
Uniqueness Emperor

In a world where the 99% has a special ability, there's a small and handsome boy called Seichi, who suffers bullying because he doesn't same to have a unique power like everyone... Alternative title: Why is my Uniqueness so OP?

SMNovels · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs


The girl glared angrily at Seichi and demanded, "WHAT BRINGS YOU HERE?!!"

"Well, I was just hoping to join the club..." stuttered Seichi under the girl's intense gaze.


"Hmph, another good-looking kid with confidence in his abilities," she muttered softly.

"Did you say something?" Seichi inquired, noticing her lips moving as if speaking, but she quickly denied it.

"You can come for the entrance test after the classes," the girl with brown hair informed the white-haired boy at the door. "Is there an entrance test? Don't we usually just need to sign some forms?" he asked.

"Forms? What a hassle," she expressed impolitely. "Listen, we don't accept everyone who wants to join without testing them!"

She had a spirited demeanor.

"Well, I-"



Seichi was about to respond but was interrupted by the school bells signaling the end of lunch break.

"I'll see you later... What's your name?"

"I'm Ohara Miyuki."

"Pleasure to meet you, Ohara-san. I am Tetsuo Seichi. Excuse me; I have to go to my next class," said the dignified-looking boy.

"Sure, go ahead," Miyuki replied impatiently, wanting him to leave, which he promptly did after introducing himself.

"...wait! Tetsuo Seichi? The Null User?"


In his classroom,

He hurriedly opened the door, thinking he might be late again but found some classmates chatting and laughing, indicating that the teacher had not arrived yet.

Feeling relieved that the professor was still absent, he took a deep breath and returned to his seat. From there, he observed Hina conversing with a potential new friend and so chose not to interrupt their interaction.


After a few minutes passed,

One of the classmates asked, "Is Mr. Taniguchi not coming?" prompting another classmate to make a light-hearted comment before being interrupted by the sudden entrance of a woman with disheveled green hair, breathing heavily.


Mesmerized by her beauty and presence, all the boys in the class were captivated by this unfamiliar woman who had just entered.

"Sorry for my tardiness," she gasped as she caught her breath. "Mr. Taniguchi is absent today, so I've been sent as a substitute." With a smile from behind the teacher's desk, she introduced herself as Akiyama Nao, an alchemy instructor from Nobunaga Academy.

The mention of Nobunaga Academy surprised the entire class; they learned she taught at Japan's most prestigious school for Uniqueness Users.

Despite it being her day off, she expressed annoyance at being called in to teach. "They don't even consider me," she remarked while trying to catch her breath.

Her demeanor was endearing.

"Just so you all know, I have no knowledge of Mr. Taniguchi's subject, which I'm not even familiar with. So, instead, I will be introducing Alchemy to you all, hoping that at least one of you will find interest in this fascinating science," she said with a smile as she took some beakers out of her bag.

As she handed out the glass ampoules, a white-haired student raised his hand and asked, "Will we get to learn by doing it, Ms. Akiyama?"

"Exactly, curious student!" She replied to the eager boy before saying, "Since you are already so keen on it, please come take a beaker first."

She invited the student to take one from her which he graciously accepted and thanked her.

"Everyone, now please come up one by one to take a beaker," Ms. Akiyama instructed her temporary students.


After each student had taken one of the glass ampoules, Seichi wondered where all those beakers came from. Her bag was too smal to contain all of those.

"Now before we proceed with any experiments, let's delve into the story of Alchemy," she stated as she picked up a white chalk and wrote something on the blackboard.

"904 A.U." was what she wrote on the board.

"In the year 904 A.U., the American scientist Aaron Parry discovered new connections between atoms and elements, leading to significant effects on humans, marking the beginning of the Alchemy era," she explained with enthusiasm as her students listened attentively.

However, as she delved into the basics of chemistry, which they had studied extensively before, most students lost interest. The exception was a white-haired student who diligently took notes even on familiar topics.


As she progressed into Alchemy, a subject slightly diverging from traditional chemistry, the class's attention was already on other things, and so nobody was listening to her, except that one student.

"Wow, so that's how a Healing Potion is made!" Seichi was surprised at how easy making this expensive potion was. As she wrote its components on the blackboard, he, who came to a realization after looking at them, raised his hand. "Ms. Akiyama, why don't we add more of the Incrementum atoms (Im) and Gelida atoms (Gi) to speed up the rate of regeneration and freeze the wound entirely?"

"Ah, you're pretty smart to come to a conclusion like this, but unfortunately, if you add more Gelida atoms, they will freeze even the regeneration of one's body, causing death since the Gelida Element is much more powerful than the Incrementum one," the green-haired woman replied to the majestic boy.

[Image of the elements discovered until now by Seichi]

"Then, what about..."


After two hours of discussing and doing Alchemy, even though only with Seichi, who was the only one that listened to her.



"Goodbye, guys, I hope at least one of you has taken an interest in alchemy!" And at her words, the classmates disappeared from the classroom, heading home.

As Seichi was about to exit the room, he was stopped by the teacher's voice. "Hey, kid, come here for a bit."

"Yes, ma'am," immediately replied the handsome youngster to the green-haired beauty.

"What did you call me for, Ms. Akiyama?"

"What do you think about becoming my disciple?" The green-haired alchemist asked him.

...to be continued


This is the rewritten version. Please tell me if you like more this one or the previous one.

(PS, I'll be finishing rewriting in two weeks more or less, so when I finish, i would like to know if I should continue writing like these even the new chapters)