
Unicorn destiny: equestria is magcal

Some say that time heals everything and I like to think that I am living proof of that. I lived through a war as a human and ended up dying and being reborn in mlp. But time made me forget all that, that and magic. Being in a half child magic world isn't as bad as some people think, but I wish I could have avoided the plot. But this world is magical and I wanted to be involved in the plot just because. Well, I'll do it my way.

shin_guzman · Komik
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14 Chs

Chapter 8: Runes and a Dragon too

Hi, I hope you are liking the story so far.

Here's a new chapter.

I hope you enjoy it.


This fanfiction was created by a fan for fans for the purpose of improving in the art of writing.

This story can and most likely will have spelling mistakes.

Any criticism (constructive or not) will be read and appreciated.

This story is not going to be a HIE or G5, it will be tinged to the G4 story, MLP: FIM.



"Auch! Buck me." I said as I watched a ruby gem have a small explosion in front of me, shattering and shattering into pieces, causing me to pass it to Spike, who proceeded to look painfully at the remains before tossing it into a bag.

With a frown I proceeded to pull out another gem, again being a ruby, and move it closer to the carving machine to proceed with the carving, ignoring Spike's groan of protest in the process.

It had been about two days since the Ursaminor incident and things had returned to normal, with the exception of one thing.

I couldn't use magic.

Now, some may ask, how is that possible?

The answer is simple: I overused my magic.

Remember how I physically fell to the ground after the whole incident was over and eventually fell asleep.

Well, not only was I physically worn out, but I was also magically worn out, and a pretty severe one at that.

As you may know, or perhaps you don't, there are three types of wear and tear one can experience in this world: physical, mental, and magical.

As in my old world, a physical and a mental wear and tear are usually caused by overexertion of a human being from his or her body or from the monotony of life.

In this world it is similar, earth ponies or Pegasus have to have certain difficulties during their jobs that cause a sprain or other physical discomfort in their bodies.

The treatment is usually the same as in the other world, with scheduled breaks as well as massages that can be done by ponies going home or going to the Beauty Salon, which here in Ponyville there is only one and it is run by the twins Aloe and Lotus.

But in the case of magical wear and tear that unicorns suffer; it varies according to the wear and tear.

There is minor wear and tear, which occurs when a unicorn pony uses multiple spells simultaneously. This causes slight magical wear, which, if continued for several consecutive days, could lead to a more serious problem.

There is horn burnout, which happens when a unicorn uses a single spell consecutively until their horn almost explodes and turns black. This issue often occurs in ponies who have more magic than common sense and can spam magic as much as they want. For instance, Twilight, who has a lot of magic and can cast consecutive spells, might face this problem. The solution is usually simple: either let the horn recover on its own or visit a doctor for healing. It's not typically a serious issue, but you won't be able to use magic until your horn is fully healed.

Last but not least is extreme wear. This happens when a unicorn pony uses spells for too long, depleting their magic until their tank is essentially empty. Unfortunately, this is what happened to me. The brief encounter I had with the Ursaminor caused extreme fatigue and severe wear, leaving my magic tank completely drained.

I still don't understand why everypony here call it magic and not mana when in other magic worlds that's what they are called but honestly, I don't care much either, so I didn't pay much attention to it.

Anyway, for my case there is no solution but to rest and stop using magic until I'm well. Unlike burning my horn, I can still use magic if I try hard enough but that would cause me to never recover properly and lose the use of magic, a horror for any unicorn pony.

The rest period from using magic varies. In my case, I must refrain from using magic for a week to fully recover.

Luckily, yesterday I had received my gem cutting tools as well as a good amount of gems. Which meant that I was able to distract myself a bit from using magic for my experiments.

Of course, due to the fact that my best weapon was at rest, Spike offered to help me with my experiments in a way. I offered him as a reward the gems I wasn't going to use and he accepted the reward with joy, but he too can't help but complain every time he sees a gem being destroyed or wasted.

What am I doing? Quite simply, I am carving into the gems the only rune I have managed to create so far, telekinesis.

