
Unicorn destiny: equestria is magcal

Some say that time heals everything and I like to think that I am living proof of that. I lived through a war as a human and ended up dying and being reborn in mlp. But time made me forget all that, that and magic. Being in a half child magic world isn't as bad as some people think, but I wish I could have avoided the plot. But this world is magical and I wanted to be involved in the plot just because. Well, I'll do it my way.

shin_guzman · Komik
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14 Chs

Chapter 3: Ponyville

Hi, I hope you enjoyed the previous chapter.

I know I did rush quite a bit when it comes to the childhood era, but if I'm honest, I just didn't want to focus on it.

Well, that's it, enjoy today's chapter.


This fanfiction was created by a fan for fans for the purpose of improving in the art of writing.

This story can and most likely will have spelling errors.

Any criticism (constructive or not) will be read and appreciated.

This story is not going to be a HIE or G5, it will be tinged to the G4 story, MLP: FIM.


"So, let me get this straight, you were reading one of the stories published on behalf of Princess Celestia, again, and because of that you learned of the possible return of the mare on the moon, the one referred to as Nightmare Moon"

"She is going to return; the prophecy says so."

"Aha, whatever you say princess-"

"Stop calling me that."

"Anyway, after you found out about something that apparently only you noticed, you rushed to text the Princess about it and her response was... Spike."

"Ah yes, here's the letter," Spike said as he pulled the letter out of who knows where, "ahem, 'My dearest, most faithful student Twilight, you know that I value your diligence and that I trust you completely but you must stop reading those dusty old books.'"

"Pff." I couldn't help but snort at the contents of the princess's letter. However, at the annoyed look Twilight shot my way, I burst into laughter, doubling over and leaning against the carriage for support. Spike joined in shortly after, his laughter echoing mine.

We were currently on route to Ponyville in a carriage pulled by two Pegasus guards. Normally, we would have taken the train from Canterlot to Ponyville. However, due to the official nature of our business, we were given special transportation.

It has been two days since Twilight walked, rudely if I may say, into my workshop and asked for my help in stopping the return of the mare in the moon, Nightmare Moon.

Naturally, my initial reaction was to tease her for her cryptic inquiry without providing any context. Her cheeks flushed slightly with embarrassment as she proceeded to fill me in on the details, though I remained skeptical initially. And that brings us to the present moment.

After indulging in laughter for a good minute, I straightened up, only to be met with the mare's unamused expression. "Finished?" she quipped dryly.

Controlling my breath, I nodded and motioned to Spike, that he had stopped laughing before I did because of the look Twilight was giving him.

"Oh yes, ahem, 'My dear Twilight. There is more to a young pony's life than studying, so I'm sending you and the young Platinum Breeze to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year's location, Ponyville. And I have a more essential task for you to complete, make some friends!'"

At the soft whimper that escaped Celestia's protégée, I couldn't help but stifle a snicker.

"Come on, it's not as bad as you're making it sound," I said as I looked at the whining mare leaning against the carriage, who was looking at me with her annoyed look she was getting all the way here, a little because of me another little because of the situation we found ourselves in.

"Look on the bright side, Twilight! Princess Celestia arranged for you two to stay in a library, doesn't that make you happy?" said Spike cheerfully, trying to cheer up the annoyed mare. I was amused and stroked Spike's head, which he accepted by looking at me with annoyance. He doesn't like it when I do that; something about being too big to be patted on the head. Kids, right?

At Spike's words, Twilight couldn't help but perk up suddenly. "Yes, yes it does make me happy! And you know why? Because I know I'm right. We'll go through the preparations as fast as we can and then we'll go to the library to find proof of Nightmare Moon's return," Twilight said earnestly, looking around Ponyville as she said it.

Hearing what she said, I couldn't help but smirk and say, "Oh, what am I hearing, the princess is only planning to fulfill part of the tasks her mentor asked of her? Oh, what would Princess Celestia say if she saw you being so rebellious, my dear Twilight?" I said this in a teasing tone, as I loved to tease her when she was so focused on something like this.

At that, Twilight gave me an annoyed look and said, "First of all, stop calling me that. Secondly, don't call me that either. And thirdly, she said to go over the preparations, both of us, not just me. That also means she wants you to make friends too. Do you want to make friends, Platinum?" asked Twilight with a mocking tone.

I raised my paw to answer her, but stopped myself as I reflected on what she said. The truth is, I don't have many friends besides Twilight and Spike either. One thing I kept from my previous life is that I didn't like being in crowds and was pretty antisocial. "Touché," I said with a smile.

She smiled back, satisfied, and continued, "Besides, I'm her student and I'll do my royal duty, but the fate of Equestria won't depend on me making any more friends. I have enough with the Mr. Wizard here." Twilight said as she pointed at me. Oddly enough, since the beginning of school, I haven't stopped wearing my cloak, and now I also wear a wizard hat, simply to complement it.

Hearing her response, I couldn't help but let out an exaggerated groan and hug my hat to my chest. "It's called following a role, my dear Twilight. I'm an adver-" I began to say with conviction before she interrupted me, putting her helmet over my mouth.

"Don't say it. I'm tired of hearing you say that" Twilight said, visibly annoyed, as she quickly removed her paw from my now slightly drooling mouth. "Did you just lick me?" she asked incredulously.

I replied with a smirk as I stuck out my tongue, enjoying the little prank.

Before things could escalate any further, we arrived at our destination and the Pegasus guards made a sound indicating that we had arrived, we calmly got out of the carriage and Twilight approached the guards, "Thank you, Sirs" she said with a smile, which left the gentlemen satisfied.

Before we could continue our little debacle, Spike hurried up to speak, "Maybe the ponies in Ponyville have more interesting things to talk about," he said as a pink mare with a fluffy mane approached.

Huh, that mare looks familiar... if I remember correctly, she's one of the most commonly featured ponies in the series.

If I'm not mistaken her name was... Ponka, Ponka Peach.

Wait... she wasn't one of the main characters.

But that means... uh oh.

I think I'm on the first episode of the series.

Now I need to read the book of the elements of harmony, there I should say that there are only six elements of harmony, no more, no less.

I really hope that being born here didn't foolishly and forcibly make me an element of harmony, because that would ruin my life.

And this story too.

Before I knew it, Ponka was already in front of us and Spike said, "Come on, Twilight, just try," he said as he pointed at Ponka.

