
Universal Genocide System

Julian sanchez a young man at the age of 21 is a big fan of the Warhammer 40k universe as well as several other famous universes. in his spare time he reads manga and light novels as well as anime. He lives at the US border town of el paso in Southern Texas and lives a very boring life as hes stuck at home with online classes. He had been born with vast intelligence so although he had trouble learning online it was not much of an issue. one day he is attacked by a cartel during his routine trip into Mexico for business and gets randomly teleported to a new world. everything he comes across shocks him but he somehow adapts and survives. He learns he has a powerful system but little does he know what kind of consequences using it will bring to his personality.

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46 Chs

History Nerd

As Julian laid on his back looking up at the ceiling of his room a forgotten thought entered his mind


His body Thrust up and he looked in his storage and at the notifications he received a long time ago.

" Guys The 3 books I had you translate are fully translated now right? "

" Yes sir any time you would like I can transfer all the knowledge directly to you. "

" Alright do it, I'm just relaxing anyways. I want to focus on the information in the 3 books so mute everything else and don't disturb me unless it's an emergency. "

His mind entered into an empty space, In front of his eyes were detailed figures of several Human Emperors. Above each of their heads was a question mark. He made his way to the closest one and as soon as his body met with the body of the King a set of images flew by while Steve Narrated the information. It felt like he was watching a movie and soon he was done, all the information about that first person was in his mind. He looked to the woman Infront of him and tapped her shoulder. Another movie played and he learned everything about her, Empress Rosita Vassani wife Of the Grand Emperor of the now fallen empire, The vassani Empire. According to the Information displayed she was an Immortal Venerable stage 5.

" Ah ok so after profound Immortal is golden immortal and after that is immortal Venerable and then Immortal King. I wonder what's after that? "

The next Shadow was of The Supreme Henry Vassani himself. The first Human to ever reach the Immortal king Rank. Before he died he possessed Immortal king rank 7 Cultivation. Rank 9 ( Heavenly being ) Body cultivation and a Minor God Psychic rank with an unstable golden Soul.

'why was his golden Soul unstable? did he have issues consolidating his soul at the final stage? '

This was a huge mystery for Julian as he himself had no worries upgrading thanks to the system doing all the work for him.

' Hmm OK let's move on '

The rest of the humans kings and emperors shown were those that ruled empires outside of the blue sun Territory.

Erik hemming, Lord of the United Merchant Federation which existed in the Seven Sun's territory to the North East of the blue sun Territory. Joey Wyly Supreme Emperor of the Iron Empire now known as the Iron hills region. The northern half of the green skins territory once belonged to a small kingdom called the White Diamond Syndicate led by Taoist White Diamond. Robert Lee Emperor of the Once renowned Empire of Light located in the now empty Dead Hills Territory directly to the east of the Blue sun Territory and in between the Iron hills and Seven sun's Territory. The last two men who were said to be kings by the book were The Jimena Brothers who ruled over the Golden Croc Kingdom in the Red fire territory to the south and the black Rock empire located in the Black Rock territory.

" We really have fallen huh? "

The only lands Still owned by humanity now was the good old Blue sun Territory. our homeland. The modern day Black rock and Red fire territory were now dominated by the Demon Race, The green skin Territory was Dominated by the orks and the Iron hills and dead hills were owned by the dwarves. The seven sun's territory on the other hand was once owned by the elves but is now a highly contested zone between the Zavalla empire, The dwarves to the south, The Dark elves to the north and the Draconian's to the east.

His map updated with all the new information he learned and after he finished reading the last two men's information he was brought to another room with 4 doors. Each door was white as a cloud and a name board hung above each of them

[ Warlords Of the Ork Race ]

[ The silent kings of the Elf Race ]

[ Southern Demon Kings ]

[ Dwarven Lord's and kings Of the east ]

Julian walked into the Ork Door and several hulking green figures appeared in front of him.

