
Chapter Ten

Becca!!!!! Emily shouted my name downstairs, I was lying on the bed reading, she rushed up to me "you have a parcel" she announced holding up a huge envelope, "what that I asked returning to my books, " it for you, you should open it" she said stretching out the envelop "who sent it"   asked still without looking up, "Sam!I looked up immediately and saw her smile, I couldn't stop myself now for collecting it from her, she sat beside me, " Go on open it, maybe it could be a marriage proposal" she giggled "yeah your marriage proposal" I turned to give her a mean stare, what could be inside it, I hesitated for a moment before tearing the envelop slowly, "oh! my God! Emily screamed, " such a huge sum of money" she still said in shock, feeling speechless, I rushed to my phone dialing his number immediately, "How did you like my surprise" he said without allowing me to speak, "I... I ...never asked you for money, you don't....." hey! hey! calm down, you needed it right I know you needed money for your father illness so I wanted to help" he persisted, "But I didn't ask for your help" I heard him speaking to someone at the other end, "Becca I will call back, he replied before cutting the call, I felt chill, realizing it was his voice that had warm me and chill at the same time, I dropped my cell phone and stare back at the money in the bed, " so..... what did he said"  Emily asked, speechless all I could do was shrugged.

"Father! I called, sitting next to him, he looked up and patted my hand, the hospital is coming to check up on you" I voiced, "Rebecca!!! am OK I don't have to go to the hospital" he replied trying to appear calm "I have already pay in some bill for your treatment" he turned to scare at me in shock "why! he almost screamed, " I don't need treatment, I will be fine" now their were tears in my ears, "please Dad, don't refuse my help, I also have responsibility to you, am your daughter, I can't watch you suffer while i read, I can't please don't refuse, I was already sobbing" he didn't speak for a while, then I felt his hand patting my back, "you know you didn't need to bother yourself" I looked up at him  now drying my tears with my palm, "I can't study medicine, if I couldn't afford to treat me Dad, I smiled at him. The doctor came to administer treatment to him later, I watched my mum shed tears of joy, she hugged me the whole time we watch him receiving treatment from the doctor, " he need some rest for sometime now, he's going to be alright, don't make him to worry or stress "  "of course" mum replied, showing her gratitude to the doctor, I watched my mum sit next to my patting his hand and smiling down at him, "you're going to fine" she weep, I just can't wait to speak to Sam.