Twilight had a look of uncertainty on her face as she looked between Spike and Ponka, before giving an awkward smile and saying, "am, hello?"

I couldn't find the way she said hello funny, only to be surprised when suddenly Ponka leapt into the air letting out a muffled scream, only to run off, or fly off, to who knows where.

No, wait, she's running.

Huh, what a strange pony this Ponka is.

"Well, that was interesting, alright." He said with a complicated look on his face before he started walking, to which Spike sighed.

I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder, to which he looked at me, "hey cheer up Spike, I can tell things won't be boring around here," I said with a smile, to which he smiled back, then I bent down to get him to climb on top of me, which he did and I proceeded to follow Twilight.

"Summer Sun Celebration: Official Overseer's Checklist, number 1: Banquet Preparations, Sweet Apple Acres." Spike said as we approached a farm, the farm had at the entrance a sign with an apple on it, the farm was quite large, with lots of crop land and some animal houses.

What you would expect from a farm.

"YEEHAW!" we heard a scream that alerted us, causing us to look to where the scream was coming from, and we saw an orange mare with a yellow mane and a cowboy hat was running towards a tree, when it looked like she was about to hit said tree, she suddenly stopped and spun on her legs to proceed to kick the tree, which caused the apples to plummet towards the barrels that were on the ground, to which she proceeded to strike a pose, which I thought was rather strange.

Was she expecting an audience? Or did she see us coming and decide to put on a little show?

Before I could process it, Twilight let out a reluctant sigh and with her head down, proceeded to walk towards the cowgirl mare, "well, let's get this over with" she said as she raised her head again and we followed her.

This mare looks familiar too.

Could she be one of the main characters?

Man, I should have written down my memories of the show, then maybe I wouldn't have trouble remembering what happened at the show.

...yeah, better not, there was too much risk of someone discovering that role and then it would be a complete pain in the ass to explain it.

I'd rather forget things that are yet to come than have it discovered that I had a past life.

Once we approached the cowgirl, this time I decided to do the introduction myself, "good afternoon miss, my name is Platinum Breeze and my partners are Twilight Sparkle and-" I started saying but before I could finish, the mare interrupted me furiously shaking my paw with her two paws.

"Well, howdy-do, Mr. Breeze? And hiya, Miss Sparkle! A pleasure making your acquaintance, I'm Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like making new friends," she said and then proceeded to do the same to Twilight, to which I could only look at her in bewilderment as Applejack was furiously shaking the paw of Twilight now.

"Friends, actually... I... we..." Twilight tried to say, but she couldn't finish because of how intensely Applejack was shaking her hoof.


Then, Applejack stopped and looked at us with a warm smile. "So, what can I do for you folks?" she said, giving us a friendly wink. I glanced at Twilight, who was still shaking her hoof furiously, to the point that Spike had to hop off my back to stop her, not before chuckling at the sight.

Deciding to get on with it, I cleared my throat and said, "Well, actually, we're here to oversee the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration, and as far as we know, you're in charge of the food, right?" I pointed at the cowgirl mare, trying to sound calm despite my fear of another vigorous hoofshake.

"Sure are, sugar! Would you like some samples to try?" Applejack said with a wink, bowing to us. I was about to decline, but Twilight seemed to have another thought.

"Well, as long as it doesn't take too long—" she began, but suddenly, Applejack vanished and a bell started ringing.

I put a hoof to my face as I heard the cowgirl yell, "Soup's on, everypony!" A stampede of ponies appeared from who knows where, dragging us along with them, and before I knew it, we were seated at a large table.

I looked around, bewildered by all this... energy these earth ponies had, before Applejack popped up out of nowhere again. "Now, why don't I introduce y'all to the Apple family?" she said, gesturing to the crowd of ponies grinning at us.

This place sure is lively, though it's not that bad.

Although it's starting to get to me all this chaotic energy they have and now I just want to go home, "I'm sorry, but we're actually in a bit of a hurry here," I said trying to be as polite as possible, as I didn't want to antagonize a family this big just for the sake of it.

But before I could retreat, a mare arrived offering food, and my treacherous tummy decided to rumble in protest, reminding me that I still hadn't had breakfast. "Darn it," I thought as I looked at the food.

"This right here is Apple Fritter, Apple Bumpkin, Red Gala, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Baked Apple..." Applejack began listing, but I tuned her out as I stared at all the food brought by each Apple family member, drool forming at the corners of my mouth.

Damn, my weakness for food.

As the food piled up, I started munching on one of the apple pies they brought, while Twilight and Spike stared in disbelief at the amount of food being served to us.

Between bites, I saw Applejack officially welcome Twilight as part of the family, even pointing at me and Spike when she said it.

Suddenly, Twilight spit out the apple she was eating, which was gross, and said, "Okay, I can see you have the food situation under control, so we'll be on our way."

But before she could make a tactical retreat, a cute voice stopped her. A little filly, whose name I didn't catch, looked at Twilight with sad eyes and said, "Aren't you guys staying for lunch?" She then gave her the most adorable puppy dog eyes.

Twilight, with a shaky voice, replied, "I'm sorry, but we have a lot of things to do." At her words, the entire Apple family let out a collective sigh of disappointment.

Jeez, talk about social pressure. I continued to eat my apple pie, knowing Twilight would cave in soon enough.

And I was right. A few seconds later, she said, "Okay," with a resigned look on her face, to which all the ponies in the surrounding area cheered.

After enjoying a hearty meal, we were back on our way to do the prep checks. This time, Spike was walking on his own paws, and I strolled beside Twilight, amused by the sight of her clearly stuffed.

"Food is checked. Time to look at the weather situation," Spike said as he jotted something down on his report sheet, then looked at Twilight.

"Ugh... I ate too much food," Twilight groaned, waddling along, which amused me to no end.

"No one told you to eat everything that was offered to you, dear," I teased, earning a less-than-amused look from her.

Before we could start bickering again, Spike interjected, "Um, supposedly there's a Pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash who's supposed to clear the sky."

Looking up at the still-cloudy sky, I remarked sarcastically, "Well, this sky certainly looks cloud-free," pointing to the many clouds still overhead.

At that precise moment, zas! A blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane crashed directly into me, throwing us both into a mud puddle. I couldn't help but let out a groan, a mixture of pain and annoyance.