In theory it should work and I should be able to fly, not as easily as the Pegasus but at least I would fly.

However, things that seem simple in theory are not always so in practice. Gems are excellent magic conductors, but it also depends on the type of gem. Sapphires and diamonds, for example, can hold a significant amount of magic, while emeralds and rubies are better conductors and receivers than anything else.

Luckily, the necklace I have is made of ruby, so it can hold a good amount of magic, but the problem itself is not the spell but the commands.

As you may recall, runes need commands to do what they are supposed to do but creating multiple runes for specific commands is too time consuming and not worth it in the end, so I ended up creating a rune that can communicate mental commands to the rune.

Telepathy, an uncommon but useful magic for this case. Telepathy is not a common magic not only because of how complicated it is to use, but also because of how useless it usually is. The spell requires opening a mental communication between the user and his target, allowing him to communicate his thoughts to him. But there are several problems with that.

First is the fact that not everyone likes to hear a voice in your head suddenly talking to you. Second is that you must have the person's trust for them to believe you. Third, it is a mind-to-mind communication, if the person has a strong mind it could backfire.

So normal ponies don't usually learn to use that magic.

But in this case, it is almost perfect, since in this case there is no mental resistance that would harm the work and I know how to give the order. But there is a problem that makes this not perfect. There is no mind to begin with to receive the order.

Giving a command telepathically to the rune is like talking to the void; it yields no results, and you can't expect a response. Fortunately, the problem was not difficult to solve, as creating a space that could receive commands was not an issue.

The other real problem comes from the gem, as rubies are quite receptive to magic, it makes them quite sensitive to magic, so you have to be careful when using on them is usually easy and even makes them good for storing magic.

But upon contact with ambient magic, they break before they can serve their purpose, rendering all progress useless.

I've had to configure the runes and gems so that they can receive the exact magic they need to receive from ambient magic in order to function properly.

So far it has been an uphill effort, either the rune causes it to receive too little magic, making it not work, or causes it to receive too much magic and explode as a result.

But I'm getting closer, the previous attempt at the one that exploded managed to get it to glow a little before going out, and the one that exploded was a small explosion that only burned my hoof a little, so there is progress.

As I started working on the ruby with the modified coded language, Spike interrupted my thoughts. "Platinum, can you remind me why we're doing this?" he asked.

At that, I momentarily stop my work and look at Spike, "Spike, I explained it to you before, I'm carving the runes into these rubies so I can do the same with my necklace."

"Do they have to be rubies?" Spike's whiny voice made me smile. Rubies were one of his favorite gems, or at least he seemed to have a soft spot for them. Maybe because they were the first gems he ever ate.

"I'm sorry Spike, but the necklace Rarity gave me is ruby, so this whole process is necessary so I don't accidentally damage it." I said giving him a small smile as his face darkened a little at hearing who gave it to me.

Spike frowned, his tail wagging restlessly behind him. "Rarity gave you a ruby necklace?" he murmured, trying to hide the tinge of jealousy in his voice. "Wow, that's... cool."

I smiled at the obvious sign of jealousy and patted his head, "Don't think too much of it Spike, you know Rarity is a very generous pony and besides, she gave it to me to match the cape she gave me. I said, giving him an encouraging smile.

At that, Spike nodded slowly and his face softened. "Yeah, Rarity's the best..." he said as he earned a dreamy look before shaking his head and looking at me as he points to the worktable. "So that's why you need all these rubies?"

I nodded as I smiled as I saw Spike put aside his jealousy. "Yes Spike, this way I can do the necessary testing so I don't damage the necklace Rarity gave me." I said as I went back to work on the carving.

Although I couldn't see him, I'm sure Spike nodded understanding what I had said, "So, why are we here in him park?"

Hearing his question, I finished the carving and looked at Spike, "So that in case something goes wrong, we don't damage the library or the books." Otherwise, Twilight would kill me. I couldn't help but think as I got a little shiver at the thought of Twilight's wrath when a book gets damaged.