The most noticeable one among all them was a blood red skinned ork named Grol Thak. His information had a birth date but not a death date which was a scary thing for Julian considering his cultivation was at the 9th stage of the Immortal King realm, just a hair from becoming what the book described as the Immortal Emperor Realm.

' This information was added a very long time ago so what if he's already broken through to the Immortal Emperor realm? '

The thought made him shiver and he continued on reading tue names. abilities and information of the alive and dead ork Leaders. When he was done he Read the information of the last 3 doors and came up with a list of problematic figures he would have to face at one point in the future.

The Demon ancestor Bhagat with an Immortal king 8th stage cultivation, Rank 10 Heavenly God Body cultivation and Diamond core stage with a dark Gold soul state.

The Dark Elf Sovereign Lord Gekis with an Immortal king 7th stage cultivation, Rank 7 Golden body Cultivation and Gold core, clear soul state.

Grol Thak, Immortal king stage 9 ( hopefully ) Rank 10 Heavenly God, Platinum core Clear soul state.

Sovereign Steel Fist Immortal Emperor Stage 2, Rank 10 Heavenly God, Diamond core, Dark gold Soul State.

All of these leaders far surpassed any living human being. a flick of their finger could wipe out the entire blue sun Territory if not for the Great Fortress.

' I hope they haven't gotten any stronger these past 10,000 years. if so I'm going to have a fun time. '

2 hours passed by and all the information of the first and second book was in his mind, now he just bad to sit back and watch a 4 day long movie about the Great war which Julian refered to as WW1 because he wanted to start WW2 one day.

The summary of the long movie was one big thing and at the center of it all was Isvan. The book talked about how an insignificant kingdom called Isvan within the Vassani empire illegally bought Blue wood from a dark Elf Trader in order to create the first 12 Spirit rifles. Funded and protected by a powerful noble family in the Vassani empire as well as Erik Hemming The Lord of the United Merchant Federation. The now forgotten noble family who's name was not written down in the book apparently took their invention to the Heavenly court and proposed it be mass produced to stop the encroaching chaos gods and their hordes. Thanks to this Emperor Callan of the elves discovered that the rifle contained blue wood. When The Heavenly Court officials asked to harvest a certain amount of wood each year from the Blue tree, Callan outright refused. It was at this point that a High ranking councilman broke his oath and instigated a war between the human race and the Elf Race. The backlash from his soul oath turned him into dust but the war was already underway and quickly evolved into a War For survival between the two races as other surrounding races Joined in the fray. The Merchant Federation was the first to fall followed by the Black Rock empire and the Golden Croc Kingdom. Seeing humanities weakness the dwarves broke off their alliance and took control of the Iron hills and dead hill region sending the Native humans running back to the Blue sun Territory. With humanity on the brink of Annihilation The White Diamond Syndicate schemed to stir the quiet orks in the Greenskin territory. Taoist White Diamond Used an Elven relic to annihilate a large Ork city before leaving the relic and several dead golden immortal elves on the scene.

The result was that the Orks Officially joined the war, As they fought with the elves they found out the truth and without any warning to the humans wiped The white diamond Syndicate off the map and ate Taoist White Diamond.

With humanity pushed back into the Blue sun Territory Henry Vassani Launched one last hopeful Crusade into the Blue tree territory and razed the Blue tree to the ground costing him his life and forever cursing humanity. When it was all over the Vassani empire collapsed Into The Zavalla empire, The hathan kingdom and the Koryak Kingdom. A much better fate than their enemy.

More and more information such as racial issues between the two at the time were fully explained and the author talked about how that dead council man exploited them to help start the war.

The author then went into more detail about the specific needs of each empire and kingdom at the time and exactly why they agreed to start the war.

The white diamond Syndicate wanted more land at the expense of the elves as trying to take it from the Orks was a suicidal thought. The two Brothers to the south wanted Soul stones so that they could repel the Chaos gods influence in the Demon Race heartland to the south. The merchants wanted resources and money typical of their profession. The empire of light and the Iron Empire were neutral in their stance as they didn't have much interaction with the north western elves and had little to gain from a war with them. Plus the Draconians encroaching from the east had them on constant alert status.