Once the mare got up off me, I stood and gave her a less-than-amused look. Despite her looking oddly familiar, I couldn't help but be annoyed. She just laughed a little and said, "Sorry?" Seeing my unfriendly expression, she took flight and added, "Wait, let me help you." She then headed towards one of the clouds.

Twilight and Spike approached me, with amused looks and I could see Twilight chuckle a little, to which I smiled and shook myself fiercely, dog-like, causing mud to fly out of me and crash into Twilight, causing her to look at me with a less than amused look now.

To which I laughed a little, only to have the Pegasus approach again, with a gray cloud with her, look at us in confusion only to shrug her shoulders and proceed to make it rain on both of us.

Drenched, I looked at the Pegasus mare, who I believe to be Rainbow Dash by the color of her mane, laughing clearly amused with our situation to then say, "Oops, I guess I overdid it a little, Um... uh, how about this?" she said to then fly over the two of us at a high speed, causing a rainbow tornado to form above us, and once it was over I could hear the mare say.

"My very own Rain-Blow Dry patent," she said proudly to then lower herself to the ground as she continued, "No, no, don't thank me, it's been a pleasure," to then look at us, both of us with matching fluffy manes and annoyed looks, to which she proceeded to laugh loudly, to which Spike followed her after seeing us.

I shook myself hard, which thankfully made my mane go back to normal, Twilight mimicked me but it didn't work for her, I guess because of how different our manes were and now I gave her a look but of pity, as it wasn't fun to have a mane like that.

Looking with annoyance at the two who were laughing, Twilight said, "let me guess, Rainbow Dash?" after hearing her name, the Pegasus stopped laughing and stood up proudly.

"The one and only" she said then took flight, this time approaching Twilight with an excited smile, "Why, did you hear about me?"

Twilight replied, "I heard you were in charge of keeping the skies clear." She sighed as the Pegasus turned away, then looked up with a calm smile. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is Platinum Breeze," she said, to which I gave a small bow. "Princess Celestia sent us to check on the weather."

But the mare seemed to lose interest, as she laid back on a cloud as she said, "Yeah, yeah, that's easy, I'll do that in a jiffy after I finish practicing," said the lazy mare.

Before the conversation continued, I walked away, and sat down next to Spike as I let Twilight take care of everything, since knowing how Twilight was, and seeing how Rainbow was, this would be resolved quickly.

And so, it did, after Rainbow proudly proclaimed that she was practicing to become a Wonderbolt, Twilight teased her that she wasn't talented enough to join them because she couldn't keep the sky clear.

In the blink of an eye, the sky cleared completely, leaving Twilight and Spike staring at the sky in disbelief. Rainbow said goodbye, saying she couldn't wait to get to know us better, then gave me a quick wave and left. To be honest, I stopped paying attention to her before she left.

We then proceeded to head to our next location, which was the place where the celebration was supposed to be held to see the decorations, once we got there all that would be missing was the music.

Or at least I hoped so, if there were no more mishaps.

"How beautiful," I couldn't help but notice as I looked around, the place looked pretty well decorated and honestly it looked quite beautiful.

"Yeah, the decorating is going pretty well, this is going to be quick and we'll be in the bookstore in no time," Twilight said as we walked into the shop, then looked at the decorations and said, "beautiful no doubt."

"No..." said Spike suddenly and we looked at him, to see that he had his gaze fixed on something, or rather, someone, "Not the decor, her!" he said as he pointed ahead, where a white mare with a dark purple mane stood.

She looked like she was eyeing some kind of fabric suitable for decoration, I guess, though I didn't pay much attention to her as I was watching the amused reaction to Spike's first crush.

"How are my spines, do they look good?" said Spike to then stare at the mare again, which caused me to snort in amusement and Twilight to roll her eyes in amusement as I proceeded to move my paw quickly in front of him to see if I could get him to react, but no, he was mesmerized by the mare.

Ah~, first love, it's always the one that hits the hardest.

For now, I decided to sit next to him and watch, I'll let Twilight handle this one, it should be fun.

And it was, the mare, who introduced herself by saying her name was Rarity, went berserk after seeing what happened to Twilight's mane and took her to another establishment, which was apparently her clothing store to give her a makeover, even giving her dresses to match.

It was funny until he tried to do the same with me, something about my cloak and hat being out of style or something, and only stopped after hearing we were from Canterlot.

I can't remember the last time I ran away from someone like that, I'm not proud of myself but no one will change my style.

Maybe I'll get rid of the hat though, honestly, I've been thinking about it too but it just goes with the theme I had, a young apprentice of magic discovering a new magic.

...eh, when I think about it now, it sounds stupid.

Anyway, once we distanced ourselves from the place and Spike stopped being so enraptured with her, we headed to the next destination when suddenly we started to hear the sound of birds chirping.

Which made us head in the direction the sound was coming from, which was a yellow Pegasus standing in front of a crowd of singing birds.

Huh, it's funny, neither her nor Rarity bring back memories or look familiar, were they secondary characters or I just don't remember them?

Meh, who cares, honestly, I don't.

Having an identity crisis over memories from over a decade ago won't help me and will most likely just make me overthink things.

The past is the past, let's just focus on the present.

Sure, that knowledge would surely help me in what's to come but what's the fun in knowing what's going to happen? Where's the point in enjoying your life knowing what's coming and what's not?

My life goal is simple, to live my life, later I may write down what I remember from the program but it's not my priority, it's just living my life.

"Hello!" suddenly said Twilight who, during my internal monologue had approached the yellow Pegasus with pink mane, the birds that were singing before had scattered and the poor Pegasus looked scared.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to scare your birds, we're just here to check the music and it's sounding beautiful," Twilight said with a smile.

After the Pegasus landed in front of Twilight, I approached and suddenly there was a sort of awkward silence, at which Twilight looked at me for help, which I proceeded with introducing myself, "I'm Platinum Breeze, and this is Twilight Sparkle, what's your name?" I said looking at her with an encouraging look.

"Um, I'm Fluttershy..." said the pony in a very low tone and barely looking at us.

We shared a look before Twilight tried this time, "Sorry, what was that?" she said with a smile.

"Um, my name is..." she said, this time backing up a bit.

"I didn't understand what you said," Twilight said, trying again.

But instead of answering, all she got out of the Pegasus' voice was some strange squeaks and a sidelong glance at us.

And the silence returned.

How uncomfortable.

Oh, the birds are back.

