
Unique Or Different?

"The more I know, the less I live..." Moonlight Crystal, the fifth princess of the Crystal kingdom, and the tenth in line for the throne. “Remember this, your master is a pitiful cowardly 'princess', with no power whatsoever, and has no interest in that power.” Was something she said, but... "Your destiny is to sacrifice yourself, it is your fate." Was what her father announced, once she set foot in the palace's ground. Little did she know this was the start of a never ending nightmare... Could her peace continue? Will she be able to tear down her destiny? ===== -Errors were made. -Update: very very slow

xShwGirl · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

The Incident; Minor

My vision was getting blurry.. My legs were going numb, I felt hot all over my body. I guess I caught a fever..What did I expect? I'm pretty weak in terms of physical activities, like the one I'm doing right now.. Walking for fifteen minutes already under the rain. Who do you take me as? Some sort of immortal?! Yeah I can walk for hours, I even did a marathon to get to the palace, but this? This literally parkour!

"For god's sake! I am in a weak 12 year old body! Why did I do this!" I screamed.

The road was slippery, the tree's branches kept scratching my skin, rocks and mud ruining my shoes. The path was deserted, a forest was very close.

I had been walking this road for twenty minutes already. I could see the castle..

Only a few more kilometres..


I walked, the gates were closer and closer, my consciousness was losing its senses.

A lot of thoughts ran through my head. Why did the coach man leave? Was it..Another trick by one of the other princesses? The coach man has no reason to do this alone, he could get imprisoned..Only the other could do this to me, considering our levels are practically the same...Ruby? No, she would never do this. She's too dumb to do this. She likes to be direct with her ploys. Then who would purposely do this? Chantelle, the girl I met yesterday, whom I 'complimented' her? Still, she's the same as Ruby, maybe better in terms of brains..Then..

The last suspects are Lephia and Alice..I have done nothing wrong to them..Did I?

Finally, my eyes shut, my body crumbled down, just a few steps from the back castle's entrance.

I wonder who'll rescue me? It's raining, I can tell that guards aren't doing a great job, they'll never work outside in such weather. Plus this was the back side, only marchandises and servants used this side.

Am I really going to die? Is this my death? A coach man left with my carriage and walked back through rain and died of an intense fever? I refuse to die foolishly like this! I have to get even with the culprit! Besides...I will not die at twelve years old, or in thirteen chapters!

Yeah...I can't die like this. I have to live..


Urgh..I could feel a strong light shining in my eyes.

"Princess is awake!Quick! Get lord Marshall!"

My head hurts like crazy. Well, well, well. Isn't this déjà vu? Oh yeah..So..I lived! I survived!

I opened my eyes. I saw Blossom, I couldn't lift my head up, my body was very hot.

"Princess the doctor's coming soon.."

Well it was nice seeing you Blossom. I will go back to sleep. I'm tired.

I know I'm alive, safe and sound. There's nothing to worry, let me get my beauty sleep.


I woke up..Again.


I was feeling much better than before. It hurt less now. I guess sleeping is the best option..

"Urgh…" I lifted my body up.

"You must be hungry. Grace bring the porridge!"

Grace entered with a lovely bowl of porridge. "Good to see you Princess. Why do you get so many problems when I'm away?"

We actually met during the party, since she too, was invited.

"Hehe..I wonder too. Maybe I should stick with you like a koala!"

Seriously, why do people like to make problems for me? Why do they target me? I just want a quiet and peaceful life! Oh please!.. Oh yeah..We need [1]vicissitudes to fill the book..

"So was the incident made on purpose?"

"Yes..We have investigated the mess..It seems that...You might not want to hear this.."

"I have heard a lot of things already.Tell me."

"The coach was indeed bribed, he left the scene. You were supposed to be waiting for him, in the rain. The mastermind wanted you to suffer a little, but still had the heart to direct the coach to return and pick you up..Only..You already left…"


"Haha..You're joking right?"

"...I'm afraid I'm not." Grace said.


"NOOO!!!" I screamed. I could feel my soul fly away. Why did I not wait? Why did I decide to go back?! Now I have a big fever, my feets are bruised and my body is scratched. I ALMOST DIED!!!... Maybe I should've died…

"So...What other things happened? How long have I been asleep?"

"You've been sleeping for three days. The coach man found you lying dead on the road. He 'rescued' you while returning back to the castle. Later on, he confessed his sins. He was also imprisoned, and charged with minor attempted murder and accidental minor negligence."

"..." What is that supposed to mean? Minor? Murder? Negligence?Accidental? I think they should've removed the 'minor' to all charges…

I think the court was just like; Oh hey! I pity this guy, let's lessen his charges by putting 'minor' all over. This was just an accident.. OF COURSE.

The door opened, there was Lucy.

"So...Who extracted the information?" I asked, was it the guards?

Grace and Blossom looked at each other. "Erm...Lucy." They pointed out.

I stared at Lucy's face in total shock. Who would've known this glutton would be so useful?

"Er..About that..I have earned some skills..My house was a target for robbery."


It was totally not convincing at all.I stared at her. "Mhm..Can I use you for future purposes?"

She declined. "I'd rather not."

I know what this girl wants. "For a five star meal, and twice your salary."

I wonder, is my wardrobe or her food more expensive?

"Deal!" She quickly accepted.

I smiled and continued. "So who's the mastermind?"

"He said nothing on that matter. He never even met his master."

"Urgh.." I guess I can't get a clue from a clueless guy.

"Princess, the Lord Marshall gave you medicine, and told you to rest." Blossom said and fed me a spoon of the mixture.Hehe, I felt like a spoiled baby.

Mother was kind, but strict. Most of the time I was home alone. She had to work hard to support me. She had to play both mother and a father figure for me. She would often come home late, I had to manage the house instead of her. Returning from school, I would clean the house, prepare the food and go out to buy necessities. I'd feel guilty, instead of abandoning me, she took care of me. Even if she didn't show it, I knew she deeply cared for me. Mother never told me what was her work or her past. It was some sort of taboos to bring that up.

Because I was 'different' of the others, I was known as the 'freak'. Kids would be scared of me, I'd stay home for most of my life. I'd get lonely, and read plenty of books. I would create dolls and puppets, and talk to them. They were my only 'friends'.

Thanks to mother's teaching, and my loneliness, I matured quickly.

[1] Vicissitude: A change of circumstances or fortune. (Source: Google)