Everything rested with the Vassani Empires decision. Henry Vassani was best friends with Emperor Callan for many centuries so he opposed the idea of war brought by the neighboring kings, Emperors and nobles in his own kingdom. Using his power he refused their offers and sent his only son on a diplomatic mission to The Capital city of the Elves. This was when the councilman interfered and had Henries only son killed by Dark Elf assassin's.

Seeking the truth of his sons death, Henry made a trip to see his best friend Callan. The nobles who opposed Henry within the Vassani empire launched a retaliation strike against dozens of Elven Border cities pulling Vassani into a War with the elves. The nations that wanted the war cheered and joined in. The two neutral nations to the east reluctantly joined in as well and soon all of Humanity was united under one battle flag against the elves. The two friends tried everything to stop the war but they could not silence the hatred of their people and eventually they had to fight each other to the death.


The information stream stopped and Julian popped up on his bed. He scratched his head and made his way to his bathroom. Once he showered he put on some nice clothing imported from the Mythril City Adunta in the west and made his way downstairs. With the information he had now he began to make plans for the future. A large book and a pen were brought to him as he sat at a table overlooking the front garden.


In a beautiful Japanese style manor sat an old man with dark blue hair. In front of him was one of the Rank 7 Cores sold at the auction in Nanashak.

" I never thought I would have a perfect Grade Rank 7 Blue tiger core is my hands! The Heavens are on my side today. "

He looked to the right and left making sure the room was empty and spoke in a loud voice to the guard outside the manor.

" Lock down the manor! I am going into Secluded cultivation. Do not disturb me under any circumstance. "


A grin appeared on the old man's face and he began to absorb the Core. " After 7 thousand long years I will finally break through to the Golden Immortal stage! "

The old man's body shook in glee as he thought of it.

In another manor only 3 miles away sat Ruby Zavalla who was having a conversation with a blue Hologram of her father Venerable Alex.

" dad what are going to do if Uncle Evan makes it to the Golden Immortal stage? With a cultivation similar to yours his son will have a better claim to the throne than brother Ryan. "

" Do not Worry my daughter, My brother making it to the Golden Immortal stage is a Supreme blessing for our empire. He may have gotten his hands on a Rank 7 core but so have I! My influence will stay above his no matter the outcome of his secluded cultivation. However you and your brother will have to work harder, Once he leaves secluded training I am certain he will make his way to the Northen Fields and with his power he will be able to uncover many treasures from the past to help his son get stronger. It's a shame I cannot do the same for you becuase of my position. So work hard and cling onto That powerful young man to the south. I can't provide you with much cultivation resources but he definitely can. On your journey south see if you can't buy those two Rank 8 cores from the Amogi clan and city lord Ratliff. If I can get my hands on those bad boys then I'm certain I can reach the peak of the Golden immortal stage in 10 years. If they refuse don't be aggressive, I have a hunch that we can get some too if we work on our friendship with Him.

" Alright dad "

Ruby sat down next to a Rank 5 Ruby Tortoise core bought from the auction and began to absorb it. Her brother in his own manor was busy absorbing a Rank 6 Black Croc core. All of the cores bought at the auction were now In the hands of influential nobles, young masters, and royalty of the Zavalla Empire. The second Rank 7 core went to the Young master of the Twin Phoenix Sect and the third went to the Grand General Of the Zavalla Empires Army.

The 5 bundles of weapons were sold to different Groups but through the current Emperors orders they were all resold to his son, The crown prince who gave them to his personal army The Silent legion. An act which would surely cause un rest in the empire and in turn benefit Julian.

Unbeknownst to Venerable Alex As soon as Kim Wukon and City lord Ratliff received their rank 8 core they went into Secluded cultivation becuase they knew that the Emperor would likely ask for them as a gift, something they could not refuse.

Hope u liked the chapter. if you got any comments I love to read them. Drop any name ideas you got. any type is great!

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