Seeing that the birds came back, I said: "Well, seeing that the music sounds pretty good and that your bird friends have returned, that means that everything is in order, so we proceed to retire," at that, the Pegasus just let out a little whine, to which we proceed to retire slowly.

Once we get close to the bush where Spike was, Spike comes out of it and Twilight says, "Well, that was easy."

...honey, you summoned Murphy.

Suddenly, I found myself lifted off the ground as I heard the Pegasus exclaim, "A baby dragon! I've never seen one before, it's so adorable!" Spike seemed to puff up with pride at the praise.

The Pegasus continued to enthuse about Spike, to which Twilight decided to pick him up with her magic to retreat, but the Pegasus kept wanting to know information about Spike, so she followed.

Seeing that they were walking away, I hurried to keep up with them and from there until we reached the library where we would be staying, I could only hear the exchange of words going on between Spike and the Pegasus, who I now know is called Fluttershy.

It was the longest and strangest walk I've had all day, and that's saying a lot, since a lot of things happened today.

By the time we got to the library, it was getting dark.

As Spike was about to tell her about the day we had today, Twilight stepped forward and said, "I'm so sorry! How did we get here so fast? This is where we're staying while we're in Ponyville, and my poor baby dragon needs sleep" at that, Spike whined saying he didn't need it but just shut him up by putting his hoof in his mouth.

And no Spike, I'm not taking my hoof off just because you lick it.

Ouch, let alone because you bite it.

Before I knew it, Fluttershy grabbed Spike off Twilight's back and pulled him inside, intending to put him on his bed. But Twilight quickly intervened, pulling Fluttershy out before she could act. Fluttershy muttered a few more things before Twilight slammed the door shut in her face.

At that, she looked at me to see, to which I just shrugged and proceeded to go inside as well, stopping Fluttershy who tried to come in behind me and also slamming the door in her face.

"Huh, what manners." Spike said annoyed.

"Sorry Spike, but I have to convince the Princess that Nightmare Moon is on her way and we're running out of time!" said Twilight looking at Spike who was looking around.

Huh, actually, it was pretty dark.

Where's the switch?

"I just need time alone, so I can study without a bunch of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time." Said Twilight looking around too, "now, where's the light?"

Ah, here's the switch.


Jesus Christ!

Suddenly, as soon as I turned on the light, a bunch of ponies greeted us with streamers, balloons and other party stuff.

At Twilight's sigh of annoyance, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Surprise!" Hey, it's Ponka, "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie..." oh, I guess her name wasn't Ponka but Pinkie, oops, "...and I made this party just for you guys!" said Pinkie cheerfully, "were you surprised, were you, were you? Huh, huh, huh?" she said as she hopped around.

"Very surprised, bookstores are supposed to be quiet," said Twilight with an annoyed look on her face.

Me? I trotted over to the punch room to pour myself a drink because I was really thirsty.

The whole day of today left me thirsty.

Oh, and now they're getting closer.

Apparently, Pinkie kept saying a bunch of words that I decided to ignore while she was "talking" to Twilight, and while Twilight poured herself a drink the pony kept saying a bunch of words a minute.

And all of a sudden Twilight ran off in a rage straight to who knows where.

"Aw, she was so happy she was crying tears of joy!" said Pinkie, misunderstanding Twilight's tears of frustration for tears of joy.

"Hmm, hot sauce" ah no, looks like Twilight took hot sauce by mistake.

Ew, hot sauce doesn't go with sweets.

I proceeded to pour another drink and grabbed them with my magic to head in the direction where Twilight went.

"Hey there, Sugarcube, where ya headed?" Applejack called out, but I was too preoccupied sipping on the juice they served to respond. Instead, I just waved a hoof in farewell and trotted over to Twilight.

Navigating through the three floors took some time, but eventually, I found the room Twilight was hiding in. As I entered, I spotted her attempting to muffle the music with a pillow over her head, though it wasn't particularly loud in the room to begin with.

Closing the door behind me and setting aside my hat, I trotted over to her bed and settled down beside her. Bringing with me a cup of punch from downstairs, I offered it to Twilight, but she swatted it away. Luckily, my magic caught it before it could spill.

Observing her distress, I decided to create a small anti-sound bubble around us. This bubble shielded us from the external noise, leaving only the quiet inside. Twilight peeked out from under her pillow, astonished by the bubble. She then glanced at me, surprised to see my horn glowing with magic.

"Well, did you expect me to spill all the secrets of my spells?" I teased, flashing her a smile.

You see, although I am some sort of a scholar of magic, I should really only consider myself a scholar who continually researches the use of magic, but while researching some way to create the Glyphs, I have created a few spells to my name, some public and some not.

And this was one of the newer ones that was still in the process of creation before today, considering that it can be considered a successful attempt considering how well it works.

You see, even though this world is magical, spells still have to follow some real-world logic.

For example, elemental spells can only be made small with an enchantment, like making a fire or lighting a candle, if you want it to be stronger there must be something to fuel it, which can be your own magic (not recommended) or something else external to you.

Until now, according to my research, no one had created a silence spell, or well, rather, one that left an area where sound could not enter, because it also ends up blocking the air we need to breathe.

It took me a lot of work and months of research, but I was finally able to create this spell, which allows objects to go in and out, like air, but keeping the sound out unless it is one generated inside.

But the sound that is inside cannot be heard outside and vice versa.

The perfect spell for when one wants privacy.

Once Twilight stood up, she pointed her helmet at me and with an intense look said, "You'll have to teach me that spell," to which I just laughed and instead of responding, I offered her again the drink I brought her, which this time she did take.

"Do you want to talk about it, Twilight?" I asked softly, glancing towards the books surrounding her room.

After taking a sip of the drink I brought her, she looked at me in frustration and said, "I should be studying, looking for some proof of Nightmare Moon's possible return. But instead, there's a party here, in the place that was supposed to be a sanctuary for studying. Now I can't concentrate on anything."

Looking at her, I gave her a sympathetic smile and said, "I know things didn't go as planned, but you must also understand that not everything goes as one plans." I used my magic to draw some books that were scattered around.

"I know these books probably don't contain the information you're looking for, but killing your head over this problem won't solve anything. Relax a bit and enjoy yourself before it's time for the celebration. Who knows, maybe Princess Celestia is right," I said as I watched Twilight pick up one of the books. Then, she looked outside, where the night had already risen and the moon was at its peak.

