
universal calamity

a 18 year old goes on one wild ride.

kgold · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

chapter 1

It was one sweet summer morning where we see a castle named Richmen whose current king is Christian Brighton VII. But our view is on 2 servant boys, cleaning clothes their names are Henri Kiedis and Charlie Kemp they're both 18 and look very average except for Charlie's homemade eye patch on his left eye, you can really only them apart from a distance from Henri's brown hair and Charlie's blonde hair.

"Hey charlie if we where set free from this place what would you do?" says Henri

"Hmm? I would probably try to go everywhere and experience everything that this world has to offer." Charlie says with a big grin on his face

"That's very basic and broad, but that is exactly what i want to do so I can't really criticize it." the both of them start laughing a little too loud about the concept of being free.

"If you boys don't stop screwing around I will crucifix the both of you as examples for the others!" screams a older overweight knight.

". . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hey." whispers Henri "What if we escaped tonight."

"What! Are you sure cleaning these clothes are turning your brain into socks."

"well I overheard the knights are coming back from a crusade, so when they come back and party we'll wait for all of them to get drunk then we sneak out undetected."

"yeah, let's do this!" then they both high five with big smiles on their faces.