
Universe Collide

Vincent Fey is an ordinary person in a world of both magic and otherworldly forces. Or so he thought... he was not. As an Ordinary person he must through the uses of his hard work and ruthless methods he must one way or not survive in this world.

Vincent_Gamzing · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs


We find ourselves in a small villa in the middle of a cliff, the villa is simple and a shrine like villa as we meet two people.

Grandmaster Loppy and her granddaughter Lila as we see Lila kneel to Loppy

"Master Loppy I have successfully awakened please tell me everything!" Lila kowtowed.

"Have you signed the agreement yet?" Loppy asked.


"Good let me tell you," Loppy nodded.

"As you might have saw, you have advantages and disadvantages but this is for now and as you start to make your way through the ranks you will unlock a lot more statistics."

"When you spawn in your first time your spawning location will determine your future path of magic and physique," Loppy said.

"So which place should I locate into?" Lila asked.

"If you want my guidance into the path of strength come to the Lower Angel Fortress where I can help you," Loppy said before Lila eagerly nodded.

"Anyways you should find a bloodline fast," Loppy said.

"What's a bloodline?" Lila asked.

"A bloodline is something you use to improve and change yourself, like I am, I have the Angel bloodline and I have the racial traits of the angel," Loppy replied before pure white wings started to sprout behind her and lift her into the sky.

Whilst in the skies she displayed incredible flying skills it was elegant, simple, and very holy looking albeit the last one was more of a feeling then was it actually looked like. Lila's pink eyes shined stars as she saw the wings and now wanted an angel bloodline desperately, but she remained calm in her actions.

"As you can see the angel's bloodline allows for flight as well amongst other traits, the flight trait will be just hovering when you obtain it but it will can be upgraded," Loppy smiled before she tucked her wings again as she landed.

"Do you understand why bloodlines are important?" Loppy asked.

"Yes! But I do have a question," Lila responded.

"Sure what is it?" Loppy asked.

"Can we upgrade the bloodline to the peak of the universe?" Lila asked.

"Well none of us grandmasters have yet gotten there but I'm sure the younger generation can surpass us," Loppy replied.

Lost in thought Lila sat there thinking, Loppy saw this and her heart warmed as she cast a spell in the garden shrine to help Lila.

It had been sixteen years since Loppy found Lila as a baby and raised her here, back then Loppy was nothing more then a simple soldier in training but she had gotten a great opportunity in the other world when she had finally turned sixteen as well. Loppy was 24 while Lila was 16, despite the age gap of only eight years Loppy gave Lila everything to her and Lila treated Loppy as her bigger sister even though they weren't blood related.

Loppy remembered the young Lila who she had taught before and now she was growing up to become a person with a gateway.

Soon Lila woke up from her trance as she looked at Loppy.

"Now that you are done let me talk about ranks."

"As you have seen from your interface (Stats or the hivemind system stats), you will be weak and the hivemind will make a rude comment about your strength."

"After being able to lift an entire continent you will experience your first upgrade which is called Universe Collide."

"As you have seen the many locations you spawn in are very diverse, but they are just incomplete versions of their original locations," Loppy taught Lila.

"After being able to lift a planet you will once again experience a Universe Collide which all normal masters are at currently."

"After that once you are able to make a star go into a supernova you will experience the next Supernova and will be at the level of us the Grandmasters."

"But there is one person who has long ago surpassed everyone and at this stage could destroy galaxies," Lippo paused before continuing.

"She is our leader also known as Humanities Hope, we do not know whether she has experienced a fourth Universe Collide. But we have many of our current techniques and magical arts for the soldiers of her military, as well as many of our planet killing spells come from her albeit we do not know her name even now." Loppy paused as she looked out into the stars above from her own villa that was located on a foreign planet.

Humans have long ago started exploring the Milky way as they have uncovered over 23% of the entire galaxy, or that is what the public knows as for the higher ranks of the military they know that Hope aka the leader of humanity's nickname is already exploring the last 40% of the galaxy.

Each Grandmaster and Master each live on their own planet as they protect many vital points in the humans galaxy regions to protect many humans behind them. Each Grandmaster has a codename while they keep their true birth name a secret as many curses could be launched at them if someone knew their true name from birth.

Loppy's codename was Star slayer after having destroyed an entire star to defeat an army she was classified as a Grandmaster and worshipped by the 1.5 quadrillion humans across the galaxy with each planet having a population of around 5 billion the Grandmasters and Masters had to protect over 500 thousand planets.

With this we cut back to Vincent's ambush as his eyes turned cold as he was about to be hit before the mannequin acted stopping the man but not the force launching Vincent to the very edge of the alleyway whilst Blob slid a little over a meter distance landing three meters away from Vincent. This would be a tough fight for the both of them.

The man once again charged as Blob defended himself before punching back at the man letting the ma slide back half a meter.

"Tch looks like you do have some power."

The man came closer as Blob and Vincent thought at the same time.

'1st Circle Demon Barrage!'