I looked at the moon as well and frowned when I saw it, the figure of the unicorn pony posed on it has always puzzled me and I remember it was one of my concerns several years ago, though right now I can't remember why.

"According to legend..." I snapped back to reality at the sound of Twilight's voice, I looked at her to see that she was reading a brown colored book with a cover of a golden unicorn with diamonds around it, "...on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid her in her escape and she will bring the eternal night," Twilight said then showed me the page she was reading and I opened my eyes at the image that was in the book, it looked very much like the image that was on the moon.

"I want to believe it's all an old fairy tale, like Princess Celestia and the others say, but things seem too much of a coincidence that fills me with uncertainty" she said to then look at me with some fear in her eyes, "what should I do?"

I gave her a little hug, and after we separated, I said, "you are not going to accomplish anything by feeling upset with the whole situation and considering that the book you are looking for is most likely downstairs, the best we can do is wait and pray that things are not that bad" with a smile, I offered her a science book that I saw was in the pile of books I attracted.

With a small smile, she said "You'll still have to teach me this spell, you know?" to which I just snorted, then grabbed a science fiction book that was here, and opened it to read.

Twilight proceeded to do the same, and we continued reading for a few hours, until suddenly the door opens, Spike says something but because of my spell we don't today but before I can undo the spell, he sees us and then backs away, saying something again.

We look at each other but then shrug to go back to reading.

A few minutes later, Spike opens the door again, only this time I undo the spell before he speaks and they say, "Come on guys, it's time to watch the sunrise!"

After dropping the books on the floor, we headed to the place where the ceremony was to be held.

As we entered, there were already several citizens inside but luckily, the place was big enough to fit all the ponies.

As we entered, Spike was perched on Twilight's back, and I trotted beside them, realizing I'd left my hat behind again. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie popped up out of nowhere, chattering away at lightning speed. I couldn't keep up with her rapid-fire words, so I just tuned her out and focused on the task at hoof.

Only to stop just in time for the show to start, with Fluttershy's little birds singing, the ceremony began.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts, as the Mayor of Ponyville, it is my greatest pleasure to announce the start of the Summer Sun Celebration!" at her words, all the ponies began to celebrate.

"In just a few moments, our city will witness the magic of the sun and celebrate this day, the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the pony who gives us the sun and the moon every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony in all of Equestria, Princess Celestia!" she said to then step aside for the curtains to open, but when they opened them all they found was....


"This can't be good," I heard Twilight say and could only nod as I braced myself.

"Stay calm, everypony, there must be a rationalizable explanation," the mayoress said trying to calm the nervous crowd.

"Uh, uh! I love guessing games! Is he hiding?" said Pinkie Pie as she looked around.

"She's gone!" said Rarity after returning from looking for the Princess.

At that news, all the ponies exclaimed in surprise.

"Uh, she's good!" said Pinkie Pie, before screaming as she saw a blue mist appear from the place where the Princess should be.

And out of that mist formed a pony, with a mane made of the same mist, black in color, with wings and horn, a suit of armor and a Cutie Mark that looked like the moon, she was....

"Oh no, Nightmare Moon!" said Twilight, looking fearfully at the pony.

I just kept getting ready, ignoring Spike's overreaction of fainting.

"Oh, my dear subjects! It's been so long since I've seen your precious sun-worshipping faces!" said the moon mare looking around at everyone.

"What did you do with our Princess!" said Rainbow who looked ready to fight the alicorn, only prevented by Applejack.

At that, Nightmare Moon let out a cruel laugh to say, "Why, I'm not enough royalty for you, don't you know who I am?"

"Uh, uh, more guessing games. Um... Pokey Smokes, or how about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty...!" said Pinkie only to be silenced by Applejack.

"Doesn't my crown count now that I was imprisoned for thousands of years? Don't you remember the legend? Didn't you see the signs?" she said moving closer to the ponies standing near her, which oddly enough were Rarity and Fluttershy.

"I did" oh, why you had to talk Twilight, now her attention is on you.

Hopefully, she hasn't noticed me.

"And I know who you are, you're the mare in the moon, Nightmare Moon" Twilight finished saying.

"Well, well, well, a pony remembers me, then you know why I'm here too," said the evil Princess.

"You're here to... to..." started to say Twilight but couldn't finish.

At Twilight's fearful look, the mare just laughed evilly and said, "remember this day, little ponies, because this will be the last time, from this moment on, night will reign forever!" she said before laughing villainously as her fur went crazy.

And out came thunder as well.

Huh, what a crazy thing to do.

The mayor, showing courage, declared, "Seize her! She's the only one who knows where the Princess is!" Hearing this, the Pegasus guards, tasked with escorting the Princess, swiftly moved toward her.

To which, the evil Princess replied, "Stay back, you foals!" she said to then use her magic to control the lightning bolts she was generating to strike the guards.

And the guards were down.

Seeing my chance, I fired a huge laser at her that generated a force field around her, aiming to keep her in prey.

But it seems I overestimated my capabilities, as she broke it with her horn, before turning into mist and lunging towards me.

Luckily, I moved quickly and now the Princess takes the place where I was.

Come on, the battle lessons I had with my father can't be in vain.

Generating fireballs in a ring around me, I threw them at her, but she generated a shield around her, causing the spell to hit the shield and do nothing.

I started firing powerful lightning bolts at her that usually go through normal shields, but the Princess's shield stiffened.

Such is the difference between our power? The difference between a unicorn and an alicorn?

Well, I'm [Beep].

The mare let out an evil laugh and turned misty and lunged at me again, only this time she did manage to catch me in it and take me with her into the dark sky.

I swear I could hear someone screaming my name before we were in the dark sky.

...now what? I can't move and I have no idea where we're going.

Well, it can't be very far.

Eventually, we come to some sort of dark castle and as soon as we get there, he throws me to the ground only to leave again.

Oi, where do you think you're going?

Ugh, it's not worth it. She's gone.

Looks like I'm in her throne room, considering the shape of this place.

I don't think she'll be long in coming back considering I'm here, so I must prepare a spell to attack her this time, not imprison her.

I should at least be able to inflict some damage on her, right?

When she reappeared, she appeared on her throne laughing evilly but I was prepared and cast my spell on her, which was basically a giant lightning bolt.

But she dodges it by turning to mist, and again my spell was ineffective.