I only remember that I needed to get a book wet once to know the consequences....

Spike interrupted my thoughts before I could have a flashback, "So, what are these two doing here?" hearing his question and seeing that he was pointing to the side of me, I couldn't help but frown as I looked at the two little foals next to me, Snips and Snails.

After the Ursaminor fiasco, these two brats wanted me to teach them magic after they made such a mess bringing in an Ursaminor just so their "idol" wouldn't look bad.

Obviously, I got mad and slammed the door in their faces, but they didn't give up and decided to follow me today so I could teach them magic.

Which I obviously wasn't going to do, aside from the fact that I can't do magic, I wasn't going to show or teach any kind of spell to the two brats who are responsible for my current situation.

Shaking my head, I just look at Spike as I say, "ignore them, they'll go away eventually."

But unfortunately, they can't seem to take the hint, "Don't worry, sir, we'll just quietly watch the amazing work you're doing." Said the chubby guy as he smiled.

"Yeah, we're here to witness the amazing magic you're gonna do with it," the lanky guy chimed in with a hopeful smile.

I resisted the urge to groan as I gently pressed the gem in front of me.

The gem began to glow brightly, causing my eyes to widen slightly and a glint to appear in them.

This could be it... I've finally done it.

I've done it!


I couldn't help but get discouraged as I watched the gem lose its sparkle with a few cracks in its figure.

"Buck me" I growled as I passed the gem to Spike and jotted down the results in a notebook beside me.

It's still too much magic, but I'm getting really closer to the result that I want.

Oh yeah, there's a funny thing about this world too.

Every time I try to swear, you know things like [Beep] or [Beep] out loud, as opposed to the beep that comes out every time I do it in my mind, the word is changed to something more family friendly.

I don't know why that happens but it must be one of the weird things that happens in this world.

Okay, with the following test-

"*Cough, Cough*" I couldn't help but bring a hoof to my muzzle to cover the sudden cough that suddenly came to me.

"Are you okay?" asked Spike concerned about my sudden cough.

I nodded as I stopped coughing. "Yes, I am, don't worry." Although if was a little strange of me to suddenly cough. Maybe I choked on something and didn't realize it.

...oh, maybe that's not the case.

"What are you looking at - Oh." The baby dragon let out a gasp of surprise at the sight above.

A storm? Was someone's house on fire? No, for now, it seemed to be covering only Ponyville, and my eyes quickly followed the cloud of smoke to the source, an icy looking mountain away from the town.

This is the first time something like this has happened... at least the first time it's happened since I arrived in Ponyville.

"Why is there smoke coming out of that mountain?"

"A good question, Spike." I replied looking off into the distance.

"C-could it be a volcano?"

"Let's not start making assumptions -" I stopped talking when suddenly Spike burped with his green fire giving to reveal a letter.

Before the dragon could open it, I removed it with my hoofs as I began to stow my things inside my backpack.

Of all the times to have this happen, it had to be right now?

Shaking my head, I quickly put the backpacks on my side and looked at Spike, "Come on Spike, let's go see Twilight to show her the letter."

He nods and climbs on my back as I start running towards the library.

Leaving behind the two foals who had been startled by the sight of the smoke.


"Twilight!" I yelled once I entered the library with a slam of the door, looking up to see Twilight jump in surprise from where she was sitting studying, with the book falling on her head.

She removed the book with a grunt, then glanced up at me. "You don't have to shout, Platinum, I'm right here. Now, what do you need?" she asked, turning her attention to me, only to blink in surprise when she saw me extending a letter with my hoof.

"A letter from Princess Celestia." I said simply, at which her eyes widen and she quickly takes the letter from me with magic and opens it.

At that, I decided to put my things on the floor while I turned to look at Twilight, who was reading the letter and then gasped in shock and ran to look out the window.

It seems that the letter talked about the problem we are currently facing.

She looks at me, nods solemnly, and quickly dashes out of the library.

