed, and we were happy to give them whatever, there were a lot of things our kind didn't need, that others did.

Small capsules came out of the spaceships, our Soul could easily identify our kind inside those capsules, which made us relax even more. We opened our doors, and let the capsules in. 

We weren't expecting to see our comrades as they had left, it made sense to us that they had shapeshifted to look as similar as possible to the species they were dealing with. We were sure our souls would always look the same, one thing we were completely wrong about.

The new species walked into the port. All of them looked the same, a little deformed and weird, all of us agreed they were one of the ugliest kinds we had ever seen. The only way to distinguish their misshapen forms from each other, were their colors, something pretty normal. Our kind also had a lot of fancy colors, which helped us identify family genes.

Most of us had already mastered the ability to shapeshift, and even though we would never look the same, we could mimic most of other species' abilities and characteristics, that was our way to show the other species, that we accepted and understood them. After all, ''each kind's soul would always stay the same, no matter how similar they looked to others''.

We were able to tell apart the souls of those from our kind right away. Crystal Blue was its color. But, for the first time, the color wasn't crystal, it was dark, as if it were dirty.

The deformed living things walked towards us. They also knew which were from our kind among them, they had their limbs tied behind their backs. We didn't know how to take that, was it another sign they used? What could it mean?

Some of us did the usual and tried to shapeshift to a look as similar as possible to them. They made weird expressions and pointed some metallic things toward us, making noises in their language. We stayed silent since we couldn't understand a thing, but we identified the apparatus they used to see in no time, those white and black, tiny balls. Anything else was a little more difficult. We had no idea if they could smell, hear, or whatever. So we waited. 

Their weird bodies were shaking, and those white with black, tiny balls, ones we would later call ''eyes'', were as open as they could be. Our kind, the ones with the crystal blue soul, were acting the same, we decided to say hi to them, but the moment we gave a step towards them, we heard a lot of ''clicks''.

Our kind struggled, trembled, begged. They used our language to answer back, and none of us knew what was happening after that.

''Run, those are called guns, and they kill''. Said our kind. One of the deformed living things moved and shouted weird noises we obviously couldn't understand yet.

''Humans. That is their name, and killing is their job, please, run, those are guns, and they kill''. Liquid came out of their ''eyes''. Even us could tell they were tears. But what was the feeling they carried? Those were the last words we heard, before chaos started. Horrible sounds that destroyed our sensible ears came from the metallic objects they carried, which our species told us, were ''guns''.

Before we could even figure out what was the name of half of the things they used to kill us, we learnt the meaning of a new word. ''Fear''. The weakest, the kids, ran away, the most strong ones, shapeshifted to fight, none of us could understand, the only thing we knew, is that we had to fight. The entire port was covered in blue (the color of our ''blood'') but also red. With purple as our background, and as the corpses fell to the ground, we were finally able to see the color of their soul, dark brown, almost black, a soul as dirty as it could ever be, a species born with a dirty soul.

Marine_Amathiste is my bestie

Honestly, i still have no idea what this story will be about, but hey, trust the process....right?

4Andyt5w2creators' thoughts