
chapter 2 —kamiya's


1700 words

Hope I get viewers soon!


After dismissing the FBI and the ambulance, the first person I called was my mother. I needed to reassure her that everything was fine. Next, I called my grandparents, and finally, I contacted my father. It seems like the previous Shijo had some issues with him. When I spoke to him, he sounded shocked. Hearing an old man crying out for my attention was unsettling.

Returning to my mansion, I took some time to relax and recollect my memories. My name is now Aki Shijo. I am sixteen years old, a perfect age to enroll in my first year of high school. I have a family of three: my mother, my father, and myself. It seems I'm an only child, so it's only natural that I was spoiled from birth.

I will think about school later when Alex calls. For now, I need to focus on the most important system. No grandpa in a ring offering sage advice, no magical items to give me an edge. Tsk. It seems I'll have to rely on my own abilities and wit to navigate this new chapter of my life.

As I sat in my luxurious mansion, I pondered over my next steps. The absence of supernatural aids meant I had to prepare myself for the challenges ahead, both in the mundane world of high school and whatever unexpected twists fate might throw my way.

After a while, I received a call from Alix, providing me with details about Kamiya. I instructed him to buy a house near hers and to enroll me in her school. It would be the perfect place to meet other girls and blend in.

Half a day later, I informed my maids and bodyguards to stop following me so closely and to watch over me from the shadows only. I wanted some semblance of independence. Buying a new house, I moved in with just a few fancy outfits and essential furniture. It wasn't too grand but perfectly suitable for a rich kid trying to endure without complaining.

Once the furniture was arranged and the maids had cleaned the house, they left, leaving me alone in my new home. Taking a deep breath, I decided to explore the neighborhood. I walked to a nearby house and rang the doorbell.

From a third-person perspective, Aki Shijo seemed determined and ready to embrace his new life. Despite the luxuries he was accustomed to, he chose to simplify his surroundings, aiming to fit into a more typical lifestyle. As he walked through the neighborhood, there was a mix of curiosity and confidence in his stride.

He stood at the door, waiting for someone to answer, hoping to make his first connection in this new chapter of his life. The ringing doorbell echoed his anticipation and the beginning of his journey toward independence and self-discovery.

Walked to a nearby house and rang the doorbell.

A tall beauty with long blue hair, a mature version of Kamiya, opened the door.

"Hello, sister," I said, smiling. "I am your new neighbor. I just moved in today, so I brought a souvenir from my hometown to get to know my neighbors." Stretching out my hand, I offered her a packet.

"Oh... Come in, come in. You must be the son of Mr. Alex," she said, recalling her last interaction with him. "He was quite talkative last time we met, which was when he asked me for information about the house owner." Kamiya's mature version didn't even deny me calling her sister. She happily invited me into her house, thinking of me as a child of that Alex.

Aki extended his hand, offering the packet to Kamiya. She, thinking of him as Alex's child, warmly welcomed him inside. This first interaction marked a significant step in Aki's effort to integrate into his new environment and establish his own identity.

Umm, sis..."

"Ara, how silly of me. My name is Hana Kamiya. You can call me Hana-nee," Hana said, rubbing my hair.

"She is completely the opposite of Kamiya... Umm, Hana-nee, that uncle Alex is not my father; he's just helping me move in. I got into some trouble at my previous school, so I am going to join Shuchiin Academy."

"Umm, isn't it too late for you to join this year?" Hana wondered aloud, her blue hair shimmering in the sunlight as she considered my situation.

"Some problems arose, but I still can..." I began, uncertain how she would react.

"That's good. Skipping a year is bad, okay. Also, there is my daughter studying there as a first-year. I will ask her to guide you," Hana said warmly, her voice filled with reassurance.

"Daughter? You have a daughter, Hana-nee?" I asked, trying to play along casually.

"Oops, I mean sister, yes, younger sister..." Hana corrected herself quickly, her gaze flickering nervously. If Kamiya heard what her mother just said, I couldn't imagine what she would do.

Seeing her nervousness, I decided to ease the tension. "Then, Hana-nee, I will be going. If your little sister comes back, I would like to discuss the matter of school with her, if it's okay."