Before I could do anything else, she exclaimed, "Get down, you silly pony!" With a swift and powerful spell, she tossed me, pinning me to the ground

"You're quite brave to challenge me like that, little pony, and you're not doing too bad for an untrained soldier," she said, circling around me like a predator eyeing its captured prey. "But alas, your efforts were in vain, and now you are at my mercy."

"In your dreams, Nightmare Moon," I declared, my eyes blazing with determination.

She responded with nothing more than a cold, calculating smile. Then, as the mist began to swirl around me, I felt an overwhelming drowsiness creeping in.

"Now, sleep, little pony," she mocked, her voice dripping with derision. "I'll deal with the fools who dare to approach."

"You'll... you'll... fall..." I managed to murmur, my voice trailing off as sleep overtook me.


I started to wake up, feeling quite cramped around me.

Ugh, why can't I get up.

...ah yeah, I'm trapped by the spell that Nightmare Moon put on me, and I can't even move, only my head and is just a little, I can't even feel my magic.

What kind of spell is this?

"Ah, I see you're awake" said my captor, who was walking towards me from her blue haze.

"Good morning, Moonie. Could you untie me, please?" I asked, looking up at the mare before me.

"Amazing. Even when you're helpless before me, you show no fear," the villainess remarked, her eyes narrowing as she studied me.

"The only one I'm afraid of is my mother when she's angry, and you're definitely not her," I replied, glancing at her from the corner of my eye.

She narrowed her eyes further, her gaze sharp and intense. "You will learn to fear me, my stubborn pony. Very soon," she said, her voice even but carrying a hint of menace.

Her threat didn't faze me. After all, I'd been through worse situations than this—twice.

Both times were in my old world, and both times I had narrowly escaped with my life.

But the point is, her threat doesn't scare me in the slightest.

"I thought it would be rude not to inform you: the girl who knew about me and her allies—your friends, I suppose—have arrived in the Everfree Forest. They're desperately searching for some pathetic, useless stones," she said, pointing a hoof towards her throne, which was shaped like a sphere. Huh, what a strange throne.

With her mist, she formed an image showing what Twilight and the others were doing. It looked like Rarity and Fluttershy were the main characters in this scene. Who knew?

"Why doesn't it have sound?" I wondered aloud. "Is that the extent of your spell? It shows what a person is doing but not what they are saying?"

"Your questions won't save you or these fillies," she retorted. Aw, but I was curious. "Unless, of course, you listen to my proposal."

"...And what might that be?" I had a suspicion, but I wanted to hear it from this evil dictator herself.

"If you value the lives of these ponies and all the other silly ponies in Equestria, you need to do one simple thing."

"...I'm listening, for now."

With a cocky grin, she said, "You're a pretty brave pony and have a strong grasp on magic, little stallion. Join my side, Platinum Breeze. Be the captain of my royal guards, and no one in Equestria will be able to stop us!" she exclaimed dramatically, thunder rumbling out of nowhere, again.

"...How do you know my name? I never told you," I said uncertainly.

"One of the mares in that group said your name, mentioning that you were due for rescue. You're the only pony I kidnapped," she replied. Aw, I knew Twilight cared about me.

"Anyway," I said, "I appreciate your... lovely offer, but I need time to think about it." Or rather, time to think of a way to escape, because I had no intention of betraying my friends. Besides, being a villain is no fun.

She looked at me, then turned away and walked towards her strange, spherical throne. "Then by all means, consider it. But I warn you, if you refuse, it will be the last time you act charitably. I sincerely hope you make the right decision. In the meantime, watch as I deal with these pests."

With a wicked grin, the mare transformed into mist and vanished, off to confront the ponies.

Now, with no distractions, I needed to concentrate on a plan. I hoped Twilight and the others weren't in too much danger from whatever Nightmare Moon had in store for them.


Uh, they've done well so far.

They each have a talent for something, a unique talent no doubt, and each used it to stay ahead of the situation they were in was pretty unique.

Like when they faced that scorpion lion with wings, I've never seen anything like that in my life.

Well, face to face, but if I had read about them, a manticore, it was a pretty dangerous creature.

Although it was reduced to a small puppy by the animal tamer, Fluttershy.

Then they had to solve some silly problems, at least from my point of view. First, there was that "scary" forest, which, honestly, the only frightening thing about it is how ugly it looks. Then, they encountered a sea serpent with a seriously messy mane.

All the problems seemed to be easily solved for them, while I struggled to find a way out of this spell, let alone a plan to escape my predicament. And wouldn't you know it, right on cue, Nightmare Moon returned.

"So, you've made your decision, my little friend," the moon monarch declared dramatically upon her return.

Without a plan in sight, I decided to mentally shrug and improvise. "If I may say so, you look pretty frustrated. Those 'pests' managed to foil your plans without fail."

Upon hearing my words, she gave me an unimpressed look and approached me with a threatening tone. "Judging by your tone, I gather you've decided to reject my offer."

I met her gaze with a look of apology and defiance. "I'm sorry, but not sorry enough to betray everyone I know for a dictator."

"Mmm, too bad," he said as he glared at me, though his tone didn't say as much, "Then, you're useless to me. As soon as your friends arrive, they will witness your swift demise.

"Hmm, whatever you say, crazy dictator," I retorted, trying to sound unthreatened even though I was somewhat afraid for my life.

"Crazy? Is that what you think, Platinum Breeze?" Nightmare Moon responded, her voice dripping with disdain. "Let me make it clear that I am not crazy. I am simply the perfect monarch this land needs..."

"No," I interrupted firmly.

"Excuse me...?" she replied, clearly taken aback.

"I said no," I repeated, ignoring the death stare she was giving me. "Do you know what you are, Nightmare Moon? A fool who doesn't understand how things really work. If you think ruling the night entirely will do any good, you're mistaken."

"That's what you think, Platinum Breeze, but the ponies will learn to live and respect the eternal night or suffer its wrath," she countered.

"That's exactly what will happen in the end, until there's nothing left," I asserted, my tone unwavering. "I don't know if being trapped in the moon has affected your knowledge or if you're just ignorant of this fact, but without the sun, without the light of day, all life in Equestria will perish. Without sunlight, all plants will die, and without plants, there will be no food for the sentient creatures of this world. All will die, leaving only a desolate, lifeless wasteland."

And I don't want that to happen, I already lived in a world like that and it was horrible, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let that happen to this magical world.

"Then so be it," say what now? "if they can't appreciate and adapt to the beautiful darkness, then let it be their doom."

