
Chapter Nineteen

"Your parents?  I asked not taking my eyes from his face   " yes, you're now my fiancee, so I need to make a proper announcement and also you need to inform your parents as well" I couldn't hold the tears that have started slipping from my eyes. "Why are you crying" he wiped it away with the back of his palm, I just shook my head, he used his finger to stretch the edge of my lips "Smile, that what you should be doing now, I hate seeing tears in your eyes" I hugged him tightly ignoring my shyness "I love you"  "and I will show you how much I do" he winked making me blush. Flipping me under him and using his hand to support his weight, he showed me more than I can never imagine.

We had our lunch on the outside on the terrace, overlooking the city. It was such a beauty, I felt alive and whole. He adores me with kisses and praise. But what would his parents say about a middle-class girl like me, I wasn't rich like them, so would they accept as their daughter_in_law or......."What's wrong" Sam asked breaking through my thought. I looked up at him, the man that has made me whole, that has shown happiness and love. "Am thinking about your parents, would they accept me" he stood up reaching for my hand and drawing me to his arm. "Don't let it bother you, I will take care of everything, just know that I love you and that final, he kisses me, savoring in his taste I decided not to be bothered or worry about anything. 

He drove me to my hotel, not wanting to leave his side, I just wanted the day to prolong with him by my side. " am waiting for my goodbye kiss" he said frowning his face I reached out and peaked him, feeling his warm skin on my lips, I didn't want to leave but I couldn't stay either, today was the last day of our vacation and I don't want to be missing "Goodbye" I said getting down and heading inside thank God everyone was busy making their final memories and preparation to leave. "Oh, God!! I have been trying your number" Nancy spoke out in relief when she opened the door for me, she checked outside to see if anyone was looking before shutting it, "why didn't you come home last night!      " I was... "You made me worry, even when I tried calling your number it was switched off".  " Am sorry I should have let you know that I was staying the night". "That not what am worried about, the supervisor has come down yesterday to make sure everyone was present you weren't there, so I told him you weren't feeling fine, he would be here any second to check". Immediately there was a knock on the door. " it here! I dropped my bag on the bed covering it with a blanket and watch Nancy opened the door with a smile on her face. "Good afternoon sir" she greeted making way for him to step inside. He didn't even spare Nancy a glance, just scanning me from my head to toe. My heart pounded rapidly in my chest. God, please save me, if it was ever found out that I snuck out of the hotel, I was going to get expelled. It was the risk I took just to be with Sam "How are you feeling now" he asked with his hands on his back. "Fine, am feeling much better now" u answered trying to keep calm. "Alright, he nodded turning to scan the room. " Today is our last day in this vacation make sure everything is well packed" he spoke turning back to stare at me again before walking out. Immediately Nancy shut the door, I slumped on the bed relief that he didn't found out because if he has......my education......no I wasn't going to think about the risk I have taken, placing my hand on my chest I let my mind dwell on my night together with Sam.

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