Knowing what her nod was about, I simply sighed as I also left the library.

I guess I'll finish my experiments later.


"Listen up! The smoke is spreading all over Equestria!" All over Equestria? I raised a puzzled eyebrow from behind her and looked up at the large cloud covering us with a raised eyebrow. Was the smoke really covering "all of Equestria," or was that just a figure of speech and/or exaggerating things? "But don't worry!" Twilight continued after the ponies' gasps and exchanged concerns. "I just got a letter from Princess Celestia informing me that it didn't come from a fire!"

And how does Princess Celestia know about this? I refrained from wondering as the villagers ahead of us sighed with relief.

"It's coming from a dragon!" more gasps of surprise as a fit of shock and intrigue hit me. "But I urge you all not to panic; this problem will be taken care of as soon as possible!"

So, we'll take care of this, while I still can't use magic?

Seems like there's no rest for poor magic-less ponies like me.


"What in the name of all things cinnamon swirled is an adult dragon doing here in Equestria?"

"Sleeping. According to Princess Celestia he's taking a nap. Her snoring is what's causing all this smoke."

I listened to the girls discuss the beast as I looked out the window at the black smoke spreading across the sky, getting worse as time went on.

So, a sleeping dragon is responsible for all this commotion? It made sense in a way, for though dragons were rarely seen in these parts of Equestria, if their age was advanced, then how much they could affect the environment increased.

"I'll tell you what we're supposed to do: give him a boot" I sighed in exasperation upon hearing the less-than-ideal suggestion from the blue Pegasus.

I scoffed aloud. "Yes, because violence is the ultimate solution to everything. Let me know how that works out for you, Rainbow Dash...as long as you don't become a roasted Pegasus first." I let out a chuckle as I heard the pony's grunt of displeasure.

"Platinum is right, we should encourage him to nap somewhere else. Princess Celestia has given us this mission and we must not fail, if we do, Equestria will be covered in smoke for the next hundred years!"

"Well, that's easier to do than 'give him a boot' as Rainbow says, but it still won't be an easy thing to do." I said as I turned from looking outside to look at the mane 6, seeing that Twilight was organizing her backpack to get ready to leave.

"That's true Platinum, but we should at least try. Besides, who knows, it might be a reasonable lizard." At that I couldn't help but give an amused snort, since the only reasonable lizard I know is Spike. "Anyway, girls, go back to your homes and gather some supplies. We've got a long ride ahead of us, meet back here in an hour."

And so, off the mares went to their homes as Twilight continued to pack.

Although I can't help but wonder, why doesn't Princess Celestia solve this problem? I mean, if it's as big a problem as she's making it out to be, then it would be better if Princess Celestia took care of it instead of Twilight, since it's a problem not only for Ponyville but for all of Equestria, according to her letter.

Will it be a test of some sort? A challenge of some sort? Or will it be for some other reason?

Well, that doesn't matter now, I must go pack.

Before I could head to my room, a voice stopped me. "Platinum." I turned to see the lavender unicorn look at me with a serious look once she stopped packing. "I don't think you should come on this mission."

Hearing what she said, I blinked and tilted my head. "I don't think I heard you right Twilight, but did you just say I shouldn't go on the mission?"

With determination, the mare nodded, meeting my gaze squarely. "You're still not fully recovered from the Ursaminor incident. Your magic hasn't returned, and if things take a turn for the worse, you won't be able to defend yourself or assist us. I can't take the risk of anything happening to you."

I shook my head, not believing what I was hearing. "Twilight, I may not be able to use magic but I'm not useless without it. You can still offer support by giving ideas and strategies. I can't just stand here while you and the girls go off to face that overdeveloped lizard."

Twilight looked down, her voice trembling slightly. "It's not just about your safety. If anything were to happen to you... I'd never forgive myself. You're important to me, Platinum, so please, stay home."

Her words echoed in my head and after deliberating for a few seconds, I sighed and nodded, "Alright Twilight, I'll stay here but if I feel things go wrong, I'll come help you." I said sighing as I looked Twilight in the eyes. "Be careful, you are important to me too and I would die if I knew something happened to you while I was gone."