Hana's beauty shone through her maternal concern, her features soft and caring despite the slip of words.

Oh, I will ask her. Also, you can bring your parents here tonight to join our dinner. We will get to know each other," Hana suggested warmly, her blue hair catching the light in a cascade of beauty.

"My parents are busy, so I live alone," I stated plainly, adjusting to the reality of my situation.

Really? What kind of scumbag parents prioritize work over their child? I hate those types of people the most," Hana hissed, her voice tinged with a hint of bitterness. It seemed she might have a history with such situations.

"Actually, I suggested they continue working. I can take care of myself," I explained calmly, wanting to assert my independence.

Hana nodded knowingly, her expression a mix of empathy and understanding. "Even so, I hate those types too," she admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of bitterness.

I didn't want to delve deeper into her history, so I changed the subject. "Um, then I will be going..."

"Wait, I haven't asked your name," Hana interjected.

"Oh, it's Aki Shijo," I replied, relieved to lighten the mood.

"Come tonight. No, actually, you can always join us for dinners if you like," Hana offered warmly.

"Wouldn't that be a nuisance?" I hesitated.

"No, no. Our house only has me and my daughter. Having one more person to cook for isn't a nuisance," Hana insisted.

She seemed to momentarily forget she was playing the role of a young woman. Sensing the opportunity to lighten the atmosphere, I joked gently, "Thank you, Hana-nee. Please inform me when you're about to cook; I would love to help you."

The conversation flowed naturally between us, bridging the gap between neighbors and potentially forming a bond beyond mere acquaintanceship.

His house was bathed in a dim blue glow as he made his way to the fridge. Opening it, he grabbed a selection of fruits and began to eat, savoring their freshness and sweetness after a long day of writing. The cool air from the fridge was a welcome contrast to the warmth of his room, and he ate slowly, letting the flavors settle on his palate.

As he ate, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment for completing his first volume. The faint glow of his laptop screen still illuminated the room, reminding him of the digital path he had just forged in the world of literature.

"Thank you, Hana-nee," I said with gratitude as she guided me to the door.

Waving goodbye, I turned and made my way inside my new house. The encounter with Hana had left me feeling a bit more at ease in this unfamiliar neighborhood, and I looked forward to the future conversations and interactions we would share as neighbors or more than a neighbour.

Entering my lavishly appointed room, I settled onto the plush bed and pondered.

"I'm already wealthy, so do I really need to pursue money like every protagonist?" I wondered aloud. "Money, women... fame. Yes, fame."

With a newfound determination, I opened my sleek laptop and delved into research about the world economy, manga, anime, songs, and more.

As expected, there was little entertainment in this world that could captivate my refined tastes.

With ample free time at my disposal, I began crafting a novel inspired by stories I had devoured. Shijo's memory was not just good—it was impeccable. He could recall novels he had read even ten years ago with remarkable clarity.

As Shijo finished writing the first volume of "Demon Slayer," he glanced outside and noticed that it was already dark. He realized he hadn't eaten anything since morning, so deeply immersed was he in his writing.

With a decisive click, he uploaded his novel to a public platform without consulting anyone. His desire was for fame, not money; he hoped that readers searching for free novels would stumble upon his work and express their appreciation.

If this initial step didn't yield the desired results, he resolved to purchase a publishing house the following day. But for now, hunger gnawed at him, reminding him of his immediate need for sustenance

My apologies for the oversight. Here's a revised version:

While Aki was savoring the fruits from his fridge, someone rang the doorbell.

"Coming," Aki called out, hastily closing the fridge door and making his way to open the front door. Standing before him was Ai Kamiya, the girl who had given him the handkerchief earlier.

"Aki Shijo, right? My mother has invited you for dinner. Let's go," she said, leading the way without waiting for his response.

Aki couldn't help but wonder if Ai recognized him. They had only briefly spoken before, and he had been wearing different clothes, a hat, glasses, and had covered his mouth. It wasn't exactly a memorable encounter.

"Sigh, I guess I should go too," Aki muttered to himself, leaving the house and following Ai Kamiya to her home for dinner.

