
Fall of the surface

On a ongoing day, there was something in the 3986 century. There has been got a invention of time-machine. Cirvol endence has thought that time-machine can be danger for us but also good for them. A young scientist whose name was uries came to came to ask Cirvol that you will die. Cirvol said "What, who are you". Just after that, uries teleported. Cirvol once called uries then uries said "I am uries, good I had not met you from long time ".

Cirvol was in thought , that uries had met him yesterday only. Then who was this clone. He researched on this topic so he found that it is incapable of making a clone of uries suit as it a endless suit. Which was caught by cirvol. Cirvol called scientists to detect the radiation from the other planets . When they found that there was something voice coming from the other planet. They detected it but the whole circuit got destroyed. Two old scientist said that the voice was " 123847 tyouu898 8863" There advanced technology cannot also detect it. orichima (a scientist and robitic engineer from Japan) said that it is a danger signal of war but we cannot detect it completely.