Upon hearing my response, she sighed with relief and offered me a smile. "Thank you, Platinum. I know it's difficult for you to remain here while we embark on this mission, but it truly means a lot to me knowing that you're staying behind," she said with a gentle smile.

I sighed as I nodded at his words. "You better be careful and take this seriously. This isn't just any problem; it's a dragon and dragons are very grumpy if you interrupt them during their naps." Or so said the book I read about dragons quite some time ago.

Hearing my words, Twilight nodded with a comforting smile. "Don't worry, Platinum. We'll take care of each other. We'll be back before you know it," she said, then enveloped me in a warm hug.

I hugged her back squeezing her a little as it was the first time we were facing an unknown danger like this and I couldn't help. It fills me with uncertainty but I will have to trust them.

After we separated from the hug. Twilight continued packing while I sat on the couch with a sense of regret.

I didn't like this.


After the girls returned, I watched from the window to see the military procedure that was taking place to go to the mission.

Even though I couldn't go, I couldn't be blamed if I watched before they left, could I?

As I watched the mares talk, I couldn't help but notice that Fluttershy was nervous.

Which isn't surprising, I know they are facing a dragon and knowing how fearful Fluttershy can be, then it's not surprising.

Then, as Twilight plans the quickest and safest route to head to the mountain, I see Fluttershy approach Twilight to talk, then I see Fluttershy start to walk away.

That can't be good.

I'm going to cheer her up, it's the least I can do.

Oh well, at least I'm going to try.

Once I open the door and walk out of the library, I can hear Twilight talking. "Oh, and don't worry about your little friends in the meadow, Spike has that covered." I turn to see Spike running after the animals after they know escaped for some reason.

"I don't think he's up to the task. Maybe..." Fluttershy tried to reason with Twilight but Twilight pulled away, making Fluttershy unable to finish her sentence and let out a panicked scream.

Hearing that, I couldn't help but grimace as I approached the panicked mare.

"Hey Fluttershy," I said once I got close enough but that was the wrong thing to say as the mare got spooked and quickly hid inside a bush.

Grimacing and internally scolding myself at what I just did, I crouch down until I was at the same height as the frightened mare.

"Hey Fluttershy." I said quietly as I looked at her through the bush, once she saw who it was that scared her, she came out of the bush with a shy but terrified smile.

"Oh, um, hello there, Platinum," Fluttershy said softly as she emerged from her hiding spot.

Seeing that she was no longer scared, I stood up but kept my voice low, "Is everything okay? You're really scared."

At that, the mare gave me a trembling look, shaking her head. "No, the truth is... I... I... I... I can't face the dragon. I..."

Before she could finish, I spoke "You don't have to explain Fluttershy, I understand." I said as I refrained from putting a hoof on her shoulder, as I didn't want to scare her again.

Fluttershy turned to me, her expression once again filled with surprise. "You do?"

I smiled humorously. "What do you think I felt when I faced Ursaminor the other night? Or when I faced Nightmare Moon the first day I got here?"

"But... you still faced them," Fluttershy pointed out softly, a hint of confusion in her gentle tone. At least she doesn't seem as frightened anymore.

Now, how do I explain it... ah, I know. "Fluttershy, what do you think he courage is?" I said with a soft but loving tone in my voice.

"Erm... well, it's uh... facing something... bravely?" replied the yellow Pegasus, clearly unsure with her own response.

"Close" I said as I put a hoof on her shoulder, causing her to look at me surprised but not scared, which is a good sign. "True courage isn't just about facing something and overcoming it. It's facing something even if you're afraid of it. Fighting to protect the ones you love even if fear runs through your body. That's the true meaning of courage."

I left her side and looked with a smile at the Pegasus, who was clearly taking in my words.

"All right, girls!" I heard a voice behind me say, "Move out!"

