

"When life gives you an egg, make omelettes. Make the best of what you have ." Lisa recites this mantra to herself every morning as part of her daily routine. You may think it lame, but as the saying goes "Don't judge me unless you've walked a day in my shoes." A day in Lisa's shoes usually involves waking up at the crack of dawn, which for Lisa is 5am, doing her ablutions while listening to some pep talk on her terribly outdated telephone which fortunately for her still works. After which she recites the above mantra. Cooks breakfast for some extremely ungrateful aunt and her bratty sons. She then leaves for work. And by work I mean 4 part time jobs which she does back to back. She can only get home at 6pm if she's lucky. And then she'll have to again prepare dinner. After which she can finally take her online college courses. Lisa keeps good cheer despite all the horrible things she's had to put up with throughout her life. It seems her mantra really does keep her going. Not that she hasn't contemplated suicide before, as a matter of fact she tried to "put the nail in" 5 times in a row. Fortunately or unfortunately she was saved by some kind words from a gentle looking elderly lady and her dearly beloved mantra on her fifth try. Lisa decided then that life was a bitch, but life too was hope. And for as long as there was breath in her body she'd scale whatever high walls life put in her path. She was making progress one day at a time. Then again, life always has the most unexpected surprises to throw your way, just when you start to think you've seen it all.

Ngwa_Nanette · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

chapter 5

Lisa had everything ready, she was finally moving into the Ward mansion. It was Monday, and as always Lisa was extra early even moreso now that she was beginning a new job.

The Ward mansion was in a secluded area on the other side of town. Lisa was dumbfounded when she saw the residence. It was like a mansion had leaped off of one of the pages of a magazine and stood before her. She pressed on the button of the video intercom and was asked who she was, by a person she figured must be a security guard. So she introduced herself, stated her business and was let in.

She was received by Lucas on the entryway.

He said, "Good morning Miss Lisa and welcome to my humble abode."

Lisa said, "Thank you sir."

Lucas smiled and said "come I'll show you around the premises just as soon as I show you your quarters so you can drop off your stuff. "Need a hand? " He didn't wait for a reply, but took her luggage from her and led the way to the servants quarters. Lisa felt like a lady for the very first time in her life. Not that people had been disrespecting her or anything, but no male except maybe the grandpas at the old age home had ever treated her with so much difference. Lucas showed her to her quarters and then led her to the kitchen. Where he introduced her to the cook, and the maids, Mrs. Lee, Miss Carie, and Miss Amy respectively. Lisa introduced herself as the new housekeeper and Amy hid a snort while Mrs. Lee smiled and welcomed her. Lucas then showed her the various receiving areas, the poolside the lounge, and the numerous bedrooms. "I am the only ward in residence at the moment. My twin brother Micheal is on a business trip, and my parents have gone on a tour around Europe. Micheal is actually my older brother by a few minutes."

So according to your contract you'll be receiving your first pay next Monday. It'll be paid directly into your bank account. Good Luck Miss Lisa and try not to get fired. I actually like you. So be good."

Lisa then left to commence on her duties. She went back to the kitchen to have a talk with the cook and maids. She smiled at them and said " Since I'm new here and you have better knowledge than I on how things are run here, I ask that you be patient and support me. Mrs Lee for how long have you been a cook here?" "For nigh on 10years miss" Mrs Lee said. "That's superb. I trust you know what meals to prepare and how best to wet our bosses' palates. What about you Miss Amy?"

"I've been working here for 6 months miss" Amy said "Okay. That's good too. I hope you've been able to learn much about your duty in that time because I'll be working closely with you on housekeeping." Amy replied, "I've learned all there is to learn Miss." "Wonderful, but I hope you're willing to learn a few more things and teach me as well. How about you Miss Carie?"

Carie said" I've been here for just as long as Amy has. We were taken on at thesame time." She said so with a shy smile.

"We may all go back to work then." Lisa smiled and left to unpack her stuff and put her new rooms to right. Yeah you read that right "rooms". Lisa was very amazed by the massive expanse of space that had been allotted to her. It may not have been large by their standards but to her it looked like a five star apartment. She unpacked her meager belongings which consisted mainly of hoodies, sweats, skinny jeans and her favoured tennis shoes.

On opening the wardrobe she found about seven changes of clothes for her uniform. The uniforms all looked thesame. White shirt, black knee length skirt, and black flat shoes.

Lisa drifted into her thoughts where she saw Lucas in his glorious beauty. That simply alluring smile directed at her. She thought of those broad shoulders and how very much she'd like to hold onto them and lean on him. Lisa decided to acknowledge that she had a crush. Having a crush wasn't by any means detrimental unless her feelings grew. so she told herself that for now she could always bask in the feelings that seeing Lucas evoked in her.

Lisa finished her packing, put on her new uniform, stepped out of her rooms and went to the kitchen. The word "kitchen" really doesn't suffice to describe the expanse, nor how well equipped the Ward's Kitchen was. It was splendid. Mrs. Lee miles called out to her and pointed her to this week's menu hung up on the wall.

She took notes and then went ahead to check on Amy and Carie.Amy was doing the laundry and Carie was running errands at Mrs. Lee's behest so she left them to it.

She decided to take a walk around the premises and see what needed doing. She noted that the pool needed dredging, the lawn needed trimming and the gardens needed weeding.

She had not met the gardener yet, so she decided to ask Mrs. Lee if she'd seen him. Mrs Lee told her that the gardener had very recently passed away. And they were yet to employ another. Lisa was unoccupied at the moment so she decided to do what needed doing. She wasn't used to just overseeing work and not doing any manual labour herself.

She asked to be directed to the tool room. And she went directly to work. Weeding the garden and mowing the lawn.

Lucas had gone out on some business and returned to find Lisa dredging the pool. He was very surprised and made the mistake of yelling out her name. Lisa had been so engrossed in her work, and was standing in a very precarious position. So she was so startled by Lucas that she slid and fell into the pool.

As soon as her head broke the surface of the water Lucas burst into fits of laughter. Lisa was so embarrassed and drenched that she forgot Lucas was her boss for a few minutes and said " Help me out. Will you?"

Lucas then moved closer to give her a hand. Lisa was going to relish this moment for a long time. As soon as Lucas' hand was held in hers she pulled him into the water, pulled herself out of the pool and made her way to her quarters.