"Don't you see?" I exclaimed, disbelief coloring my words. "It will be just like on the moon! With nothing living, with no one around, everything will become a desolate wasteland, just as it was on the moon! Eternal darkness brings nothing but desolation and sadness. We need the light and warmth of the sun for Equestria to thrive, for all creatures to live and be happy. Do you honestly wish to be left alone, for all eternity, with no way to fix it? Again?"

"...It's not about me being alone," Nightmare Moon responded, her tone defensive. "I don't need anyone to pity me or anything else useless." Despite her words, I could sense a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes. It seemed that what I was saying was having an effect on her. "If in the end I'm the only one who respects the night, so be it."

"That's not true, Luna, and you know why?" I said in a determined voice.

"Hmm, indulge me."

"Because I respect the dark too," I said at her surprised look. "Both light and darkness play a crucial role in the fabric of our world. Light brings us hope and joy, but darkness teaches us patience and allows us to reflect. Without both, the balance would vanish, leaving a void in our hearts and in our beloved land, I understand that your sister understands that...and you can understand that too."

"...What are you suggesting?" I can't believe I am really getting through to her, I really didn't expect her to listen to me, but if I can get through to her, I will be able to solve this matter without the need for violence.

"Go back to being the mare you once were, Princess Luna. The respected and loved mare you have always been. Let go of the pain and anger you carry in your heart. You are and will be forgiven, drive away the eternal night, let go of the past and return to who you were." I said hoping to reach her.

I was being as sentimental and inspirational as I could be, pulling out the words that came to mind in hopes of reaching this mare, but if I succeeded, there would be no need for the elements of harmony and then I can be completely free of any isekai cliché I can get myself into.

I still don't know if it's going to happen, but better safe than sorry.

After what seemed like an eternity with the two of us staring at each other, the reluctant mare was the first to look away, turning away from me, "It's too late for that..." was her calm response, with a hint of finality.

But I wasn't about to give up, being so close.

"It's never too late for redemption," I said with a soft tone in my voice, "Come back to us, Princess Luna, your sister needs you."

"She never needed me."

"I don't think so."

"Then you are a fool to believe otherwise," was his short and blunt reply.

At that, I just smiled, "I know."

Just as he was about to open his mouth to continue this endless argument, he suddenly stopped and raised his head, squinting from what I could see, and before I could say anything, he disappeared. Most likely to the direction where Twilight and the others were.

I sighed in disappointment, in the end, I couldn't reach her.

I guess I'll leave the rest to you, Twilight.


I couldn't help but smile when I saw that Twilight and the others had found the stones, which as far as I could see were only 5.

So far, so good.

Then, because Twilight was too focused on the stones, she couldn't react in time to the violet tornado that took the stones, not being able to prevent the stones from now being in the power of the moon monarch.

But that also didn't stop Twilight from jumping at the last minute into the tornado, disappearing as well.

That was the last thing I saw before the spell showing me what was going on disappeared, replaced by evil laughter as Nightmare Moon reappeared before me, the stones floating around her in her grasp. And there, in front of her, stood Twilight, looking utterly shocked at the Princess of the Night.

It's kind of difficult to make out what's happening, considering I'm behind Nightmare Moon, her body blocking my vision. But I can catch glimpses of the scene unfolding before me.

Twilight, with a look of determination, assumed a stance to attack. I suppose she hasn't noticed me yet, though given my position, it's not too surprising.

"You're kidding," I don't think Moonie is, considering how determined Twilight is, "You're kidding, right?"

In response, I could see her horn light up with magic ready to be cast, and Twilight charged, I could see in response the alicorn preparing to defend herself, then launching into the attack as well.

I'm not worried though, because while Twilight can be quite reckless at times, she's also very smart.

And I knew it, as soon as Nightmare Moon got close enough to her, Twilight teleported in front of me, or rather in front of the stones.

Though that didn't stop her from gasping when she saw me in my predicament. "Hello, Twilight," I greeted casually, trusting her to understand.

"Are you okay, Platinum?" she asked with concern. At my nod, she sighed in relief before redirecting her attention to the stones. "Just a spark..." she muttered, focusing on the scattered stones on the ground.

I didn't quite grasp what she was trying to accomplish, but I had faith in Twilight's abilities. "Come on, come on!" she urged, her magic beginning to influence the stones. But before she could complete whatever she was attempting, Nightmare Moon appeared before her, sending her flying.

Despite the interruption, it seemed Twilight's efforts had some effect, as the elements briefly flickered with energy before shutting down.

"But... where's the sixth element?" Twilight exclaimed in disbelief, her hopes dashed as Nightmare Moon laughed cruelly, destroying the stones with a forceful stomp.

"You little foal! You thought you could defeat me? Now, you'll never see your Princess or the sun again! The night will be eternal!" Nightmare Moon declared triumphantly, her mane crackling with dark energy once more.

No, this couldn't be the end. "Twilight, don't give up!" I urged her, my voice filled with determination. "Believe in yourself and the others. Together, you can overcome anything!" My words seemed to resonate with her, reflected in the determination shining in her eyes.

"What a nice little speech, you defiant pony," Nightmare Moon mocked, her laughter echoing around us. "But you're wrong. Without the Elements of Harmony, there's nothing that can stop me!"

"You think you can destroy the elements of harmony, just like that?" at that, the villain stopped his laughter and looked at the mare who was speaking, "Well, you're wrong, because the spirits of the elements of harmony are right here!"

At that, the crystals reacted to his words and rose up, much to the moon mare's disbelief.


"Applejack, who reassured me when I had doubts: he represents the spirit of honesty!" said Twilight confidently, to which one of the broken crystals surrounded her.

"Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion-" which was epic, "-represents the spirit of kindness!"

"Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by laughing in the face of danger, represents the spirit of laughter!

"Rarity, who calmed a distressed snake with a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of generosity!"

"And Rainbow Dash, who couldn't abandon her friends despite her heart's desire, represents the spirit of loyalty!"

And there's only one element missing, right? Please, please, please let it be so.

Don't pull a seventh element out of nowhere please.

"The spirits of these five ponies helped us overcome every challenge you threw!" and several of those challenges were more dangerous than others, like the one with the manticore.

"You still don't have the sixth element, the spark didn't work!" said the nervous monarch of the night, to which I couldn't help but laugh, knowing she was [Beep]ed up, though it annoyed her, "What are you laughing at, you silly stallion?"

