
Unique Or Different?

"The more I know, the less I live..." Moonlight Crystal, the fifth princess of the Crystal kingdom, and the tenth in line for the throne. “Remember this, your master is a pitiful cowardly 'princess', with no power whatsoever, and has no interest in that power.” Was something she said, but... "Your destiny is to sacrifice yourself, it is your fate." Was what her father announced, once she set foot in the palace's ground. Little did she know this was the start of a never ending nightmare... Could her peace continue? Will she be able to tear down her destiny? ===== -Errors were made. -Update: very very slow

xShwGirl · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

A Deadly Family

"One headache, two headaches, three headaches. (...)"

"Ten headaches, eleven headaches, twelve headaches. (...)"

"One hundred headaches, one hundred and two headaches."

"..." A hundred and two? TWO?

"I failed. I can't concentrate at all! " I felt dead tired, I did not have an ounce of sleep yesterday.

I decided to wake up at four in the morning, and bury myself with work.

"Argh!! That old man! The deadline will be in four hour! I can't do this!" I scratched my head.

I heard some rapid footsteps. An attack? I dropped my quill and I grabbed the closest thing I could grab, a book. Precisely a 'How to Save Money' kind.

The door abruptly opened. Due to fear and reflexes I threw the book.

"OOOWWWW!!!!!!" The target cried. My ears!

"..." I found out that it was just Lucy in her nightgown. I exhaled, I was relieved. "It's just you Lucy. You surprised me!"

"No! YOU surprised me! Princess how could you hurt me! Your throws are very powerful, has anyone told you that!? Please remind me to not anger you in the future!"

"Oh.. Yeah, sorry." I was guilty, her hand was all swollen. Who would've known these skinny arms could be so strong? "What are you doing here, aren't you awake at nine?" I asked while bandaging her hand.

"Oh puh please. I should be asking you that princess! What are YOU doing here at this hour?"

I pursed my lips. "I had difficulty sleeping." Of course I was! The papers were stressing me! It haunted my thoughts all night.

"Oh..Well I heard some noise upstairs, you know, my room is right under your office. I thought you were in danger..I guess not. You could really kill someone with that book.." She looked at the title of the book. "....And remind someone to save money..."

"...Haha!" We laughed. "I guess I could!..You should really consult this book by the way."

Unexpectedly, another hurried footstep was heard. "A ghost?" Lucy clung to me. We were both scared. This time, I also grabbed a book, the title was, 'How to Tell Someone They're Weird'. I still don't know why I have this book. I threw the book very quickly.

"Princess! Are you alr-! KYAAA!!" The second target bent down, escaping the flying book. It smashed a flower vase.

"W-What was that?!" She screamed. Target number two solved; it was Blossom.

The glutton and I were reassured. "Ahh! It's just you Blossom, don't frighten us."

"What do you mean JUST me? What are you two doing here at this hour?"

We made eye contact and stared at Blossom. "Long story short, I/she was here, made some noise, and she/I came." We started at the same time.

"...Include me in the story too." She responded. Will there be a fourth person in our story?

The oranged haired girl picked up the thrown book that was laid on the ground.

"Hmm.. 'How to Tell Someone They're Weird'. " She flipped through some pages. "This is a good book, I have someone in my life who's weird. Princess, may I borrow this amazing book?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell me...Is that person me?"

"I wonder?" She said payfully. I'm that weird?

"Why did I do?! Lucy tell me I'm not weird!"

"..Princess..To be honest you're pretty weird. You zone out often and talk to yourself a lot."

I cried fake tears. "How dare you! You guys are forever in my enemies list!"

"Wait. Princess you have a list?"

"Blossom. I feel like you have betrayed me. At first you were so sweet, and shy. Then..These girls came, you changed!! You became Grace and Lucy!! Wait..That doesn't make sense.."

"Someone called me?" A voice popped in. The trio were worried. I grabbed another book, called 'Babysitting 101' and threw it. Strangely no sound was heard, nothing broke? I turned around and saw the third target. Just where do I get these weird books?

The prey swiftly caught the book. Wow..Skills..The person was Grace. She eyed at us.

Before she could say anything, which could almost certainly be 'What are you guys doing at this hour?', we told the story at the same time. "Princess/I was awake and made noise, and-"

"No need to explain, I already know."

"..." We eyed each other. Wow..Telepathy! Awesome!

"You guys are way too loud. I could hear everything from down below."

We apologized. "...Sorry?"

She opened the book. "This is very useful. There's even a chapter to explain how to make kids go to sleep." She sarcastically said. "Should I prepare you hot milk or sing a lullaby?"

We were prepared to run. We all know how Grace was a GREAT singer. "N-No.We'll go."

We ran straight to our rooms. We all know that Grace's voice is better for a morning wake up.

Now we know that we should never anger each other.

One, could make you fall in debt, the smallest child,

The second could throw books,the middle child,

The third, could kill someone with honesty, the oldest child,

The fourth, could make you deaf, the mother.

What a deadly family...This might be a reason why a father doesn't exist in the little story...


*In Moon's bedroom*

I opened my eyes, and looked at the ceiling, Hmm..I wonder what did I forget?


"Ah! The report! The deadline.." I looked at the clock. "In ONE HOUR!!!" I rushed to my office.

I slept too much! It was supposed to be a small nap!

I barged in. There I saw Grace working.

"Hein?" Isn't she supposed to be asleep?

"Hehe..Good morning princess. You should get more rest."

Don't tell me..She shooed me out of the office for me to sleep? Instead of sleeping she worked on it? I rushed to her side and gave her a big hug.

"P-Princess!" She screamed. "The ink!" I look over, the black mixture spilled over. "..."

"NOOO!!!" We screamed. All her hard work, all the things she wrote were covered with the liquid.

"I-I'm sorry!! Mom don't punish me!!!"

"I'll punish you after, we don't have time!" I looked at her worriedly..She'll punish me??!!

In the end, we had to redo everything. We handed the work twenty minute late. We also had to pay extra, every minute late is equal to one dollar. Of course, no one knew it was me and Grace who wrote these. They thought it was the old butler who worked on these sheets. That selfish guy!

Besides, I can't reveal my intelligence.. There is a saying, "When you're ten, they call you a prodigy. When you're fifteen, they call you a genius. But once you hit twenty, you're just a normal person."{1}

So I have decided to choose the path, "you underestimated your enemy too much, ha!". Besides, I don't want to work any more than this.

{1} Quote by Masahiro Yokotani


..Hehe..This is a funny chapter........I hope...(;-;)

I will add some comedy chapters in the future.. I can't promise that they'll be amusing...I'm bad at jokes..Or being funny..


Thank you very much for reading chapter 15!! I hope you like the book so far...

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