
The Forest of Blue

Gah! Jacob awoke with a start. A jungle of odd coloration constituted itself into his view as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "A-a jungle?" he stumbled to his feet. Becoming more confused the longer he looked around. As he got up a blanket of vines and leaves rolled off of him

This place was a forest of blue trees with violet ferns for leaves. Other than on the trees the ground vegetation was sparse.

"I know I took the shortcut home but, where in the world did I end up?" Jacob scratched his head as he wandered around "wherever I am I can't stay here.".

As he wandered through the woodland it seemed like it was almost mystical. The light shining through the canopy encased the entire area in an amethyst light. Looking up these trees extended over a hundred feet into the air.

He was entranced by the forest around him but a question still plagued his mind

(where am I? I was walking home and now I'm in a blue jungle, huh…)he thought to himself. (Wait, do blue trees even exist?)

The leaves crunched underfoot as Jacob tried to see any trace of civilization. It was quiet even more than it should have been, the wind being his sole companion.


The day was turning into night before he saw any structures.

"Haa.. the first place.. I run into is.. This stupid shack.." Jacob panted then sighed "fine, let's see if they have any food."

The shack in question was almost a lean-to on the side of a concrete bunker. There were remnants of the rest of the building but nothing of note seemed to be in the rubble.

"Let's see" Jacob fished out of the building two cans. "Meat ration and fruit ration I guess it's better than nothing. So how am I going to open these." Jacob looked around for a while more for a knife or anything that might help but he had no luck. he sighed " I guess I'll have to improvise"





A sound reverberated throughout the forest.




Jacob was slamming a tin can against a rock like a caveman.

"Ahh sweet fruit juice!" he took a sip from the battered can "oh that hit the spot!"

A chrome bird fluttered down in front of him. It cocked its head as it wandered closer. Every movement it took was accompanied by a small whirr

Jacob raised his eyebrows at the creature in front of him "fuck off, this is my food." His words did nothing to dissuade its approach. Expecting it to act like a pigeon he jumped towards it. Only then did it react.

It backed up a few feet, raised its head and a siren emitted from its mouth

"Oh no. That can't be good." he backed away dropping his can as panic started to set in. every fiber of his being was telling him to run and he was not going to fight it. It was almost as if his body knew what was happening before his mind could process. He barely noticed something slamming against the trees

An anaconda automaton came bursting through the tree line and a warbling roar escaped its mouth. On hearing that his mind and body were in agreement on one word (RUN!).

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