"But it did, a different kind of spark," Twilight said as she turned to look at her friends, "I found it at the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you, the spark ignited inside me, when I realized you are my friends!" yuck, that sounded corny enough but I still couldn't help but smile.

Now a bright light appeared above us, the sixth element, which descended upon Twilight who looked at the element in amazement.

"You see, Nightmare Moon, when these elements are ignited by the spark that resides within our hearts, it creates the sixth element, the element of magic!" said Twilight and suddenly a bright light blinded me....

Ouch! Why is the light so strong? That hurts.

I closed my eyes since I couldn't cover them a When the light finally dimmed, I cautiously opened my eyes. I witnessed the elements merging with their bearers, creating necklaces for them and a crown for Twilight, for some reason, and then the rainbow emerged from them to descend in the direction of Nightmare Moon, who panicked and could only scream.

"Noooooooo!" screamed Nightmare Moon when suddenly the rainbow... enveloped her in a kind of tornado... that was weird.

Now to get my eyes closed again for the suddenly bright light.

Hmm, wait, I can move again.

Ugh, it feels good to stretch after being stuck in the same restrictive pose for so long was awful.

Oh, and I got my magic back, sweet!

Moving my body, I quickly verified that everything was working in order and once I saw that it was, I smiled and walked over to the group of mares who were lying down after their first use of the elements.

Haha, good thing I didn't become a stupid seventh element of harmony, now I can be at peace.

"Oooh! My head!" groaned a certain blue Pegasus in pain.

"Everypony okay?" Applejack inquired, scanning the group.

"All good on my end," I confirmed as I approached the group.

"PLATINUM!" a voice exclaimed, and suddenly I found myself enveloped in a hug that nearly took my breath away. When I looked to my side, I saw it was Twilight, squeezing me tightly.

"Hey, Twilight, let me breathe, please," I said awkwardly, not accustomed to such affectionate gestures. Fortunately, she released me soon after, and I glanced up at her, noticing the crown atop her head.

"Hey, now it looks like you're a real princess, Twilight," I remarked with a touch of humor. Though she initially gave me a dry look, she soon smiled.

"I'm glad to see you're okay. I was worried when I saw Nightmare Moon kidnap you," she said calmly, her gaze fixed on me.

I shrugged, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the attention. "Eh, I'm fine. That's what matters. And would you look at that? You guys turned out to be the representatives of the spirits of harmony," I remarked, glancing at them with a small smile. They seemed excited about their new trinkets.

"Wow Twilight, at first I thought you were just talking a lot of nonsense, but I guess I really think we represent the elements of friendship," I said,

"Indeed, you do," uh, where did that come from? Oh, from there.

Suddenly, a glowing orb came through the window, before disappearing and revealing the ruler of our land, Princess Celestia.

At that, the ponies, including myself but excepting Twilight, bowed to her while Twilight was happy to see her.

As they began chatting amongst themselves, I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from the mare who had taken Nightmare Moon's place: Princess Luna.

She's... smaller than I thought, compared to how she was before and compared to her sister.

"Now alone with another will," uh, ah I distanced myself from the world a moment ago, I looked over to see Princess Celestia, who looked at her sister, "Princess Luna" who woke up at the sound of her sister's voice.

"It's been a thousand years since I've seen you like this," she said as she approached her sister, "it's time to put our differences behind us, we are destined to rule together, little sister."

"Sister?!" the mares said in surprise, only to look up at me seeing that I was not surprised.

As they gazed at me, I couldn't help but feel puzzled. "I already knew," I stated, which elicited looks of disbelief from them. This, in turn, only deepened my confusion. "Wait, you didn't know?" I asked incredulously. They denied it, which I found rather amusing, especially considering Twilight's denial. "Twilight, it literally says so in the story you read," I pointed out. Twilight slipped into a pensive state before realization struck her, prompting her to slap her forehead in embarrassment.

Turning back to the scene, I witnessed the heartwarming embrace between the two princesses. Pinkie Pie, moved by the touching moment, began to shed tears, only to abruptly stop and exclaim, "Hey, do you know what this calls for?

Now what.


A party.

Of course it had to be a party.

Look, I have nothing against parties, normally, but right now I'm really tired and sore. I just want to go to bed and sleep.

Although I couldn't help but feel happy when Spike hugged me as soon as he saw me.

"I thought you'd be celebrating, Platinum," a voice said coming closer. I turned to see Twilight approaching me.

"Right now, I'm feeling pretty tired and sore from the whole thing. I just want to go to sleep," I said, and then I took a good look at her and noticed that she was slumped over. "Everything all right, Twilight? You look a little down."

"Indeed, why so sad, my faithful student?" Ah! I couldn't help but jump in surprise because I didn't notice the huge alicorn approaching out of nowhere. "Aren't you glad your quest is over and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?"

"That's just it," Twilight confessed, looking down at the ground. "Just when I learned how wonderful it is to have several friends... I have to leave them..."

Ouch, your words hurt me, Twilight, but I also understand your feeling. It's not easy to have to leave those you've grown attached to. In my case, I can't help wanting to go home and sleep in my comfy bed, then go back to my studies.

"Spike! Make a note!" Said the princess, to which he pulled out some paper and a pen from who knows where. "I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn Twilight Sparkle shall take on a new mission for Equestria: she is to continue studying the magic of friendship. She is to report her findings to me, from her new home... Ponyville."

I couldn't help but be a little surprised for that but then I smiled as Twilight's new friends came over to celebrate the news with her.

"Oh, thank you, Princess Celestia, I'll study harder than ever!" oh please, like you don't study a lot anyway.

But regardless, I found myself smiling, happy for Twilight.

Now I just had to go to bed.

"And what will you do, young Platinum, now that the mission I gave you two is over?" said Princess Celestia, and now everyone was staring at me.

Ah, it would be wrong of me to say that I just wanted to go home to sleep.

Considering the pleading look Twilight was giving me, I guess so.

Ah, [Beep] the social pressure.

I took a deep breath and smiled, "Well, I guess I'll be able to stay a little longer in Ponyville, because of Twilight and I can always continue my research here, so it's not that much of a problem,"

Twilight's smile brightened even more, and the other ponies cheered.

Ugh, what did I get myself into.

Being hugged by Twilight and the other girls, I could only sigh as I accepted it.

Can I go to sleep now?


And that's it.

Long chapter.

I hope you enjoyed it.