Before I could comprehend what's going on, the girls started running, taking Fluttershy with them, causing her to scream as she was forcibly carried up the mountain.

"Good luck!" I shouted as I waved goodbye waving my right hoof.

Now back to the library... and wait for them to return.

This is going to be torture.


"This is torture." I said for the fifth time today as I pounded my head against the table I was working at.

It had been a few hours since the girls had gone to confront the dragon but it felt like more time had passed as I watched the cloud of black smoke billowing across the sky.

I was currently in the library room while I went back to doing my experiments with the rubies, but I couldn't concentrate while Twilight and the others were confronting a dragon.

I knew Twilight was right and that I shouldn't risk it while I didn't have my magic, but I couldn't stop worrying. I'm not useless without my magic! I received training from my father after all, although I admit that most of that training was offensive magic training, but I was still in shape.

I couldn't help but feel a tingling in my horn which was my unconscious way of trying to use magic to teleport to the mountain to help but with a grunt and banging my head against the table helped.

I couldn't let it ruin my recovery process, otherwise the next crisis that occurred might not help why I encouraged my recovery. Besides, I knew that my "fight or flight" process included magic, so if something happened during the confrontation against the dragon or any other danger and I couldn't use my magic, then I could consider myself dead.

I shook my head as I tried to concentrate on my work but it was difficult, although it was also the only thing I could more or less distract myself with.

I tried to help Spike with the animals, but after I fed the birds and hares, they were quiet, with the exception of that rabbit named Angel, but he's another story. In the end I couldn't concentrate on chasing that rabbit and left him to Spike.

Then I tried to read a book to distract my mind, but I couldn't read a single page because my gaze always wandered to the window, towards the mountain.

Then, seeing that it didn't work, I decided to go back to my research while I was in the park and it half helped, since I could half concentrate on what I was doing but I also couldn't concentrate completely since my gaze kept straying to the window, making me make mistakes.

I sighed as I finished carving the gem and pressed it gently, only for my gaze to stray back to the mountain.

Why couldn't I help but feel useless? What happened was not my fault, I ended up solving the problem that two brats caused but I still ended up paying the price with my body.

I'm not proud to have to fight a baby, but when that baby is bigger and quite dangerous for ponies, sometimes there is no choice. At least I refrained from hurting him more than his mild blindness.

Even knowing that, I feel like I was paying for what those kids did. I'm practically useless in combat without my magic and the alternative forms of magic I'm creating are still not useful.

What else should I do? Maybe I should train my body more...

Uh? What's that sound?

My head turned towards the window to see the ruby I was working with, glowing and crashing against the window, in an attempt to break it.

I blinked once, then again, rubbed my eyes and the image in front of me didn't change.

I had done it...

I had done it!

I couldn't help but smile in excitement as I walked over to the window and grabbed the gem with my right hoof.

Only to blink back in surprise as I felt the magic invade my body.

What the...


I couldn't help but let out a scream when I suddenly found myself pushed against the lead, piercing through it and unintentionally breaking it.

When I took a closer look, I was slowly floating above the ground and heading towards the mountain.

Despite the situation, I couldn't help but be happy that my experiment had paid off.

I am taking giant steps, beyond what I could have imagined and much more than I had done in the last 5 years of my research.

Moving and adjusting myself, I managed to move my free hoof towards the gem and pressed it gently, deactivating the rune.

I fell to the ground with a poof, luckily, I wasn't too far from the ground so I didn't hurt myself.

I looked at the gem in my hooves with happiness and some bewilderment.

It worked like a charm!

As I imagined, the great affinity that this gem has with magic made the spell work wonderfully, managing to activate the spell correctly and with the mental order I gave it.

And although the original order I had in my mind was to float on the table, the order must have changed while I was distracted by the situation in question.

Although I didn't expect the gem's magic to act that way with my body, I expected to have to create a separate rune that would cause it to affect my body.

But I can imagine why, and that is due to the fact that the gem is also a great conduit of magic, affecting not only its interior but also its exterior.

While that didn't happen with the book the first time, I know it must be because it was paper in general and paper is not the greatest conduit in the world.

"Platinum?" I hear a voice and as I look back, I can see Spike clutching the rabbit by its ears, looking puzzled at the broken window and then looking at me with confusion clear on his face. "What just happened here?"

I laughed at the clear confusion on his face. "I'll explain in a moment Spike, I just had a breakthrough."

Before Spike could say anything else, he rabbit, taking advantage of Spike being distracted, moved and repeatedly slammed his paws into Spike's face, causing Spike to wince in pain and releasing the rabbit, causing him to run.

Seeing that, I laughed some more as I looked at the window.

Now, how do I fix that?

Instinctively I tried to use magic but before I could get a hit, the spell I was thinking took effect and the window was repaired.

I couldn't help but stare in bewilderment at what I had just done.

I know my magic is supposed to be broken, and I can't use it properly.

Then why...

Then I looked at the gem on my hoof in bewilderment.

Could it have been the ambient magic?

Another question mark to add to the list.

Well, time to get back to work.


"And... done!"

I said as I happily looked at the carved inscriptions on the necklace Rarity gave me.

Once I put the necklace on, I gently touched it and the familiar glow shone on the gem before transferring to me, causing it to float above ground level.

Laughing gleefully, I began to propel myself through the air as if I were swimming.

It definitely wasn't the same as flying but it was something, it felt like I was swimming through the air.

This will help a lot.

Deactivating the rune, I fall gently to the ground. Just in time to hear the front door of the library open.

I turn to look and smile again to see Twilight in the doorway.

"Hey, welcome home." I said as I walked over and gave her a hug.

Twilight's expression shifted slightly to one of surprise before she smiled warmly and returned the hug. "I'm back," she said softly.

After a few seconds, we separated and I looked outside to see the Pegasus cleaning up the black smoke.

"So... I guess it's all settled then?" I ask looking at Twilight, to which she nods and starts heading towards the room, to which I follow her with my eyes.

"Yes, Fluttershy found the courage to confront the dragon and persuaded him to leave the mountain," she explained, pausing halfway down the stairs to glance at me, or rather, at the front door. "Actually, there's someone here who wants to speak with you."

Instantly I turned to see in the doorway the yellow Pegasus standing timidly there.

I gently walked towards her, "Hey Fluttershy." I said with a soft smile.

She smiled back, "Good afternoon, Platinum," she said as she gave me a quick hug, much to my surprise.

After separating from the hug, the mare looked a little flushed from what she just did but was still smiling, "I just wanted to thank you..."

"Thank me? I should thank you Fluttershy, you managed to stand up to the dragon and convince him to leave the mountain." I said with a smile as I saw the sunlight shining brightly, a sign that the black smoke was gone and the problem had been solved.

I turned to look at the Pegasus in front of me to see her shaking her head, "It was nothing, I couldn't just sit by and watch my friends get hurt." She said which made me worry a little, I'll have to ask Twilight for the details later. "But the reason I wanted to thank you Platinum is for him advice you gave me before I went to the mountain."

Aw, I couldn't help but shrug trying to look nonchalant, "I didn't do anything."

"That's not true." The shy yellow Pegasus who disagreed shook her head and pointed at me. "You told me that true bravery is standing up to someone even when you're still afraid. Well, I was afraid, but you made me realize that it was okay to be afraid and still stand up to anyone who wants to hurt your friends. So... thank you Platinum, I mean it."

Wow... hearing her words I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and pride run through my being, knowing that I managed to somehow influence one of my friends so that she could solve her problems fills me with joy, I'm glad I could be of help.

"You're welcome Fluttershy." I gave her a small smile, which she returned.

Then Angel the rabbit came ran down running and climbed on his owner, and after a goodbye they both left.

Looking at the necklace around my neck and then gazing up at the clear sky, I couldn't help but feel that today, despite everything, I had accomplished something.

I'm useful despite everything.


Hi, I hope you liked today's chapter.

I'll be seeing you.

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